WANTED: A bunch of pretentious b*****ds to form band. Must have creative differences and inability to work with one another for more than two albums in a row.
Sometime, late last night, I was involved in the creation of the Moody Noobs...or possibly the Nooby Blues...or maybe the Knights in White Satin, I don't quite recall.
Anyway, I have now consumed enough liquor to create this: the official thread of the prog archive's unofficial band. Naturally, since we're grounded in all corners of the globe, we'd come in here to discuss our epic (whatever that will be), before perenially going our seperate ways and recording solo.
I am, in fact, an average guitarist who writes crumby psychodelic folk songs from time to time. HOWEVER, for the band, I am willing to claim to be a classical virtuosso with the ability to simply crap out stuff like Still...You Turn Me On on a regular basis. Who else is in?
And does this make any sense in the context?