As I am over 50 yrs of age - I would certainly be able to know which Artistes I have purchased over the years - the majority are on an 33!/3 rpm; and the singles are at 45rpm. The classics are at 78rpm. Since the 1980s when the Computer chip was invented - Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81, followed by a BBC Micro 32K and a Commodore 64K and an Amiga A500, and finally an Amiga A1200, are just the home computers I have purchased, over the years.
When it came down to it, the PC proved to be the cheapest system, and offered far more than the BBC and the Amiga A1200 together (I have 3 of these + 8yrs of Magazines and nearly 1000 disks of original software). Ron, where are you - your 64bit music creations - made the CDR 64 the best home computer system that outsold the rest.