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ken4musiq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 09 2006 at 23:35

They did make a short version of Watcher of the Skies, but it didn't get much airplay, so perhaps with that one they tried to make it into a pop song, but it wasn't 'popular' hence wasn't a pop song.>>


Thanks for answering that question.  I was going to ask if they ever released it as a single and if they did did they cut out the opening organ solo. 

Pop song has nothing to do with the idea of "popular,in the sense of mass appeal  At this time, pre-rap, circa 1885-1990, pop is defined by specific structures and practices that have to do with the tradition and audience expectation.  The most common structure from Tin Pan Alley is the aaba structure, also known as aba.  Both Watcher and Roundabout have this structure. It is no accident.  these guys knew their pop music. 


look and learn

Fascinating Rhythm


Fascinating Rhythm, 
You've got me on the go! 
Fascinating Rhythm, 
I'm all a-quiver. 


What a mess you're making! 
The neighbors want to know 
Why I'm always shaking 
Just like a flivver. 


Each morning I get up with the sun -- 
Start a-hopping, 
Never stopping -- 
To find at night no work has been done. 


I know that 
Once it didn't matter -- 
But now you're doing wrong; 
When you start to patter 
I'm so unhappy. 


Won't you take a day off? 
Decide to run along 
Somewhere far away off -- 
And make it snappy! 


Oh, how I long to be the man I used to be! 
Fascinating Rhythm, 
Oh, won't you stop picking on me?

Watcher of the skies


Watcher of the skies watcher of all
His is a world alone no world is his own,

He whom life can no longer surprise,
Raising his eyes beholds a planet unknown.

Creatures shaped this planet’s soil,
Now their reign has come to end,
Has life again destroyed life,
Do they play elsewhere, do they know
More than their childhood games?

Maybe the lizard’s shed it’s tail,
This is the end of man’s long union with earth.

Judge not this race by empty remains
Do you judge God by his creatures when they are dead?

For now, the lizard’s shed it’s tail
This is the end of man’s long union with earth.

From life alone to life as one,
Think not now your journey’s done
For though your ship be sturdy, no
Mercy has the sea,
Will you survive on the ocean of being?

Come ancient children hear what I say
This is my parting council for you on your way.

Sadly now your thoughts turn to the stars
Where we have gone you know you never can go.

Watcher of the skies watcher of all
This is your fate alone, this fate is your own.



I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ’n’ out
You change the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
In and out the valley

The muses dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
In and out the valley


In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they
Stand there
One mile over we’ll be there and we’ll see
Ten true summers we’ll be there and
Laughing too
Twenty four before my love you’ll see I’ll be
There with you

I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distance atmosphere
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
Even in the valley

Roundabout has this wonderful contrasing bridge section that brings you back to the basic structure, oh, afterthe big jam session,  and it ends with a coda.  Is somebody going to argue that this is a sonata rondo form?

Along the drifting cloud the eagle searching
Down on the land
Catching the swirling wind the sailor sees
The rim of the land
The eagle’s dancing wings create as weather
Spins out of hand
Go closer hold the land feel partly no more
Than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time a thousand answers
By in our hand
Next to your deeper fears we stand
Surrounded by a million years

I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ’n’ out
I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ’n’ out

I’ll be the roundabout
The words will make you out ’n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
In and out the valley

Edited by ken4musiq
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2006 at 00:17

Ken4musiq wrote:

Quote You obviously have not understood one word I have said. Roundabout was numnber 15 in the states and that alone makes it a pop song.

But 24 hours after:

Ken4musiq wrote:

Quote Pop song has nothing to do with the idea of "popular,in the sense of mass appeal 

VERY COHERENT  Can't you remember what you wrote before? Do you have Alzheimer??? Please, again you change your opinion in 180° degrees in one day, it's pathetic.

If they take the dark Baroque intro, if they eliminate the dramatic changes, if they change the complex timming, if they create popular lyrics to replace the exuisting maybe then WOTS would be POP, but in that case you will be talking about another song.

You have nothing to teach me except your own contradictions, whith the one at the start of this post, we have four.


Edited by ivan_2068
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2006 at 00:32

Just to show how you try to manipulate things to preove the silly arguments you give, i will go with this one:

Ken4music wrote:

Quote The most common structure from Tin Pan Alley is the aaba structure, also known as aba.  Both Watcher and Roundabout have this structure. It is no accident.  these guys knew their pop music. 

According to your argument, the AABA structure is exclusive of Pop or at least you are trying to convince us about that, but:


The thirty-two-bar form, often shortened to AABA, is a musical form common in Tin Pan Alley songs, later popular music including rock and pop music, and jazz, though "there were few instances of it in any type of popular music until the late teens," it became "the principal form" around 1925-1926 (Wilder 1972, p. 56, [1]).

So, this structure is common in ROCK, POP, and even JAZZ

Watcher of the Skies is a Progressive ROCK song, so it's obvious they use some characteristics and structures common in ROCK.  

I could prove you have clearly reorganized the lyric structure of Watcher of the Skies to pretend it takes an AABA form (You omit the instrumental sections at the start and the middle that change the basic structure), but it's useless, because  it's evident AABA is the most common structure to most genres.

You also say properly that the AABA form is called the Tin Pan Alley song.........But you forget to mebtion that the Tin Pan Alley structure was created around 1890:

Quote The history of Tin Pan Alley is a history of the United States as seen by its tunesmiths. We find an incredible variety of materials documented in songs which do, indeed, seem to have mirrored every aspect of American life from the beginning of Tin Pan Alley in the 1890s to the latest digital technology. We can chronicle the changing musical tastes of Americans, along with our social, economic and political concerns, by the kinds of popular music we bought, played and listened to -- from the tear-jerker to the latest rock song.

The Tin Pan Alley song structure is not only usred by Rock, Pop and Jazz, but it's part of the history of music in USA, being common also in almost any genre.

For your proper information, this structure is also called the Thirty-Two-Bar Form, and it was used among others:


Thirty-two-bar form was often used in rock in the 1950s and 60s, afterwhich verse-chorus form became more prevalent. Examples (ibid, 71) include:

The Brill Building and other songwriters, such as Lennon-McCartney, often used modified thirty-two-bar forms, often modifying the number of measures in individual or all sections. Examples include (ibid, p.70):

So it's obvious that this structure was created almost 100 years before the POP genre was even born, and it's common to almost any genre, including Rock and Jazz.

If you are going to argue something...use the complete quotes please.


Edited by ivan_2068
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ken4musiq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2006 at 02:05

This is like Jesus talking to the Pharisees. The musician talking to the lawyer. This truly represent what music came to in the late 1970s.  This is a typical case of not seeing the forest for the trees. 

First of all- to think that art and music have anything to do with logical arguments.  You are making the value judgments on most of my statements. They are not there.

Second of all- to not really be able to understand that you have not debunked the logic of my argument.

Third of all to be so stuck on being right that you become impossible to relate to.


Just to give you an example of what I mean.  "Pop" like any word, has several dimensions of meaning and can be used indifferent ways.  I clearly redefined it before I asserted my blurb so you would know exactly how I was using it.  AABA is a pop structure from Tin Pan Alley that was used in and rock and jazz. It comes into rock from pop and the thirty two bar blues. The jazz performers were jamming on these Tin Pan Alley songs. Did you know that? No . .  well now you do.  Just like you called Watcher a symphonic form.  Can you name a symphonic form off the top of your head.  Do you know what sonata allegro is?  What it does?


right now you should be apologizing for the way you have been going though my posts with red ink like some crazy teacher out of The Wall.  But you can't see that.


I said I was done, which means I am done with you.  I would appreiciate it if you no longer reseponded to my posts. I only wrote this blurb to address giangothweed who seemed interested in why I was saying this.

Edited by ken4musiq
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 10 2006 at 02:42
Originally posted by ken4musiq ken4musiq wrote:

This is like Jesus talking to the Pharisees. The musician talking to the lawyer. This is a typical case of not seeing the forest for the trees. 

Wow now  you self proclaim being Jesus and we dirty Lawyers are the Pharisees not worthy to talk with you.

Hilarious but remember Jesus never contradicted himself, and also read my profile and older posts, this lawyer has studied 5 years of Classical Piano and taken elective courses of Music in the university, plus theology.

First you startsaying that Yes is the best band, now you say you're like Jesus Christ and those who don't believe in your dogmas are Pharisees.

First of all to think that art and music have anything to do with logical arguments. 

I'm not using logic, I'M JUST POINTING HOW YOU CONTRADICT YOURSELF REPETEADLY, but again you forget your old posts:

Ken4music wrote yesterday but again he forgot:

Quote Wny don't you try to come up with one coherent argument about the music rather then trying to disprove my logic,m  which is a lot more subtle than you are able to comprehend.

Yesterday you were talking about Logic in music and now you deny it, honestly you're a joke.

But that's not all. on another thread you talked about absolute truths and facts:

Again Ken4musiq forgot what he said on another thread:

Quote Whether you like Anseron voice or not is a matter of taste. Whether he can sing better than Gabriel is a fact, he can as is the fact that Gabriel is a better lyricist than Anderson.

Again you use logical arguments, now you ceased to be funny to be pathetic.

Second of all to not really be able to understand that you have not debunked the logic of my argument.

Holy God, now you contradict yourself in the same post  In the last parragraph you say logic has nothing to do with music and now you say I didn't "debunked" your logic????

Third of all to be so stuck on being right that you become impossible to relate to.

Just to give you an example of what I mean.  "Pop" like any word, has several dimensions of meaning and can be used indifferent ways. 

Oh Messiah!!!!!, tell me your special meaning of POP  and how you redifined as you say with arrogance in the next parragraph.

 I clearly redefined it before I asserted my blurb so you would know exactly how I was using it.  AABA is a pop structure from Tin Pan Alley that was used in and rock and jazz. 

I think your chronology works different than the reality,  the AABA STRUCTURE was used by Tin Pan Alley music for the first time in the 1890's (Pop wouldn't be born in almost 80 years), it was used by Vaudeville in the 1920's, it was the most used structure between 1925 and 1930 and used by Jazz since the 30's, by early rock in the 50's, and you dare to say it's a POP structure?????


It comes into rock from pop and the thirty two bar blues. The jazz performers were jamming on these Tin Pan Alley songs. Did you know that? No . .  well now you do.  Just like you called Watcher a symphonic form.  Can you name a symphonic form off the top of your head.  Do you know what sonata allegro is?  What it does?

For God's sake, it's used in Popular music  since 1890, The XIX Century!!!!!!, Jazz is older than Pop, Rock is older than POP as a genre, don't talk BS.

Second, I said that Watcher of the Skies has a clear Symphonic Progressive structure, you can't think but I believe you can read.

So now you are a teacher trying to make a test , I won't dignify your silly question with an answer.

right now you should be apologizing for the way you have been going though my posts with red ink like some crazy teacher out of The Wall.  But you can't see that.

How can I apologize with a guy who contradicts himself several times, talks BS and lies whenever he wants?

And I use red because to separete my statements from your's, i would would be embarrased if anybody could believe your contradictions were writen by me.

I said I was done, which means I am done with you.  I would appreiciate it if you no longer reseponded to my posts. I only wrote this blurb to address giangothweed who seemed interested in why I was saying this.

Don't expect that, this is a free forum, and I will leave a thread whenever I decide, you may give orders in your house or to your family, but here you can't.

Iván (The Pharisee )

BTW: The Sonata Allegro that you mentioned before also used the ABBA structure or the simplified form ABA.

Edited by ivan_2068
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Kotro View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 19 2006 at 14:04
Originally posted by Kotro Kotro wrote:

Recently, with the current overtakings of CTTE by SEBTP, we have seen an increase in mindless reviews with the sole purpose of increasing the ratings on one and decreasing the others.

In my view, this has to end. I propose that both fangroups stop this childlike behavior and solve the matter as Men: arranging a meeting in a field and battle to death.

Any weapons are allowed, from sharpened vynils and sawed guitar necks to Rick Wakeman or Phil Collins solo records.


With a bit a luck, the population in both fangroups with decrease considerably, thus allowing Dark Side of the Moon and Thick as a Brick to run for first spot calmly and in a gentlemenly fashion.


Just to remind that this was the opening idea. This was just a fun thread to read if people keep with an healthy exchange of insults... Once solid arguments and coherents ideas kick in, it kinda spoils it.

Bigger on the inside.
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