Glueman wrote:
Rocktopus wrote:
Glueman: can honestly say that if I hadn't been so fortunate, job wise, that I still would not have done it - purely on moral grounds. This is very naive. Let's say you didn't live in UK, but in some of the poorer eastern european countries instead. You write that you know you've been lucky. Well, you (and I) are lucky with what countries we're born into, as well. Morals are easier when you can afford it. You're judging everyone less fortunate than you, and calling them bloody thiefs. There is NO excuse to download on the basis that the album is out of print. You can absolutely guarantee that at some time in the future it will be. It may take some years but there will be a release. If the album is out of print, and and say 50 to 1000 copies exist (its like this with 1000's of gems), I think its just fantastic if some blogger puts out a vinylrip. This is the first step towards a possible re-release. If you bought an overprized rarity like that second hand, the artist wouldn't benefit from the sale anyway. But I'm defenatly not interested in discussing this here. Everything is all black or white for too many of you.
Easy Livin': It is theft in the same way as walking into a record shop and stealing a CD you think is overpriced is theft. Stealing a physical object for sale, is obviously different.
Oh how very understanding you are! A thief is a thief is a thief. Circumstances do NOT or will NEVER excuse a crime. That's like saying it's ok to steal because you were born in a slum in a third world country. Well it's NOT. And besides we are talking about what is essentially a luxury. No-one needs to buy music - it's not a life or death need, like food, if you cannot afford it, like all other things, you should do without until such time as you are able to.
And stealing online it is just the same as physically puloining something. You do not take ownership until money has been exchanged.
And you might as well lose that logo about home taping - you are a hypocrite. It's not home taping that harms music and musicians - it's illegal downloading.
I'm afraid this thread is going to turn ugly very soon, as I can see words such "thief" and "hypocrite" bandied about a bit too easily. I can understand the reasons of both parties, but there is no excuse for exchanging hard words such as those. Therefore, I think the best idea is to close the thread at least for the time being.
Edited by Ghost Rider - February 13 2007 at 06:12