BaldFriede wrote:
arcer wrote:
The problem with the Doc's posts was that he singularly lacks that sensitivity and awareness. I doubt whether he would ever have posted the cartoon which kick-started this thread as it poked fun at both men and women. His posts would have veered towards the remote control graphic, which, while still a funny cartoon, would have solely been used to denigrate women and would surely have been attached to a vicious comment about women and their place in the world.
Interesting that you look at the remote control image that way. I am a woman, and I see that image as something to denigrate men.
Well your love preferences differ from most women.
I believe most active feminist women would feel offended by such a picture if it was thrown at them in a negative way or first degree humour. As the picture with the feminst rally and the yellow panel in the backgroiund, I posted.
But I can see how a woman with lots of humour might see this picture might be seen as second degree humour and turn this pic right back at males>
Well that remote control pic shows how men wish women would be (let us speak generally and in a machismo way, because it does represent what I am looking for in a female partner) and be allowed to turn off the (what we consider) nasty bits> wishful thinking!!! again, you read this as a second degree humour, while that Doctor character would've posted it as a first degree humour.