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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Is The GOP Race Over?
    Posted: November 13 2011 at 00:26
It's Romney isn't it. Though Huntsman would stand a better chance of beating Obama, he won't get the nomination because he has been comprehensively painted as a moderate despite the fact that a close look at him reveals he is very conservative. In fact he's probably more genuinely conservative than Romney who'll be whatever you want him to be if it'll get him a vote.
Of the rest, these days only Gingrich deserves serious consideration but he just has too much baggage and there's a widely accepted view that he doesn't actually want to be president, just the publicity the race gives him.

So is it all sewn up? Will Romney face Obama? Or do you think there's a potential upset ahead of us?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 00:26
Ron Paul or nothing k
Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 00:31
where's Pat Paulsen when you need him?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 00:36
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Though Huntsman would stand a better chance of beating Obama
No, he wouldn't get any Republican votes because he's a moderate and wouldn't get any Democrat votes because he labels himself a Republican.
Quote , he won't get the nomination because he has been comprehensively painted as a moderate despite the fact that a close look at him reveals he is very conservative.
Quote In fact he's probably more genuinely conservative than Romney
Nope, Romney is quite clearly a conservative who's had a few liberal tendencies.
Quote who'll be whatever you want him to be if it'll get him a vote.

Most prog fans only like him because he's a DT fan, I don't know if that's the case with you. Huntsman is extremely moderate, I practically don't know what he is which would be more appealing if he actually labeled himself as an independent rather than a republican who can't win a nomination. Honestly, he's been mediocre in every debate (tonight's wasn't as bad) and doesn't act like a serious candidate at all.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 00:46
Huntsman is a social moderate. In virtually every other area he's quite conservative. Go through this slide show.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 06:38
I would put any halfway reasonable republican up against Obama, which would be Ron Paul.  I will still hold my nose and vote Obama. Here's where the fun comes in.  I can take a republican ballot when the primaries come to Georgia and either vote for the republican who I think would do the least damage to the country if elected or I can vote for the one I think most likely to lose against Obama.

Edited by Slartibartfast - November 13 2011 at 08:18
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 08:08
The media has done everything it can to make sure that Romney is Obama's contender in 2012. They give no time to Ron Paul or other candidates like Huntsman while giving plenty of time for stupid fights like Romney vs Perry in most debates. It looks like it is over, unless something very strange happens on election day.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 08:18
Romney has managed to stay above the fray.  So if he's inevitable, who should take the vice slot?  I can't see Paul playing second fiddle to any of the others.

Edited by Slartibartfast - November 13 2011 at 08:19
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 08:30
^I would expect something quite nefarious.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 08:34
Oh come on, its got to be something that works on a bumper sticker. 



Seriously, toss Ron Paul out of the picture, who is your republican dream ticket?  I don't care if you don't consider yourself to be a republican.


had a kind of clink to it.

Edited by Slartibartfast - November 13 2011 at 08:37
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 08:52
Romney-Huntsman sounds bearable... Romney-Bachmann sounds suicide-worthy... I don't know...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 09:03
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

It's Romney isn't it. Though Huntsman would stand a better chance of beating Obama, he won't get the nomination because he has been comprehensively painted as a moderate despite the fact that a close look at him reveals he is very conservative. In fact he's probably more genuinely conservative than Romney who'll be whatever you want him to be if it'll get him a vote.
Of the rest, these days only Gingrich deserves serious consideration but he just has too much baggage and there's a widely accepted view that he doesn't actually want to be president, just the publicity the race gives him.

So is it all sewn up? Will Romney face Obama? Or do you think there's a potential upset ahead of us?
Huntsman can't gain any traction because his supporters would be the same people Romney already has sown up.  Romney has been running his "I reeeeally wanna be President" campaign for 5 years and Huntsman just haven't given those rats, who've hung with Romney this long, enough reason to leave.  Huntsman will drop out when he does poorer than expected in NH.
Newt Gingrich is smart enough to challenge Romney.  Unfortunantly, he is also pure evil.  He decided to run this time around because he knows the position of president has become a dictatorship and he thinks it'd be fun to rule over everyone with an iron fist. 
Cain is a dunce but he is also a plant, that appeases the establishment and can pull the wool of the eyes of the supposedly conservative tea party, so he will be hanging around for awhile.  An "outsider" that chaired a branch of the Federal Reserve, give me a break GOP.
Rick Perry is, in fact, George W Bush in disguise.  Speech pattern and mannerisms both fit.  Wouldn't be surprised if W pulled off the Perry mask on stage, at one of the debates, said "gotcha" then ran off stage giggling.  That said, Perry has the money to hang around through the first few southern primaries but he can't recover from his debate problems. 
If you just look at where we are in this country right now, Ron Paul should be thje clear frontrunner.  The media and republican establishment would never let that happen though and continue to paint peace, liberty, and the Constitution as "fringe" ideas.
Bachmann and Santorum aren't worth mentioning because they will both be dropping out after Iowa.  They have as much right to be on stage, at this point, as Thaddeus McCotter.

Time always wins.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 10:38
Luckily Herman Cain is still in the field, he'll come out of those allegations as a blossoming candidate.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 10:57
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

It's Romney isn't it. Though Huntsman would stand a better chance of beating Obama, he won't get the nomination because he has been comprehensively painted as a moderate despite the fact that a close look at him reveals he is very conservative. In fact he's probably more genuinely conservative than Romney who'll be whatever you want him to be if it'll get him a vote.
Of the rest, these days only Gingrich deserves serious consideration but he just has too much baggage and there's a widely accepted view that he doesn't actually want to be president, just the publicity the race gives him.

So is it all sewn up? Will Romney face Obama? Or do you think there's a potential upset ahead of us?
Huntsman can't gain any traction because his supporters would be the same people Romney already has sown up.  Romney has been running his "I reeeeally wanna be President" campaign for 5 years and Huntsman just haven't given those rats, who've hung with Romney this long, enough reason to leave.  Huntsman will drop out when he does poorer than expected in NH.
Newt Gingrich is smart enough to challenge Romney.  Unfortunantly, he is also pure evil.  He decided to run this time around because he knows the position of president has become a dictatorship and he thinks it'd be fun to rule over everyone with an iron fist. 
Cain is a dunce but he is also a plant, that appeases the establishment and can pull the wool of the eyes of the supposedly conservative tea party, so he will be hanging around for awhile.  An "outsider" that chaired a branch of the Federal Reserve, give me a break GOP.
Rick Perry is, in fact, George W Bush in disguise.  Speech pattern and mannerisms both fit.  Wouldn't be surprised if W pulled off the Perry mask on stage, at one of the debates, said "gotcha" then ran off stage giggling.  That said, Perry has the money to hang around through the first few southern primaries but he can't recover from his debate problems. 
If you just look at where we are in this country right now, Ron Paul should be thje clear frontrunner.  The media and republican establishment would never let that happen though and continue to paint peace, liberty, and the Constitution as "fringe" ideas.
Bachmann and Santorum aren't worth mentioning because they will both be dropping out after Iowa.  They have as much right to be on stage, at this point, as Thaddeus McCotter.

Hey now, Thaddeus is a Rush fan, a pretty decent guitarist, and a really funny dude. That buys him a deserving spot on any stage any time he wants to be!
 Oh, and in all seriousness he'd be a better president than at least half of the current candidates. Sadly he's not one of the media's chosen ones like Perry, Romney, Gingrich, and Cain are.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 12:27
I'm looking at this from a slightly ignorant, outside British, perspective, but it strikes me that the Republican Party is in the same straits as Labour in the 1980's and Conservatives in late 90's and 00's were over here  - playing to their own captive party members only, full of good old fashioned ideology that appeals to the politically dedicated, but not the "middle" voter who decides elections.

It is an abiding fact that the vast majority of voters can't stand politicians, don't care much for politics per se, and are far more likely to be engaged by the X Factor (or whatever your American equivalent is) than they are by a debate on macroeconomic policy.

The key to winning elections is to appeal sufficiently to these people without scaring them half to death.

I do not, by the way, think this a necessarily good thing.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 16:34
You know who I really like? Buddy Roemer. Hasn't a chance though.

I am also surprised by the media's insistence on ignoring Fred Karger. I would've thought that the first openly gay man running for president would be a good story to sell a few papers with, but nope, he can't get the time of day from the press.

I have a confused relationship with Paul. He has some good ideas, is organised and has the knowledge but he's also a little bit crazy. I get the heeby-jeebies picturing him as president but he certainly deserves to have his voice heard.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 16:37
Seeing as so many people think Romney has this in the bag, the real fun is to be head in guessing who will drop out next. Could be anybody really. Santorum, Huntsman, Karger, Johnson, Roemer. Bachmann and Perry may as well drop out but I expect them to fight to the finish out of pride. At least Perry will, Bachmann might be forced to call it a day when she fails in Iowa.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 16:37
Probably Romney.

Real question:
Does it really matter?

No, of course not!

Ron Paul would make some difference, not saying good or bad but it would be a difference, outside him...we will see the same sh*t different year.

What is sad though Paul actually makes the most sense. These other GOPers, pretty much every single one, gives me he the heeby jeebies thinking about them as President. That's being polite...more like they make me ruin my pants. Of course Obama and the Dems are no better.

So it dun realy matter.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 16:40
Paul is probably the smartest person on that stage but Huntsman is more balanced.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 13 2011 at 16:43
Again, what's the point?

This is all fun but when it comes down to the real nitty gritty, we might as well just have given Wubya a third term. And a fourth, while we're at it.
If the US was smart enough they'd see this is pretty much what we're getting anyway.
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