I just noticed the great Chuck Schuldiner left us almost 10 years ago. I remember having been completely blown out by 'scream bloody gore' in my teen years, then I discovered 'human' and it was a complete slap in the face. Afterwards, I dug other albums and followed carefully their new outputs, from 'individual thought patterns' to 'sound of perseverance'. Death was my first introduction to death metal, it was a catalyzer for many bands that had a huge impact on me (Obituary, Entombed, Cancer, Master...). When I heard about his death, I couldn't believe it, I always pictured him as a young and healthy guy without drug or alcohol addictions. Those who grew with Death's music, please share your thoughts about a guy who can be clearly regarded as a terribly underrated genious.
Edited by lucas - September 10 2011 at 18:17