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Chuck Schuldiner

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Topic: Chuck Schuldiner
Posted By: lucas
Subject: Chuck Schuldiner
Date Posted: September 10 2011 at 18:16

I just noticed the great Chuck Schuldiner left us almost 10 years ago. I remember having been completely blown out by 'scream bloody gore' in my teen years, then I discovered 'human' and it was a complete slap in the face. Afterwards, I dug other albums and followed carefully their new outputs, from 'individual thought patterns' to 'sound of perseverance'. Death was my first introduction to death metal, it was a catalyzer for many bands that had a huge impact on me (Obituary, Entombed, Cancer, Master...). When I heard about his death, I couldn't believe it, I always pictured him as a young and healthy guy without drug or alcohol addictions. Those who grew with Death's music, please share your thoughts about a guy who can be clearly regarded as a terribly underrated genious.

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: September 10 2011 at 18:27
Itīs crazy to think it has been 10 years now....

Itīs also a bit odd that most of my teen years I purposely threw myself into violence, death, morbid fascination, injustice and whatnot. It was a giggle personally, and kind of funny that you could scare people just by playing a track from HumanLOL
The music has grown on me however and in a big way. Chuck had an impeccable and truly genuine way of riffing, that people will be trying to duplicate for ages. 
Just like Danish singer Kim Larsen makes me think of my childhood - Death paints a picture of my wild teenager years with mad parties in the forest accompanied by insanely loud metal music. Good timesSmile

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

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