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Equality 7-2521
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 13:22 |
It'd be more accurate to say that Libertarians apologize for freedom. The adoption of capitalism comes naturally
Could you present some facts please rather than just stating misinformed opinions?
Is there war under every form of government? Yes.
Is there poverty under every form of government? Yes.
Is there a longterm crisis of capitalism / decline of the United States? You haven't demonstrated one.
Is capitalism inefficient - i.e. does it stop and start periodically? No, it does not. The business cycle has been well explained by the Austrians. Further, this does not show efficiency. A system could stop and slow occaisonally yet still be more efficient. You could take an economic system which takes everything produced and burns it. This would be incredibly inefficient, yet it would not "stop and start". Your critique is both non-factual and insufficient even if true.
Edited by Equality 7-2521 - April 12 2012 at 13:22
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 13:22 |
RoyFairbank wrote:
Basically Libertarianism is apologetics for Capitalism
Is there war under Capitalism? Yes.
Is there poverty under capitalism? Yes
Is there a longterm crisis of capitalism / decline of the United States? Yes
Is capitalism inefficient - i.e. does it stop and start periodically? Yes
So here comes Libertarianism as a panacea.
Forgive me If my clap is too slow.
"If I punched you in the head in the right way, it wouldn't hurt, so stand still"
Can you name a form of economics or government under which there is no war or poverty?
By the way, I do not espouse Libertarianism because it "works" (according to whatever your definition of that is); I espouse Libertarianism because it is a morally superior philosophy. You may be a utilitarian if you wish, but don't assume everyone else is.
Edited by Epignosis - April 12 2012 at 13:24
The T
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 15:11 |
I've noticed something and Roy's posts (all of them) are an example of that. Usually people who speak ill of libertarianism speak in slogans and with empty statements that seem to make sense if you just gutturally react to them but that fall apart under serious scrutiny. There's rarely any argument but mostly fear-based ones or gross simplifications of history (taken I guess from the headlines of other's people's articles). I've been there. There ARE critiques of libertarianism that make sense and lead to discussion (we've had some from Dean, Negoba, among others) but most of the are just like I described.
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 17:36 |

Edited by Slartibartfast - April 12 2012 at 17:38
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
The T
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 18:22 |
^If I had a dollar for every time that capitalism was blamed for problems caused by unchecked, overly regulating government, I'd be a democrat presidential candidate... And by the way I'd be just as rich as the republicans anyway.
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 18:40 |
Those menu items are such inane and simple minded sloganeering, and mostly untrue. Not that I care enough to refute with more typing.
Nice try Teo but they'll still bring it back to Bush.
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 19:00 |
You know who makes a much more sensible VP pick than Santorum, or indeed any of the other candidates?
He's super-hyper-conservative which should allay fears about Romney's flip-floppiness. He's all up in the military which contrasts nicely with Romney's life of privilege. He's from Florida, which might give them a hometown advantage in that unpredictable and key state. AND he's black which gives them the we're-not-racist vibe they attempted with Cain, only West is not a buffoon. Sure, West is an evil, toxic man, but conservative voters find that appealing.
And yes that's Allen West, not Kanye West.
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 20:52 |
That is perfect. But is also applies to the Democrats. Bob Dylan said "Democracy don't rule the world, you better get that out o' your head! This world is ruled by violence, but I guess that's better left unsaid."
The T
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 21:02 |
Bob Dylan may be good at his rock but his politics arenquite idiotic. Democracy DOES rule the world. The rule of the majority has given you what you have. Democracy =/= equality, get that through your head. Democracy just means the rule of the majority, and that's what you currently have.
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 21:15 |
The T wrote:
Bob Dylan may be good at his rock but his politics arenquite idiotic. Democracy DOES rule the world. The rule of the majority has given you what you have. Democracy =/= equality, get that through your head. Democracy just means the rule of the majority, and that's what you currently have. |
No we don't. We have rule by the rich. This is the absolute line in the sand between right wing idealists talking about abstract Democracy and those of us who recognize concrete terminology like class and ownership of means of production
Instead of abstractions, cite actual function of the bodies of "democracy" lobbyists, millionaires in congress, two parties on the ballot who appoint every candidate and whose campaigns are funded by big business. Instead of oh, the majority runs thing because that is what the word Democracy means. Libertarianism is one big workout of blind idealism and after-the-fact apologetics, where all the sh*t of modern life is made to look just peachy.
Sorry but I am not going to spend more time on this, hence my recycling posts, this is not a very interesting topic to me, and the sides are too intractable for there to be a good discussion, we both will agree.
Edited by RoyFairbank - April 28 2012 at 16:32
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Posted: April 12 2012 at 21:36 |
It's obvious that this is not very interesting for you, since you can't contribute one single argument of idea other than the pseudo-marxist justification for a troglodite state that you have just given. You took too much about concepts and empiricism yet fail to ever use facts in anything related to this discussion. What you have just described is the actual system which is a consequence of the same god you worship: popular elections and the rule of a majority easily manipulated by those in power. I think your posts implies that the alternative which would create a fair system where all of those things you mention (the press, etc) are in the possesion or control of the "people"? Or how do you plan to create this better system other than by eliminating as much as possible the source of all power for the rich and wealthy which is the state, as libertarians and alike tend to propose? You talk in slogans, like a politician, pure rhetoric. You have not really said anything else. I remember in the atheist thread you talk a lot about the connection of ideas with reality. You seem to fail to think that way on this subject. You have just described the horrible society we live in. That's all you did. Nice job. You should be a word-painter.
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 07:03 |
RoyFairbank wrote:
Libertarianism is one big workout of blind idealism and after-the-fact apologetics, where all the sh*t of modern life is made to look just peachy.
Sorry but I am not going to spend more time on this, hence my recycling posts, this is not a very interesting topic to me, and the sides are too intractable for there to be a good discussion, we both will agree.
| It is clear that you have no idea what Libertarianism even is. That's what makes for poor discussion.
Equality 7-2521
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 08:22 |
It's more the issue that he refuses to respond to questions and facts presented at him while simultaneously refusing to present facts of his own.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 15:16 |
I am a Libertarian now. I woke up this morning and it was all obvious to me.
I know that Capitalism does not require the state, it is not some supposed inevitable arbitrator of social conflict arising from uneven international distribution of resources, and past economic systems like Feudalism and Asian Despotism did not require a state either.
The state is something removed from capitalism and economics or any other purely material factor, it is a politically-based (false ideological) interloper onto the natural social and economic activity of human beings.
Social conflict arises from human nature, not capitalism or any other material factor, and from the problems created by state interference in the economy on the basis of these false ideas created by human nature. The state is a type of spontaneous mass derangement whereby people have false beliefs that they can solve social problems by interfering with natural economic freedoms. In reality, this always leads to new problems developing and the same ones to be made worst. Even worst are those who are motivated by wrongheaded ideas like Communism and Ultra-Conservatism who want to use the state to force their beliefs on others.
Using education and patient explaining, Libertarians can make it clear to people all over the world that the state is not needed and people should be left alone and free, then humanity will prosper according to the invisible hand of liberty.
Edited by RoyFairbank - April 13 2012 at 15:34
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 17:14 |
Again, trying to look smart by sounding smart and philisophical doesn't make you smart Roy. You most likely are, but you don't need to try so hard while at the same time still managing to not say anything of substance. You're preaching. You're philosophizing. You're not answering, you're not arguing, you're not discussing. You were presented with facts but never dared actually talk about those real issues. Remember, it IS possible to do a good critique of libertarianism, based curiously on some of the things that are lost amidst that pile of self-gratifying verbiage you just used.
Edited by The T - April 13 2012 at 17:17
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 17:41 |
The T wrote:
Again, trying to look smart by sounding smart and philisophical doesn't make you smart Roy. You most likely are, but you don't need to try so hard while at the same time still managing to not say anything of substance. You're preaching. You're philosophizing. You're not answering, you're not arguing, you're not discussing. You were presented with facts but never dared actually talk about those real issues. Remember, it IS possible to do a good critique of libertarianism, based curiously on some of the things that are lost amidst that pile of self-gratifying verbiage you just used.
| Agreed.
"Facts are simple and facts are straight, facts are lazy and facts are late, facts all come with points of view, facts don't do what I want them to" - David Byrne (Crosseyed and Painless)
"The Grid always provides facts, but facts don't always reveal the truth" - Pete Townshend (Psychoderelict)
This is the kind of bullsh*t we Libertarians have to deal with. As we know, facts are not dependent on political orientation. There is a world of facts, you can't just nominate certain ones to give the appearance that one thing or another is true. It either is true, or it isn't true, you have to go by the facts. We can cite actual acts of economic intervention by Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, therefore, their entire administrations were qualitatively anti-free market, a complete negation of capitalism as it should rightfully be. The mechanisms of capitalism had no way to function through the incredible gravitational weight of the interventions of the Harding, Coolidge and Hoover Administrations. The fact that capitalist states have used interventionist measures is absolute factual certainty that capitalism has been repressed in a decisive way. These facts are incontestable, and when you have these facts on hand, there is only one conclusion, the factual conclusion. Philosophy has no place in the determination of facts.
Edited by RoyFairbank - April 13 2012 at 17:42
The T
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 17:44 |
Oh, lol. Didn't know you were so young. Sorry.
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 17:50 |
The T wrote:
Oh, lol. Didn't know you were so young. Sorry. |
Why are you old?  I am not that that young, unless you are in your 40s or 50s. I'm 24 in a few months.
Edited by RoyFairbank - April 13 2012 at 18:16
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 18:16 |
RoyFairbank wrote:
The T wrote:
Again, trying to look smart by sounding smart and philisophical doesn't make you smart Roy. You most likely are, but you don't need to try so hard while at the same time still managing to not say anything of substance. You're preaching. You're philosophizing. You're not answering, you're not arguing, you're not discussing. You were presented with facts but never dared actually talk about those real issues. Remember, it IS possible to do a good critique of libertarianism, based curiously on some of the things that are lost amidst that pile of self-gratifying verbiage you just used.
"Facts are simple and facts are straight, facts are lazy and facts are late, facts all come with points of view, facts don't do what I want them to" - David Byrne (Crosseyed and Painless)
"The Grid always provides facts, but facts don't always reveal the truth" - Pete Townshend (Psychoderelict)
This is the kind of bullsh*t we Libertarians have to deal with. As we know, facts are not dependent on political orientation. There is a world of facts, you can't just nominate certain ones to give the appearance that one thing or another is true. It either is true, or it isn't true, you have to go by the facts. We can cite actual acts of economic intervention by Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, therefore, their entire administrations were qualitatively anti-free market, a complete negation of capitalism as it should rightfully be. The mechanisms of capitalism had no way to function through the incredible gravitational weight of the interventions of the Harding, Coolidge and Hoover Administrations. The fact that capitalist states have used interventionist measures is absolute factual certainty that capitalism has been repressed in a decisive way. These facts are incontestable, and when you have these facts on hand, there is only one conclusion, the factual conclusion. Philosophy has no place in the determination of facts.
The T
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Posted: April 13 2012 at 18:25 |