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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 01:26
Originally posted by peart_lee_lifeson peart_lee_lifeson wrote:

For anyone needing to remember why Dream Theater is the best, here you go.

Clap i havent watched Score in a long time, though ive listened to the cds a lot. Great video, i may have to watch that. This is one of their best songs.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 03:52
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by Hanyou Hanyou wrote:

Have these people just not heard Dream Theater's music?  I know appreciation of music can be subjective, but it just seems incredibly strange that the band that put out songs like "Finally Free" or "Sacrificed Sons" would have that criticism leveled against it.  What songs are these people listening to?

I don't even remember much about Sacrificed Sons but Finally Free is like an 80s cliches epic.  I don't like that kind of cliched pop/rock expression - and I don't mean just LaBrie but the whole band here - and I don't discriminate there, I dislike it in whatever band I find it. Ayreon is another.  Because DT is a big band, they get picked on more, it's natural. Focus also made Anonymous and yet it's ELP who always get picked on for criticism. You are free to like songs like Finally Free, but I'd not be surprised that people whose appetite has earlier been whetted by Firth...or Fallen Angel would call it soulless.  Hardly any music is OBJECTIVELY soulless, so that's not what they are saying anyway, they just mean it's not soulful enough for their liking.   As for sterile, compare DT's covers of Hallowed Be Thy Name or Love Lies Bleeding with performances by the original artists.  Do you really not hear the flatness and obtrusive loudness in DT's delivery and specifically Portnoy?  I do and so, again relatively speaking, find their approach a little sterile.   And I only mentioned covers to make a comparison, their approach is not very different even when they play their original songs. 

This is the most biast post, I have read on PA in a long time. I find most of DT's music to be just as emotional as the next band, and emotion is something I specifically home in on when I listen to music, and one of the reasons I love Prog so much. I cannot, I repeat, cannot understand all the hate that DT get for being soulless. I mean, i'm going to take the ending to 'The Count Of Tuscany', the ending of 'In The Presence.... part 2', A Change Of Seasons. You can never find something, if you objectively don't want it to be there.

I think the reason that DT get rejected, is because the Prog 'Elite' (haha), don't want to even consider that the reason that they are pretty well known amongst normal metal fans is for their emotion, and PROG ELEMENTS. Gosh! Mainstream scum, Liking PROG. Oh God NO!

I can understand why someone would dislike a band, but to have an army of snobs rejecting you, you must be doing something right.... I respect you for that DT, I really do.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 03:54
Originally posted by peart_lee_lifeson peart_lee_lifeson wrote:

For anyone needing to remember why Dream Theater is the best, here you go.

Utterly, utterly soulless LOL

The only problem I have with Score, is that one of the violins is horrifically out of tune, for quite a while, and it's off-putting. 

Edited by JS19 - March 07 2011 at 03:59
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 10:41
Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:


I mean, i'm going to take the ending to 'The Count Of Tuscany', the ending of 'In The Presence.... part 2', A Change Of Seasons. You can never find something, if you objectively don't want it to be there.  

Very weak reasoning and completely baseless argument. I listened to DT the way I listened to any other band.  I am sorry, but those songs too did nothing for me emotionally.  I find Change of Seasons so laughably overblown and, here comes that word again, cliched. Every time they need to build a crescendo, they do it exactly the way it's been done by oh so many pop metal bands in the 80s and yet because it's DT, I am biased for saying so, is it?  Honestly, why would you want to rant about what people say about DT's music or point examples of what you consider emotional songs by them (for persuasion, if not what is the idea of doing so beats me?) if you completely reject any criticism of them as prog elitism or snobbishness.  Oh, and before you jump to that conclusion, I have heard all three songs many, many times prior to this discussion.  So I was not judging Change of Seasons just now and posting my impressions. 

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

I think the reason that DT get rejected, is because the Prog 'Elite' (haha), don't want to even consider that the reason that they are pretty well known amongst normal metal fans is for their emotion, and PROG ELEMENTS. Gosh! Mainstream scum, Liking PROG. Oh God NO!  

More knee jerk defensive reactions, FYI I am a metalhead and describing metal music as mainstream scum is, er, way off base.  I mean, since when was Rigor Mortis more mainstream than Dream Theater, for instance?  More proof that some Dream Theater fans, yourself included, cannot accept a different opinion and jump to the conclusion that it must be only because of prejudice or snobbery. In other words, that we are wrong and only you are right. Funny then that we are the ones who get called snobs because.... Wink    

Ironically, this thread was going along fine before, predictably, a Dream Theater fan just HAD to invalidate criticism made about DT and others joined in to express their condolences.  Is it so hard to stay on topic instead of launching into the same old rant every time the opportunity presents itself and then complain that people bash DT all the time?  Just take a look at how much you bash others' views each time you complain of DT-bashing.  At least, we only 'bash' the music, we didn't call you soulless. Stern Smile     

Edited by rogerthat - March 07 2011 at 10:43
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CCVP View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 11:10


Seriously, try harder.
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Hanyou View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 11:39
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

I don't even remember much about Sacrificed Sons but Finally Free is like an 80s cliches epic.  I don't like that kind of cliched pop/rock expression - and I don't mean just LaBrie but the whole band here - and I don't discriminate there, I dislike it in whatever band I find it. Ayreon is another.  Because DT is a big band, they get picked on more, it's natural. Focus also made Anonymous and yet it's ELP who always get picked on for criticism. You are free to like songs like Finally Free, but I'd not be surprised that people whose appetite has earlier been whetted by Firth...or Fallen Angel would call it soulless.  Hardly any music is OBJECTIVELY soulless, so that's not what they are saying anyway, they just mean it's not soulful enough for their liking.

Like I said, I understand that music is subjective, I just don't think the level of emotion in those songs is really that ambiguous.  "Emotionless" is a criticism I might level against some grunge, which can seem to be built off of apathy.  It's not hard to sound emotional.  But I think Dream Theater couples this with a real sophistication to their sound that comes out in songs like "Finally Free"--the lyrics, the song structure, the presentation, LaBrie's singing, it just all comes together so well.

Also, what does "80's cliche epic" mean?  When I think of 80's epics, I think of Iron Maiden, Metallica, or Marillion.  Dream Theater definitely carries an influence from them, but it has a sound all its own.  I wouldn't call it "cliche" at all, as "Finally Free" doesn't sound like it comes from any of those bands.  As for Ayreon, I think they're brilliant and I love the style used on those albums.  Again, I find it pretty intensely emotional.  So I'd really like to know what this 80's epic style is.

For the record,  I love "Fallen Angel" and "Firth of Fifth." Brilliant songs.  But I don't quite see what they have to do with Dream Theater or "Finally Free."

Quote As for sterile, compare DT's covers of Hallowed Be Thy Name or Love Lies Bleeding with performances by the original artists.  Do you really not hear the flatness and obtrusive loudness in DT's delivery and specifically Portnoy?  I do and so, again relatively speaking, find their approach a little sterile.   And I only mentioned covers to make a comparison, their approach is not very different even when they play their original songs. 

Yeah, I'll admit I don't like their covers that much.  Then again, I rarely like covers, so I don't think I'm a fair judge of that (their recent cover of Stargazer was good, though...check it out).  I also agree they carry their style over to their covers, and it bears many of the same hallmarks...the major difference is that it really works for their own music.

I don't know if we can really argue here.  It's obvious I like many of the same things you hate about their music.  I will agree about one thing, though: their music can be "obtrusively loud" sometimes.  That's a major f**king problem with their latest albums.

Originally posted by Porcupinetheater Porcupinetheater wrote:

I think the hate was inevitable the instant they released anything that wasn't Images and Words.

Maybe, but to be fair, I don't think people hate them for the sake of hating them.  And also, Images and Words really was their best by far IMO (I like elements of their style in their first 3 albums more than that in most of the following ones, something I chalk up in large part to Moore.  The major exception is Scenes from a Memory).

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

I think the reason that DT get rejected, is because the Prog 'Elite' (haha), don't want to even consider that the reason that they are pretty well known amongst normal metal fans is for their emotion, and PROG ELEMENTS. Gosh! Mainstream scum, Liking PROG. Oh God NO!

I think it's more than that, because I see the criticism stretch beyond the "prog elite."  But the hatred for them among prog fans does confuse me a bit.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 12:17
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

 Very weak reasoning and completely baseless argument. I listened to DT the way I listened to any other band.  I am sorry, but those songs too did nothing for me emotionally.  I find Change of Seasons so laughably overblown and, here comes that word again, cliched. Every time they need to build a crescendo, they do it exactly the way it's been done by oh so many pop metal bands in the 80s and yet because it's DT, I am biased for saying so, is it?  Honestly, why would you want to rant about what people say about DT's music or point examples of what you consider emotional songs by them (for persuasion, if not what is the idea of doing so beats me?) if you completely reject any criticism of them as prog elitism or snobbishness.  Oh, and before you jump to that conclusion, I have heard all three songs many, many times prior to this discussion.  So I was not judging Change of Seasons just now and posting my impressions. 

More knee jerk defensive reactions, FYI I am a metalhead and describing metal music as mainstream scum is, er, way off base.  I mean, since when was Rigor Mortis more mainstream than Dream Theater, for instance?  More proof that some Dream Theater fans, yourself included, cannot accept a different opinion and jump to the conclusion that it must be only because of prejudice or snobbery. In other words, that we are wrong and only you are right. Funny then that we are the ones who get called snobs because.... Wink    

Ironically, this thread was going along fine before, predictably, a Dream Theater fan just HAD to invalidate criticism made about DT and others joined in to express their condolences.  Is it so hard to stay on topic instead of launching into the same old rant every time the opportunity presents itself and then complain that people bash DT all the time?  Just take a look at how much you bash others' views each time you complain of DT-bashing.  At least, we only 'bash' the music, we didn't call you soulless. Stern Smile 

I think the actual reason, that these threads go off topic is because, even though this thread was obviously a thread that discussed the direction the band would take, which would mean it was a positive thread, just for those who were interested, there's always someone who thinks of DT as a scapegoat for everything they hate about music. You just had to write a post so far up your own backside that you had to winch it out didn't you. Couldn't leave your opinions to themselves, oh no, because your opinions are the ones everyone should share. 

Of course if you had something constructive to say about the topic, this thread wouldn't go off topic. WHich is what you want isn't it?
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Is it so hard to stay on topic instead of launching into the same old rant every time the opportunity presents itself?
 How ironic....

(PS. By the way, i actually agree that quite a lot of DT material can be a little emotionally cold, but there is some genuinely emotion stuff there, and to call it soulless is just blind)

(PPS. I also have absolutely nothing against mainstream metal, I can't understand where you got that bit from)

[I will point towards this glorious thread that explains all my points

Edited by JS19 - March 07 2011 at 12:52
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Hanyou View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 12:29
Quote Ironically, this thread was going along fine before, predictably, a Dream Theater fan just HAD to invalidate criticism made about DT and others joined in to express their condolences.  Is it so hard to stay on topic instead of launching into the same old rant every time the opportunity presents itself and then complain that people bash DT all the time? 

This is my first time commenting in the thread, I believe.  I don't know what has been said in the past and I can't be held accountable for it, but I obviously asked a valid question if it's provoked discussion.  What's wrong with that?

Also, you're acting like I'm some mindless Dream Theater fan.  I take offense to that, and it's patently untrue.  Savatage, not Dream Theater is probably my favorite metal act, and I recognize some serious flaws in Dream Theater's style that have been most pronounced in Falling Into Infinity, Train of Thought, Systematic Chaos, and Black Clouds.  In all honesty, I rarely listen to those albums.

I can't stand Tool's music and I find many of that band's fans annoying.  I find the music utterly emotionless.  But I don't go around advertising my subjective criticisms as objective fact the way many DT detractors do.

But thanks for accusing me of derailing the thread, even though you previously thought my point was valid enough for you to critique it.  I see the Principle of Charity reins here.Ermm

Edited by Hanyou - March 07 2011 at 12:36
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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 15:05

who else is hoping for a new live album after DT11 comes out?

I am. In my opinion, Chaos In Motion wasnt a TRUE live album, like Budokan or Score, where it was ONE concert, and released as a DVD and CD. Not to mention the quality of CiM was questionable. Plus i'd like a live version of a couple of BC&SL songs.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 15:16
Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:


who else is hoping for a new live album after DT11 comes out?

I am. In my opinion, Chaos In Motion wasnt a TRUE live album, like Budokan or Score, where it was ONE concert, and released as a DVD and CD. Not to mention the quality of CiM was questionable. Plus i'd like a live version of a couple of BC&SL songs.

I agree with you about Chaos In Motion, it was pretty bad, and LaBrie sounded absolutely knackered, almost ruined the entire thing. To be a hundred percent honest, if there was another live album, I don't think i'd buy it, I'm a bit 'lived out', and most of the time, I'd rather go listen to the studio versions, although I do have every other DT live outing. Smile

Edited by JS19 - March 07 2011 at 15:18
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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 15:34
Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

Originally posted by darkshade darkshade wrote:


who else is hoping for a new live album after DT11 comes out?

I am. In my opinion, Chaos In Motion wasnt a TRUE live album, like Budokan or Score, where it was ONE concert, and released as a DVD and CD. Not to mention the quality of CiM was questionable. Plus i'd like a live version of a couple of BC&SL songs.

I agree with you about Chaos In Motion, it was pretty bad, and LaBrie sounded absolutely knackered, almost ruined the entire thing. To be a hundred percent honest, if there was another live album, I don't think i'd buy it, I'm a bit 'lived out', and most of the time, I'd rather go listen to the studio versions, although I do have every other DT live outing. Smile

to be honest, i never listen to Budokan, Score, LSFNY, etc, straight through, but each release has something worthwhile to listen to aside from the studio recordings (ex, Buokan's version of Beyond This Life and Trial of Tears , Raise the Knife from Score, as well as the entire second set of Score, ACOS from LSFNY, which i think is better than the studio EP version IMO, CiM version of Surrounded (i like it), etc....)
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Gerinski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 16:48
I love much of DT's work and Finally Free is one of them.
Not so fond of their studio albums after 6 Degrees, Octavarium the track is fine although not as good as it may look, but the rest of the album, Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds are all rather weak.
However I think that the Score DVD has great stuff.
I respect them a lot though. Genesis screwed their career up far more and for longer time, and yet they get much less bashed.
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Hanyou View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 18:40
Meh, concerning live albums, I rarely listen to them.  I prefer studio albums.  That said, Score was spectacular, and I'd definitely give another live album a listen if it were on that scale.

Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

I love much of DT's work and Finally Free is one of them.
Not so fond of their studio albums after 6 Degrees, Octavarium the track is fine although not as good as it may look, but the rest of the album, Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds are all rather weak.
However I think that the Score DVD has great stuff.
I respect them a lot though. Genesis screwed their career up far more and for longer time, and yet they get much less bashed.

Octavarium's one of my favorite albums! The albums surrounding it, though, are pretty boring, especially Train of Thought.

I don't even think Six Degrees as a whole is a masterpiece.  I love the title track, but other than that...meh.  The major problem with Dream Theater is that they've gotten "heavier" and forgotten what made them great in the first place.  They're also good for their softer material.  Octavarium emphasized that, which I appreciate.

The sad thing is they'll never write another Images & Words.  I love everything about that album.
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Porcupinetheater View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 18:51
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

I love much of DT's work and Finally Free is one of them.
Not so fond of their studio albums after 6 Degrees, Octavarium the track is fine although not as good as it may look, but the rest of the album, Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds are all rather weak.
However I think that the Score DVD has great stuff.
I respect them a lot though. Genesis screwed their career up far more and for longer time, and yet they get much less bashed.

Yeah, their last three haven't been as good as most of their older stuff was, but I do think BC & SL was at least a step in the right direction. Hopefully, they can at least keep up a linear trend of improvement. Although that in and of itself is difficult for most any band, and exponential increase is far too much to ask from anyone.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:00
Originally posted by Hanyou Hanyou wrote:

Like I said, I understand that music is subjective, I just don't think the level of emotion in those songs is really that ambiguous.

No, in that case, you DON'T understand that it is subjective because you seem to be unable to allow for a different opinion.

Originally posted by Hanyou Hanyou wrote:

It's not hard to sound emotional.

LOL   It's not surprising coming from such a perspective that you'd struggle so much with the notion that DT lack emotion.  OK, let me put it this way, emoting is easy, emoting CONVINCINGLY is very, very tough.  

Quote Also, what does "80's cliche epic" mean?  When I think of 80's epics, I think of Iron Maiden, Metallica, or Marillion.  Dream Theater definitely carries an influence from them, but it has a sound all its own.  

Only to the extent that a band like Iron Maiden didn't have much pop metal influence.  Combine Maiden-Metallica riffery with that whole 80s arena rock kind of feel and you get DT.  They disguise it quite well with prog rock and fusion influences, doesn't mean I won't be able to see right through it because it's an uncomfortable amalgamation.

I wouldn't call it "cliche" at all, as "Finally Free" doesn't sound like it comes from any of those bands.

So what if you wouldn't, I am entitled to and I have given my reasons above.  

Quote  As for Ayreon, I think they're brilliant and I love the style used on those albums.  

So there you are on consistency.  I said I don't like that style and don't find it all that emotional and also that I don't discriminate against DT specifically.  And yet, here you folks are trying desperately to prove that all DT-'hate' is just elitism.  Seriously, get a grip.

Quote  For the record,  I love "Fallen Angel" and "Firth of Fifth." Brilliant songs.  But I don't quite see what they have to do with Dream Theater or "Finally Free."  

Er, that I don't think they are even remotely on the same plane, emotionally?  

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:08
Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

I think the actual reason, that these threads go off topic is because, even though this thread was obviously a thread that discussed the direction the band would take, which would mean it was a positive thread, just for those who were interested,  

Excuse me, sire, I am quite aware what the purpose of the thread was and had posted on topic before, what's more, you had even responded on them.  That is all the proof I need to give that I am quite well versed with their music and quite able to discuss constructively.  Take a look at where precisely the direction of the thread took a big turn.   As I said, it is not enough to discuss something related to DT for you folks, is it, you MUST somehow convert it into a rant against the haters.  Fine, you want an argument, I'll give you a swell one.  What,do you people get blinded to everything by rage if somebody attacks your 'beloved' band?  Confused  And by the way, LOL @ the very concept of "haters". LOL  On a forum like PA where people disagreeing and moving on is de riguer, it probably only means an inability to accommodate another perspective. 

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

You just had to write a post so far up your own backside that you had to winch it out didn't you.  

More defensive wailing, doesn't even merit a response.  

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

Of course if you had something constructive to say about the topic, this thread wouldn't go off topic. WHich is what you want isn't it?

Please see above.

Originally posted by JS19 JS19 wrote:

(PS. By the way, i actually agree that quite a lot of DT material can be a little emotionally cold, but there is some genuinely emotion stuff there, and to call it soulless is just blind)  

Er, do you people not understand the difference between relative and absolute attributes?  I had taken a lot of pains to explain that when people say DT is soulless, they don't mean completely, objectively soulless, they simply mean it's not soulful enough for them.  That is imo a reasonable position and if you won't even concede that, fine, go ride that high horse, whatever floats your boat.  LOL  Did you at all read and comprehend that post of mine where I described all this before declaring it most biast post and what not?

Edited by rogerthat - March 07 2011 at 20:26
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:11
Originally posted by Hanyou Hanyou wrote:

This is my first time commenting in the thread, I believe.  I don't know what has been said in the past and I can't be held accountable for it, but I obviously asked a valid question if it's provoked discussion.  

I am sorry, it's not very valid to say it absolutely p*ss*s you off that the haters call DT this and that.  Quite provocative, if anything.  Regardless, my first response to that comment of yours was reasonable even if very divergent from your views.  I am sorry, divergence on these things can't be helped, it's part and parcel of music discussions.  But JS19 here used it to launch into an (in)opportune rant on DT-haters, elitists, bias and everything else under the sun. Fine, if that's the line you folks are gonna play, it's not hard for me to.  We are mostly all grown ups here, so let's not any of us get the impression confrontational, defensive-aggressive posturing scares anyone here.  As long as you respond reasonably to my posts while still disagreeing, I will respond likewise.  Making accusations and branding people things is not going to help the discussion.    

Originally posted by Hanyou Hanyou wrote:

But thanks for accusing me of derailing the thread, even though you previously thought my point was valid enough for you to critique it.  I see the Principle of Charity reins here.Ermm

Not understanding the point of a thread and posting something else is to derail it.  OK, some derails are a lot of fun, that's a different story. Wink

Edited by rogerthat - March 07 2011 at 20:45
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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:21
ugh, this is why i go to when i want to talk about DT
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:41
speaking of topic derailment...
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darkshade View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 07 2011 at 20:55
topic derailment is derailing the original topic derailment derailing the original topic
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