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Posted: June 11 2007 at 19:31 |
I have not the slightest clue what will happen after death. I'm Christian, but my faith has slipped in the belief in afterlife. But seriously, who wants to live forever? (I know, that's a Queen song, and a good one.) The thought of eternity scares me. But then again, would I want death to be the very end, with nothing left afterwards? That's a scary thought too. I'm not quite sure what to think, but without a doubt I cannot know what will happen after death.
To be honest though, I find the idea of incarnation to be interesting....
Edited by darkmatter - June 11 2007 at 19:36
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Posted: June 11 2007 at 22:17 |
Life seems to be cyclical so why wouldn't death be the same?
el böthy
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Posted: June 11 2007 at 23:54 |
To some jewish guy, called Marv, apartment... it´s not that bad, but it has no heat, and the location is terible...
"You want me to play what, Robert?"
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 04:40 |
We are reincarnated. I in this:
Man Erg
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 04:48 |
Re-incarnation through the scattering of your ashes.
Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 04:52 |
We shall return as zombies, vampires or shoes.
Man Erg
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 05:02 |
Vompatti wrote:
We shall return as zombies, vampires or shoes.
Do 'The Stanley' otherwise I'll thrash you with some rhubarb.
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 05:06 |
i'm an agnostic so neither do i know nor do i care...
Edited by toolis - June 12 2007 at 05:06
-music is like pornography...
sometimes amateurs turn us on, even more...
-sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue...
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 08:53 |
darkmatter wrote:
I have not the slightest clue what will happen after death. I'm Christian, but my faith has slipped in the belief in afterlife. |
Here a little satire I put together. It is cynical and meant for laughs. Please no flaming.
A Heavenly Diary...
My First Day in Heaven
What a glorious place. Being with the Father and all others that have been saved. Pure joy and nothing else. How happy am I. Let me bask in His glory. The warmth of His love.
The next day in Heaven
What a glorious place. Being with the Father and all others that have been saved. Pure joy and nothing else. How happy am I. Let me bask in His glory. The warmth of His love. It is so constant. Unchanging. And I made the cut. I lived a good life and it paid off.
After a week in heaven
This really is a nice place. Being here is better than anything. I really need to find something to do though.
What am I thinking? Banish the thought! What a glorious place. Being with the Father and all others that have been saved. This was the promise and all anyone would ever want. Pure joy and nothing else. How happy am I. Let me bask in His glory. The warmth of His love.
After a week and a day in heaven
Keep that thought out. Keep that thought out. It IS really nice here. Just because I can feel God's love and be with him for an eternity along with everyone else who made it...DOING NOTHING...for eternity except basking in His love.
No wait! Stop! Clear that thought. La-la-la-la I'm clearing that thought. Now what was I saying before? Oh yah...What a glorious place. Being with the....etc...
After two weeks in Heaven
I wonder what those that didn't make it here are doing? LOL And I thought I was warm from God's love. LOL Oh boy. Isn't that a laugh. Good one God.
I wonder if it really is that bad there. I mean, I bet they have SOMETHING to do. I bet they're all telling jokes by now. I'm surrounded by a bunch of God's warmth bathers. Talk about a boring bunch. How friggin' happy can someone be all the time? Its down right annoying now that I'm thinking about it.
After three weeks in heaven
OK, why didn't someone tell me Heaven was this dull? I'm happy and all but holy mackerel how Joy to the World can you get? This is really driving me nuts. Its like Chinese water torture. I am losing my spiritual mind. It just...
Oh no...wait!
OH NO!!!!
NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!!!
I'm in hell!!!!!
Sure laugh it up God.
Edited by StyLaZyn - June 12 2007 at 08:56
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 12:14 |
Other place, the coffin
Anyway, religion or not, no one can surely know what will happend to us when we die, except for that we'll get buried etc.
The most logical to me is that death is the end, but I don't really know exactly.
Edited by Bj-1 - June 12 2007 at 12:16
RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 12:19 |
I like the idea of reincarnation.
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 12:40 |
As I prefer to argue from a base of some "certainty", I'll wait til I'm dead, then come back & argue with you all
"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.
The T
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 16:00 |
Man Erg wrote:
Vompatti wrote:
We shall return as zombies, vampires or shoes.
|  |
I choose the vampire part... I've always been a fan of The Count, and then again, returning with better seducing powers than I own as a living person wouldn't hurt...  ....Zombies are too ugly and I don'rt think they could attract any woman (unless she's a zombie, too, which makes her unatractive); besudes that, having to eat human flesh is not healthy, I'm sure, specially here where everybody eats fast food....  ... And about the shoe, it depends.... A shoe for females could be OK, but what if you retunr as a sports-shoe, or even worse, a soccer-shoe? Now if we return as clothing, I'd really prefer something else... 
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 17:44 |
StyLaZyn wrote:
I am a believer that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes form. I chose "we join the spirit world" and think of the spirit world more as an energy reserve.
I have some belief in reincaration, but like most things, if it can't be proven, the reason usually means that it is fiction to begin with.
Buddhism teaches that death is just another part of life. I think that ties in with what you are saying. I don't think our "soul" gets transferred, but we do go on to something else. The matter itself goes back to the whole, and whatever effect we've had will continue to be felt.
I do believe in reincarnation, but not as a physical rebirth. I think it happens within one physical lifetime. I am a completely different person than I was five years ago.
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 17:46 |
What if those near-death experiences where you see heaven/hell is the work of your unconscious mind and your imagination of either heaven or hell, and where your mind itself things you would go?
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 17:59 |
I think Doom came after Death, but it may have been Scandinavian Thrash.
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Posted: June 12 2007 at 18:13 |
We live and die and... yet... nothing, nothing at all. That's it. Immortality (and thus Heaven) is scarier than mortality and death. Peter Hammill knows it too. Still LifeCitadel reverberates to a thousand voices, now dumb: what have we become? What have we chosen to be? Now, all history is reduced to the syllables of our name - nothing can ever be the same now the Immortals are here. At the time, it seemed a reasonable course to harness all the force of life without the threat of death, but soon we found that boredom and inertia are not negative, but all the law we know and dead are Will and words like survival. Arrival at immunity from all age, all fear and all end.... Why do I pretend? Our essence is distilled and all familiar taste is now drained and though purity is maintained it leaves us sterile, living through the millions of years, a laugh as close as any tear.... Living, if you claim that all that entails is breathing, eating, defecating, screwing, drinking, spewing, sleeping, sinking ever down and down and ultimately passing away time which no longer has any meaning. Take away the threat of death and all you're left with is a round of make-believe; marshal every sullen breath and though you're ultimately bored by endless ecstasy that's still the ring by which you hope to be engaged to marry the girl who will give you forever - that's crazy, and plainly it simply is not enough. What is the dullest and bluntest of pains, such that my eyes never close without feeling it there? What abject despair demands an end to all things of infinity? If we have gained, how do we now meet the cost? What have we bargained, and what have we lost? What have we relinquished, never even knowing it was there? What chance now of holding fast the line, defying death and time when everything we had is gone? Everything we laboured for and favoured more than earthly things reveals the hollow ring of false hope and of false deliverance. But now the nuptial bed is made, the dowry has been paid; the toothless, haggard features of Eternity now welcome me between the sheets to couple with her withered body - my wife. Hers forever, hers forever, hers forever in still life.
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Posted: June 13 2007 at 10:46 |
Zitro wrote:
What if those near-death experiences where you see heaven/hell is the work of your unconscious mind and your imagination of either heaven or hell, and where your mind itself things you would go?
I firmly believe that the mind fabricates those visions of heaven or hell in near death experiences. Because brain activity may not be detected, that's all it is...undetected.
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Posted: June 13 2007 at 11:32 |
This is a question that always hits me, i believe we go nowhere, it is the end, nothing more.
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Posted: June 14 2007 at 19:15 |
You go in a wooden box which is buried approximately 6 feet underground.
There is no afterlife. There is no reincarnation.
It scares the sh*t out of me.
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