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Topic ClosedWould Yes be censored if...?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 18:59
Such forums already exist, check the comment section at the end of any news story on Yahoo, they have rules that are monitored by auto censor, but creative spelling easily gets around any of that.
Then of course there is Facebook and X (formerly known as a social media site that actually made money, instead of losing it, called Twitter) and many many more
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 18:26
Originally posted by Hrychu Hrychu wrote:

Solution: create a new subforum for political discussion only separate from "General Discussion" and "General Polls". And only grant access to that forum to those who are serious about it and those who are gonna keep the discussions civil. No bigots, trolls, ideological kooks, proselytizers etc. allowed.

If we didn't allow those people in there, all you'd hear are crickets chirping.   

While a subforum could be set up like that, it is the most passionate of people who tend to be the least civil, and likely would most like having it. It could have its own moderator. Otherwise, and I once suggested this, it could be a no holds barred political arena (with some rules that people abide by certain laws). To use a pejorative term, snowflakes need not apply. It would become like a war-room, battle royale, but I see problems with doing that and I could see issues spilling over into other parts of the forum. One thing that has been said is that this is a music site first, and the emphasis even in the forum should be about the music.

Another idea would be for someone to set up a forum at another site to discuss politics to one's heart's content or get together for an existing one elsewhere. I encourage people to use other sites fro such things. I used to belong to a Project Reason forum which could discuss religion and politics very freely, but it's not going any longer. It really did help to hone one's logic and arguments. I wish I had challenged myself to post there more.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 18:24
^ HA-- good luck with that. It's a pipedream.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 18:10
Solution: create a new subforum for political discussion only separate from "General Discussion" and "General Polls". And only grant access to that forum to those who are serious about it and those who are gonna keep the discussions civil. No bigots, trolls, ideological kooks, proselytizers etc. allowed.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 17:42
We need to Progelytize the masses, not proselytize them.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 17:40
Proselytizing and discussion are two very different things. When the religious kooks knock on your door, they are not looking for a discussion, they are there because they think you are ignorant and lost and your opinion means nothing to them.
We do have a couple people on this site who feel the urge to proselytize, and it is just as annoying as the religious kooks knocking on your door.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 17:12
It was quite obvious that you posted it for the message and you have had other topics closed you have been involved in. Why did you post it?

As a Prog Reviewer, do you have access to the collab zone? If you do, see this:

We had very recently had another thread closed due to having a political message.

This was my response to a mention of an album in PA by pone of my favourite bands, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, which makes clear its message in the title.

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

I closed this topic yesterday from Lorenzo (jamesbaldwin) focusing on the "important" message of a hip hop song. with the video titled "The Song Israel Doesn't Want You To Hear". He knows that we have opted not to have political discussions and has made a topic/ been involved with topics closed before on the same subject.

Of course politics comes into music and that does not mean that we can not mention that music, but we ask people to avoid and be careful discussing their opinions on politics (especially controversial ones) and pushing their agenda.

While I didn't close it, I understand closing David's topic as it had gone from sharing music to David having a conversation with himself about the politics he favours (his ideological leanings). On a tangential note, I think a topic has jumped the shark when one needs to be quoting oneself to keep it going. At so many forums double-posting has not been allowed (would be expected for blogs of course).

We have an antiwar music topic (rather it had not come up then) and we can still do themes without pushing our political agendas and views. Although I would say be very careful and reluctant before making any topics with a significant political dimension that could be deemed controversial, even if generally about music as we try to avoid controversy and topics that get heated.

I also wrote this earlier today when David D asked a question:


Regarding David D thread that was locked earlier than yours.

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

While I was not involved in locking that thread, I understand why it was done. We have a moratorium on political threads, which can help to at least keep the peace here. That said, of course politics comes into lots of music and when it is not about pushing a political agenda and sharing one's own politics but instead it's about the music and the song which might well have political/ ideological component then we have been lenient. If this is about the songs in this poll, members of the forum seem interested and keep responding, then that probably should be fine. We wish to be very careful and sensitive when it comes to inflammatory and controversial subjects, when it comes to propaganda and to be careful about try to minimise spreading misinformation and disinformation.

And as I wrote in your topic when closing it after actually fixing the embed so people could see it and explaining how it's done:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by jamesbaldwin jamesbaldwin wrote:

This is an important song

Hmmm, I see the video from Italy but not on this site. It's a pity.

The embed is malformed due to the 144 second timestamp. Instead of, breaking this up to show, [TUBE ]BlFvGy7NO3w&t=144s [/ TUBE] with the &t=144s part, just use the BlFvGy7NO3w part. By the, we have disallowed political discussions at PA due to the reactions it has brought about and, as I expected, this video has very political dimension. Of course politics/message is often an important part of a song and it would be problematic to not allow mentioning songs that have a political component, but since this topic is about the message on a topic that is politically charged, I will lock this. The title itself for the video, The Song Israel Doesn't Want You To Hear, makes its biases clear as do the lyrics.

It's horrible what's going on, and scary, but better to keep it on the lighter side at PA, imo. Lots of places to discuss such issues, and it is a complex issue.

You have made your agenda and views abundantly clear and I am sympathetic to the atrocities that have been committed and plight of many poor innocent people. I wish we could discuss this, but tempers flare which is why we decided to stop certain topics. As for if it were yes, it depends on how the topic was handled. I think it was very clear in your important comment and sharing it that it was not the music but the message, and because you have done topics on this before it was clear. Let's be honest and transparent.   By the way, I hate having to clean up this stuff and deal with it, but it is my responsibility to deal with complaints and I was part of that decision making process with other collabs and admin to disallow political threads (but with some latitude).

I think I've put plenty of effort into trying to explain. And it clear that you wish to push certain message. Avoid pushing your political perspectives here. There are better sites for it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 16:49
The whole free speech issue certainly seems to be coming to a head, right now in the U.S. with comedian Tony Hinchcliffe being seriously called out for an appearance in NYC at a Trump rally and his "If you criticize my racist, homophobic, anti-society style, you are the one with a problem... you are the one with no sense of humor."

But here's the thing-- If one wants to be able to say or post anything regardless of how it lands or who finds it sick, vile, and extremist, then you have to eat that and deal with the consequences.   Free speech goes both ways.   To quote comedian Jay Black :

“If you say something racist or sexist or anti-trans or anti-gay, any of those things, you’re not going to jail for that. But if people don’t like it and don’t laugh and they say that was a bad thing to say, well, that’s their right, too,” said Black, who was among those in the comedy industry who criticized Hinchcliffe’s jokes online. “You made a bad joke and did not get away with it because you didn’t present it in a way that was clever or original or spoke to the zeitgeist in such a way to make them laugh. The answer isn’t that the world is too soft, but rather that previously acceptable forms of racist comedy are now viewed as so stupid that many audiences no longer have an appetite for them."

And that's just how it is.   Demand open policies & free speech? Then be prepared to pay the price and don't whine about you're poor lost freedoms when people around you, maybe even friends and supporters, are saying, "Okay but you can't want absolute freedom to say or do anything and then complain about it as if you're being unfairly censored."   You're not being censored, you're living in the real world, and that world may not tolerate the kind of ignorant, race-baiting, misogynistic idiocy it did when comedy was performed in a private club or on an album you bought and listened to in your car or livingroom.   Things change, man, and you ignore those changes and social norms at a price.   Again, free speech goes both ways, and that's just tough.   

And so my personal response is this: Grow up and stop whining when you say something utterly stupid or contemptible and you get pushback.   It's called Free Speech and we all have it, not just the Far-Right toddlers who hide behind constitutional protections in order to have a career and attract semi-Fascist wanderers who are so disturbed and bitter about their mean fathers or lack of friends & love-relationships that they take it out on humanity as a whole.   Deal with it.

Edited by Atavachron - October 30 2024 at 16:51
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 30 2024 at 14:52

Dear progarchives forumists, it's interesting to see so many threads open on political prog songs and then to see that if I post, a BBOBBYY's song entitled "One Year Of Genocide", 


Greg promptly closes my thread.

Yet I wrote absolutely nothing political, I merely posted the video of the song.

It transpires that Greg closed a topic for the words and video of the song, i.e. for a form of artistic expression pertaining to music. 

Then this opens up some considerations, these yes political ones, about what happens in countries at war, and in particular in countries that support genocide - which today, 2024, can only require massive media manipulation.

We have been used to thinking of dictatorships, of the control of information, of the selective political participation as expressions of Nazism or Stalinism. Maksim Gorky checked under Stalin that Soviet literary works adhered to ‘socialist realism’, and after him in the old USSR, uncomfortable literary works circulated clandestinely as ‘samizdat’.

But what is happening in the United States today? That legitimate political considerations, i.e. opinions, lead to resignations from teaching in universities. That Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, author of ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ is stopped and interrogated at the airport, i.e. intimidated. Pappé himself struggles to find a publisher in Germany. Literary works are not awarded prizes at the Frankfurt Book Fair if they are written by Palestinians, and in Germany anyone who wears a keffiyeh or proclaims From the River to the Sea Palestine will Be Free (a slogan with a long history, the meaning of which has nothing to do with Hamas) risks being put on trial. Directors of films or documentaries about Palestine are accused of anti-Semitism (even if they are Jewish!) in the US and throughout Europe. There is no need today for a specific liberticidal law to pander to propaganda and restrict not only forms of political expression but also forms of artistic expression: literature, painting, comics, songs. 

Somebody says: there are other places to talk about politics. But in reality, institutionalised venues are even more influenced by propaganda. For example, in the US the venues to talk about the Gaza genocide and the boycott of Israel do not exist, university students on campuses are arrested. I have been following Jill Stein of the Green Party for the past months: the space given to her by the media is completely punitive compared to that given to Harris or Trump. Is the US a democracy or a duopoly in the hands of two strings of rich families who own the media?

And if we look at non-institutionalised venues such as Meta (Facebook) we notice that even more so the censorship of posts is unidirectional (it was only a few days ago that Zuckerberg put a former Netanyahu aide in charge of controlling/censoring posts about Palestine). 

Should we try to create forms of "samizdat"?

But in the case of the song One Year of Genocide, which I posted, we are in the presence of a form of artistic expression posted in a music forum that also has space dedicated to music other than prog. So in what sense should that song be posted elsewhere? Why would that song be out of place?

One suspects that one can talk about political songs here on progarchives as long as they are not about the genocide in Gaza or the war in Ukraine. Is this the case? Who is discriminating? Is Greg-Logan (for whom I have great respect: this is not personal) designated to play the arduous role of Gorkij? Gorky chose the political novels to be published and censored, even if they were ironic, even if the message was ambiguous, pluralistic, like any art form. Is Logan trying to make a difficult discernment between political songs that can be published and left for discussion and political songs that should be immediately closed in the thread where they are posted?

All this happens, like dominoes, voluntarily, without I repeat specific liberticidal laws, because we live in a West engaged in a now chronic war and in supporting a genocide that happens every day under the sun. In the East they may be worse, but should we move towards authoritarian if not dictatorial states?

Where is the boundary of what is publishable and open for discussion each time?

In other words, the question is:
Would be closed a thread dedicated to the song "One Year Of Genocide", if it was published by Yes (or Dream Theater, or Steve Wilson etc.)?
Yes? No? And why?

Thanks for the reading.

Edited by jamesbaldwin - October 30 2024 at 15:07
Amos Goldberg (professor of Genocide Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem): Yes, it's genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion.
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