I have not heard a note of this band but interested...
Can anyone recommend a play list of Essential Budgie?
Ha! I play in a Budgie tribute band! here:
It's a pity you are in Australia or you cold come and watch us

Here's some for you:
Breadfan - Never Turn You're Back On A Friend
Parents - Never Turn You're Back On A Friend
Nude Disintigrating Parachutist Woman - Budgie (1st)
Hot As A Docker's Armpit - Squawk
Young Is A world - Squawk
Breaking All The House Rules - Bandolier
In For the Kill - In For The Kill
Melt The Ice Away - Impeckable
if I Were Britannia I'd Waive The Rules - If I Were Britannia i'd Waive The Rules
You're Opening Doors - If I Were Britannia i'd Waive The Rules
Pyramids - Impeckable
Napoleon Bona parts1 +2 - Bandolier
After 1979 they went more HM. If you like this try
Forearm Smash - Power Supply
I Turned To Stone - Nightflight
Time To Remember - Power Supply
Panzer Division Destroyed - Power Supply
Bored With Russia - Deliver us From Evil (poor album)
Dead men Don't Talk - You're All living in Cuckooland (another poor album)
If you were going to try an album i'd go for Bandolier it's my fave and the most consistant. Hope this helps....
Tony C.