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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 13:46
excellent Teo...  great reply... you took that where I wanted to take it my friend.  Clap

I liked this in particular... great answer Clap 

So even if today they're not cutting-edge prog, they ARE a progressive-metal band as much as Rush is a prog-rock band... Because they broke the molds once, and we like them for that. Now we enjoy them like they are

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 13:46

Exactly... The Gentleman I was exchanging some words with a while ago (not Micky) is obviously (and has said it several times) not even remotely warmed by DT... (neither is Micky for that matter but he has tried...LOL).... This "showing the world my final word of wisdom" is just so.... socially-inmature... people need to show off whatever they think they have enough of to show off even when it's obvious it will create a bad moment for many involved....

Real super-intelligence of course is showed by avoiding situations which will create the same exact stupid effect that they caused before....

Edited by The T - April 03 2009 at 13:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 13:42
I think the problem here is another... I have to wonder at the reason why some people feel the need to post in a thread whose topic they are clearly NOT interested in, just in order to bash it (and, indirectly, those who instead are interested in the topic).

Yes, I know all about freedom of speech and all that, but at this point I have to wonder about myself... Why is it that I avoid posting in threads about bands/artists/kind of music/social phenomena (etc. etc.) I have no interest in? Perhaps there is something inherently flawed in me if I don't feel the need to bash something I don't like?Confused
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 13:38
Good Micky... we've found that in order for me and the other gentleman to kind of be able to talk we need you as interpreter... good job... LOL
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

no... I agree... quality has nothing to do with it.  However.. to string the conversation along... if quality was all that mattered.. why don't we review Duran Duran or Pat Benatar albums on this site.  This site is about progressive rock... and what makes progressive rock so good... when artists push the boundries and explore places that they.. or others might not have gone.  By doing another album in the same vein as they have done previous..  or worse...  sounding (and looking hahhaha) like a Metallica wanna-be...  it is then unfair to judge them on  the LACK of progressiveness...
Micky, what you say has its coherence. But again, two things: one, people are judging an album in advance for a picture... a PICTURE... couldn't that be more... pretentious, to use a classical prog-word, or even stupid?   but Teo... isn't Rocky right though ...  the fact is you can make assuptions on the music based on the picture. One would be stupid  to make assumptions as to quality.. but as to the substance...  is he (or anyone) wrong to make assumptions as to what you are going to get? As I posted about though.. this isn't about quality...  if quality was really what mattered here...  we'd be talking about Pat Benatar.

Obviously I don't think the gentleman is right through.You can make some guesses from pictures... but we all know albums with pictures that don't correspond.... besides, we're not talking about an album cover but about a photograph of THE BAND which maybe isn't even on the final ALBUM... It's not the same case... We have the cover of DT's next album... we do have it. But this thread is about a photograph of the band... With a blue background in a very prog-metal-ish way...

And of course, it shouldn't be about quality.

 Two, if prog artists need to have pictures that also "push boundaries", then I expect we demand the same of all of them... starting with Rush, for example, a band that never changed their style since Moving Pictures, or even Yes, and many many more. There's only a handful of bands which changed and evolved radically from album to album. It would seem only DT HAS to do it or they're ridiculed.... And now we also add the obbligation of hiring a fantastic photographer and an artistic graphic designer! LOL

very true point... with exception of Yes that did have shifts from album to album Longer, more incoherent songs... Tongue, even Rush that have changed styles since Moving Pictures as well.  Yes.. from pseudo-prog to formerly-prog...  The point is that they do not have to push those boundries to be prog... the evil of genrefication has seen to that....... but what makes a group great doing just that.  Then we agree Rush, Yes and all of those are NOT great? It seems only bands in Avant-garde are great... under that light... Those if a group does not..  then again I ask.... is it unfair to judge them on lack of progressiveness. That was not the initial judgement. And no, it is not entirely unfair. I insist, why only this band?  Like it or not my friend.. for a site about progressive rock.. that is going to be a VERY important point for a lot of people.  I haven't seen that. Most people love their bands even if they haven't changed a bit. Some gentlemen crave and need for that "progression" factor in every album they hear... Without it.. . what seperates Prog Metal from Metal that is simply technical.I've said it before in huge threads and posts.... not much... except elements and artistic intention, two things that the band we're discussing pretty much created for metal after others laid the foundations... So even if today they're not cutting-edge prog, they ARE a progressive-metal band as much as Rush is a prog-rock band... Because they broke the molds once, and we like them for that. Now we enjoy them like they are. It has to be that artistic element.. the notion that it isn't all technical wizardry... but a sense of doing something WITH it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 13:05
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

no... I agree... quality has nothing to do with it.  However.. to string the conversation along... if quality was all that mattered.. why don't we review Duran Duran or Pat Benatar albums on this site.  This site is about progressive rock... and what makes progressive rock so good... when artists push the boundries and explore places that they.. or others might not have gone.  By doing another album in the same vein as they have done previous..  or worse...  sounding (and looking hahhaha) like a Metallica wanna-be...  it is then unfair to judge them on  the LACK of progressiveness...
Micky, what you say has its coherence. But again, two things: one, people are judging an album in advance for a picture... a PICTURE... couldn't that be more... pretentious, to use a classical prog-word, or even stupid?   but Teo... isn't Rocky right though ...  the fact is you can make assuptions on the music based on the picture. One would be stupid  to make assumptions as to quality.. but as to the substance...  is he (or anyone) wrong to make assumptions as to what you are going to get? As I posted about though.. this isn't about quality...  if quality was really what mattered here...  we'd be talking about Pat Benatar.

 Two, if prog artists need to have pictures that also "push boundaries", then I expect we demand the same of all of them... starting with Rush, for example, a band that never changed their style since Moving Pictures, or even Yes, and many many more. There's only a handful of bands which changed and evolved radically from album to album. It would seem only DT HAS to do it or they're ridiculed.... And now we also add the obbligation of hiring a fantastic photographer and an artistic graphic designer! LOL

very true point... with exception of Yes that did have shifts from album to album, even Rush that have changed styles since Moving Pictures as well.   The point is that they do not have to push those boundries to be prog... the evil of genrefication has seen to that....... but what makes a group great doing just that.  Those if a group does not..  then again I ask.... is it unfair to judge them on lack of progressiveness.  Like it or not my friend.. for a site about progressive rock.. that is going to be a VERY important point for a lot of people.  Without it.. . what seperates Prog Metal from Metal that is simply technical.It has to be that artistic element.. the notion that it isn't all technical wizardry... but a sense of doing something WITH it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 12:52
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 12:50
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

no... I agree... quality has nothing to do with it.  However.. to string the conversation along... if quality was all that mattered.. why don't we review Duran Duran or Pat Benatar albums on this site.  This site is about progressive rock... and what makes progressive rock so good... when artists push the boundries and explore places that they.. or others might not have gone.  By doing another album in the same vein as they have done previous..  or worse...  sounding (and looking hahhaha) like a Metallica wanna-be...  it is then unfair to judge them on  the LACK of progressiveness...
Micky, what you say has its coherence. But again, two things: one, people are judging an album in advance for a picture... a PICTURE... couldn't that be more... pretentious, to use a classical prog-word, or even stupid?  Two, if prog artists need to have pictures that also "push boundaries", then I expect we demand the same of all of them... starting with Rush, for example, a band that never changed their style since Moving Pictures, or even Yes, and many many more. There's only a handful of bands which changed and evolved radically from album to album. It would seem only DT HAS to do it or they're ridiculed.... And now we also add the obbligation of hiring a fantastic photographer and an artistic graphic designer! LOL

Edited by The T - April 03 2009 at 12:51
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 12:44
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

My beloved one, R, I tell you again: I don't want to have problems with you ever again, I think we both want that. So stop quoting me unless I say, literally, that you're an idiot. Something that you have said in the past about me, in your very social style... But I will not avoid DT threads only because you appear there, so please, stay out of my way. Heart

I can promise you as much as this: I won't quote you unless I think you write something really stupid.

Now let's start our course with a not to difficult task:

What genre do you think this band belongs to?

What do you think the quality of the music will be like? 

And is it likely to appeal to a elitist snob like myself (in an unironic way)?

Any thoughts?


Btw: Obviously Micky (and everyone else) understood my post better than you did.
Oh no my love. I understood it perfectly. I know exactly what motivated you to say that. And it's not musical my one....
But if you promise not to quote me "unless you say something really stupid", then you already have said something extremely stupid, because you will be quoting me every now and then, as I take this place more like a relaxing spot rather than the only chance to interact with pseudo-human-beings, which is your view of PA.
Which shows that you're already deserving quoting from me... after all, it's a sign of social stupidity to continue to push a road that doesn't take you anywhere with a person that you'll never meet.... But what can I say, it's not your fault My Most Precious One... you can learn only so many social skills from conifers and a cocker spaniel....
To end my little gossip session with you Rock, let me just say that the cover you present me is extremely atrocious. It may tell me that the music inside will be metal-ish, kind of Manowar-like... but it still doesn't tell me anything about its quality.
And of course, you're right: it will not appeal to an elitist snob like yourself (your words).  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 12:37
Ahh yes, I remember the good old days when this was about lens flare and the appropriate placement thereof.

Those were good times huh?

(PS, on the picture above, I totally think the girl on the left is easy, she has that look to her).
-------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------

I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 12:14
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

quality?... sorry Rocky... quality is the eye of the beholder...  

An otherwise good post, but: Yawn.

In my first posts I never mentioned quality, though. This was just a question added here.

now.. time for you to play... same questions.. different picture...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:39
oh sure... think quality was mentioned elsewhere..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:38
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

quality?... sorry Rocky... quality is the eye of the beholder...  

An otherwise good post, but: Yawn.

In my first posts I never mentioned quality, though. This was just a question added here.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:27
Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

Okay, lolz and all aside - why is everyone basing the quality of the music on the new album by the artwork and press photos?

That's just stupid.

If they're pushing a certain aesthetic with the visual aspect of the album, would it be crazy for this to be indicative of the musical aesthetic being pursued as well?

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:24
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

^Interesting Micky... you may have a resemblance of a point here... I mean, you actually try to make it work and sound kind of coherent and you somewhat succeed... even in your "broken English"...

But that doesn't mean, anyway, that the picture (this or ANY other photograph of any other artist, prog-metal or not) can tell whether an album will be good or not. MAYBE, MAYBE it will give you some indication of the style that you can expect to find in the music... but the quality? Really?

Anyway this is of course highly subjective as we all know (except one) and it was my mistake to enter this very intelligent thread, seeing that I also tend to lose some objectivity when people judge DT one way, and then countless other bands another way.
My beloved one, R, I tell you again: I don't want to have problems with you ever again, I think we both want that. So stop quoting me unless I say, literally, that you're an idiot. Something that you have said in the past about me, in your very social style... But I will not avoid DT threads only because you appear there, so please, stay out of my way. Heart

no... I agree... quality has nothing to do with it.  However.. to string the conversation along... if quality was all that mattered.. why don't we review Duran Duran or Pat Benatar albums on this site.  This site is about progressive rock... and what makes progressive rock so good... when artists push the boundries and explore places that they.. or others might not have gone.  By doing another album in the same vein as they have done previous..  or worse...  sounding (and looking hahhaha) like a Metallica wanna-be...  it is then unfair to judge them on  the LACK of progressiveness...

Edited by micky - April 03 2009 at 09:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:18
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

My beloved one, R, I tell you again: I don't want to have problems with you ever again, I think we both want that. So stop quoting me unless I say, literally, that you're an idiot. Something that you have said in the past about me, in your very social style... But I will not avoid DT threads only because you appear there, so please, stay out of my way. Heart

I can promise you as much as this: I won't quote you unless I think you write something really stupid.

Now let's start our course with a not to difficult task:

What genre do you think this band belongs to?

What do you think the quality of the music will be like? 

And is it likely to appeal to a elitist snob like myself (in an unironic way)?

Any thoughts?

Btw: Obviously Micky (and everyone else) understood my post better than you did.

let me play....

quality?... sorry Rocky... quality is the eye of the beholder...   show me a Debby Gibson album cover..and I'll show you a great teeny pop album.

genre?  that is akin to asking what the music is like... it is in that that I think you are right... it is damned obvious just what you are going to get with that.. unless the group is a lot more subtle than the cover itself is hahha.  All it is missing is some tits and ass.  It is obviously (forgetting the title) a heavy metal album.

and yes... for someone like you Rocky...a cover like that is an immediate turn off to someone who likes their music more on the 'progressive' or experimental side.  Just as it would for a fan of Faith Hill or whatever the flavor of the week is for hip-hop artists.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 07:22
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

My beloved one, R, I tell you again: I don't want to have problems with you ever again, I think we both want that. So stop quoting me unless I say, literally, that you're an idiot. Something that you have said in the past about me, in your very social style... But I will not avoid DT threads only because you appear there, so please, stay out of my way. Heart

I can promise you as much as this: I won't quote you unless I think you write something really stupid.

Now let's start our course with a not to difficult task:

What genre do you think this band belongs to?

What do you think the quality of the music will be like? 

And is it likely to appeal to a elitist snob like myself (in an unironic way)?

Any thoughts?

Btw: Obviously Micky (and everyone else) understood my post better than you did.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 05:14

All I'll say is that if the new album is as good as the last one, that will do very nicely for me Approve.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 02 2009 at 23:55

^Interesting Micky... you may have a resemblance of a point here... I mean, you actually try to make it work and sound kind of coherent and you somewhat succeed... even in your "broken English"...

But that doesn't mean, anyway, that the picture (this or ANY other photograph of any other artist, prog-metal or not) can tell whether an album will be good or not. MAYBE, MAYBE it will give you some indication of the style that you can expect to find in the music... but the quality? Really?

Anyway this is of course highly subjective as we all know (except one) and it was my mistake to enter this very intelligent thread, seeing that I also tend to lose some objectivity when people judge DT one way, and then countless other bands another way.
My beloved one, R, I tell you again: I don't want to have problems with you ever again, I think we both want that. So stop quoting me unless I say, literally, that you're an idiot. Something that you have said in the past about me, in your very social style... But I will not avoid DT threads only because you appear there, so please, stay out of my way. Heart
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 02 2009 at 19:26
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by CCVP CCVP wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

plants and dogs have a language which you have decoded... now it's the time for pictures!

Where the f*ck is his Nobel Prize in Literature???????


coming back to this.... I have a pic I need to find....

now...  time to turn serious...

does Rocky have point... in his own unique plants and dogs language... I think he does...

bear with me....

what is the purpose of that pic...  what did I post something to the effect of earlier in the thread. What has happened to 'art' as being a very important and distinctive subtext of prog. 

 As usual it was a joke... but as usual with a bit of subtle meaning. 

The picture can be seen as symptom of the break down progressive rock.. and 'progressive' rock

why did classic prog appeal to so many people as it did...  it was art.. it was about pushing artistic and musical boundries.   What has prog become today.... genrefied is what it has become (© Micky 2008).   Just as pop, country and other forms of popular music have become.

What is that picture all about... image....image over substance.  It is a targeted appeal to a partcular subset of the listening audience.  How much more effective would that picture have been if there was some 'meaning' to it.   The point in which I think Rocky was right...  was not making a value judgment of the music itself... but telling just what that music IS going to be like, and if you didn't like it before... you sure as hell are not going to like it now.  You can tell from that picture that DT is not going to roll out anything remotely progressive...  take listeners for a real musical ride as musicians of their caliber SHOULD do.

That I think is the point Rocky was trying to make.. could be wrong.... I don't speak plants and dogs... only broken English.

Edited by micky - April 02 2009 at 19:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 02 2009 at 19:20
you should put a face on everyones shirts haha LOL
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