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The Quiet One View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2009 at 12:01
^hmmm, I would have thought other-wise....

damn, hehe....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2009 at 18:44
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by progismylife progismylife wrote:

I have something I'd like prayer about:

Some of the other youth in my church. The way they act / talk / stuff they go to and call good is a bit scary and I'm thinking its leading them down a road that isn't good. I hope I'm wrong, but its just bugging me. Also they don't see the amazing stuff I see in sermons and this concerns me.

Would you mind elaborating a bit (certainly okay if you don't)?

As for sermons, I wouldn't sweat that at all.  God brings believers closer to maturity at different rates.  If you're a more mature Christian (and it sounds like you very well may be), then of course that's nothing to brag about (because it's God's work in you), and you should be excited that He has placed in a place of leadership, and you will be able to work with your peers, set a solid example, and be a mentor.

Well it's just like they don't really seem to be paying attention in youth group, and definitely aren't paying attention to service, and I asked one of them why he goes to church he said: "To worship and praise God with other members / friends of fellowship, to educate myself about God, and how to apply it to my life, and i enjoy it"

and I just don't see that happening at all. During sermons and youth he talks with his friend or texts people during the service.

That's just one example.

And I realize I have been blessed by having a pastor for a dad, and one who did seminary and so has a wealth of knowledge as well as numerous books. I'm at least encouraged that the youth are coming to church, even if it is a bit irregular.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2009 at 19:28
Originally posted by progismylife progismylife wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by progismylife progismylife wrote:

I have something I'd like prayer about:

Some of the other youth in my church. The way they act / talk / stuff they go to and call good is a bit scary and I'm thinking its leading them down a road that isn't good. I hope I'm wrong, but its just bugging me. Also they don't see the amazing stuff I see in sermons and this concerns me.

Would you mind elaborating a bit (certainly okay if you don't)?

As for sermons, I wouldn't sweat that at all.  God brings believers closer to maturity at different rates.  If you're a more mature Christian (and it sounds like you very well may be), then of course that's nothing to brag about (because it's God's work in you), and you should be excited that He has placed in a place of leadership, and you will be able to work with your peers, set a solid example, and be a mentor.

Well it's just like they don't really seem to be paying attention in youth group, and definitely aren't paying attention to service, and I asked one of them why he goes to church he said: "To worship and praise God with other members / friends of fellowship, to educate myself about God, and how to apply it to my life, and i enjoy it"

and I just don't see that happening at all. During sermons and youth he talks with his friend or texts people during the service.

That's just one example.

And I realize I have been blessed by having a pastor for a dad, and one who did seminary and so has a wealth of knowledge as well as numerous books. I'm at least encouraged that the youth are coming to church, even if it is a bit irregular.

As you are now, so once was I.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 23 2009 at 06:49
Psalm 139:

1 O LORD, You have searched me and known me.

2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
          You understand my thought from afar.

3 You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
          And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.

4 Even before there is a word on my tongue,
          Behold, O LORD, You know it all.

5 You have enclosed me behind and before,
          And laid Your hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
          It is too high, I cannot attain to it.

7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
          Or where can I flee from Your presence?

8 If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
          If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.

9 If I take the wings of the dawn,
          If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

10 Even there Your hand will lead me,
          And Your right hand will lay hold of me.

11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
          And the light around me will be night,”

12 Even the darkness is not dark to You,
          And the night is as bright as the day.
          Darkness and light are alike to You.

13 For You formed my inward parts;
          You wove me in my mother’s womb.

14 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
          Wonderful are Your works,
          And my soul knows it very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from You,
          When I was made in secret,
          And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
          And in Your book were all written
          The days that were ordained for me,
          When as yet there was not one of them.

17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
          How vast is the sum of them!

18 If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
          When I awake, I am still with You.

19 O that You would slay the wicked, O God;
          Depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed.

20 For they speak against You wickedly,
          And Your enemies take Your name in vain.

21 Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD?
          And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

22 I hate them with the utmost hatred;
          They have become my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
          Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
          And lead me in the everlasting way.

What a thought, that the creator of the universe should be mindful of one like me.  The psalmist says that God knows when I get up and when I lie down, and that there is nowhere I could go (neither the depths of the sea nor the highest of heaven) that will rob me of God's presence. 

I read this psalm to my son on the night he was born, because it says that God forms us (weaves us!) in the wombs of our mothers, and set up all our days before we drew our first breaths.  How comforting it is to know that no matter what troubles surprise me, not one of them was a surprise to God, and He knew all along that difficult times would come, and He also knows how they will end.

And what manner of God is this, that His thoughts toward me outnumber the grains of sand of the vastest desert?  He thinks of me (with kindness! Wink) far more than I think of Him.

One's love for God should ultimately be such that it angers and pains one to hear others speak ill of Him, perhaps in a similar vein that one would not stomach hearing foul things said about one's spouse.

And finally, because God knows every secret thought of our hearts, both good and evil, we should ask Him every morning to reveal to us those areas of our lives that are displeasing to Him (and we are fools if we think there are none- see 1 John 1:8).  God will certainly show us what we do that is wrong, and He will also reward a repentant heart with strength to overcome it.
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Chicapah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 23 2009 at 07:30
Thanks for the post and thoughts.  I'm reading through Psalms right now.
"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 09:21
Best sermon ever.  Amazing.

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progismylife View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 10:06
Sermon Jamming ftw.
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 10:16
Re Psalm 139 verses 1 - 9

My word, is there no privacy?

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 10:16
Sorry - couldn't resist

Interesting thread, btw.

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 10:19
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Re Psalm 139 verses 1 - 9

My word, is there no privacy?

Apparently not.  LOL
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Chicapah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 24 2009 at 10:57
Over the last several weeks I've been participating in something at my local church called "Celebrate Recovery," a coordinated program that provides a place and setting for believers to gather and confess their sins, bad habits, concerns, etc. in a worshipful atmosphere.  I find it especially healing for men because we don't easily open up to other fellows (the smaller groups are segregated by gender) and "let it all out" but the benefits of sharing wholly outweigh any embarrassment one might feel.  I'm convinced that this is something the church has needed for a very long time.  It's not therapy, no one's there to fix anybody, it's totally discreet and there is no cross-talk allowed. 
You can google it for more info.  Just thought I'd pass it along.
"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2009 at 22:41
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

Re Psalm 139 verses 1 - 9

My word, is there no privacy?

Apparently not.  LOL
Apparently not. And this feels like a great comfort and protection to me, even though I'm a private person, who can hardly bear being watched by anyone. It's a miracle!
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 01 2009 at 13:42
From the pen of James (chapter 2):

What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?

 15If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food,

 16and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?

 17Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

James makes a tough point here- one that is hard to appreciate.  Yes, a man is saved by faith in Jesus Christ, but if no good works are manifested as a result, then we can only conclude that that man did not have faith at all.

Why is this?

It makes sense, actually: If you have faith in God (remember from my earlier post- faith is complete trust in God, who was faithful to us in caring for us and cleansing us from sin), then it stands to reason you will not lean on the crutch of money or possessions.

You could sell everything you own and give it to the less fortunate while proclaiming the Gospel to them, and have assurance that God will take care of us.

So what makes us so timid about going out of our way to help others who need it?

I haven't had a job since July.  But I've never once done without, and neither has my family.  I should have more confidence that I can be God's instrument to the needy and provide myself a fair opportunity to share with them the good news of my Savior.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2009 at 09:30
I've been reading the old testament lately and must say that both Esther and Ecclesiastes have been particularly intriguing.  The former for its intuitive symbolism of the human condition and the latter for being so devastatingly honest about the futility of living life without God.  I'm continually amazed at how relevant even the oldest scriptures are in today's world.
"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
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Tuzvihar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2009 at 16:59
I can't remember when I last time went to a church to prey (I was born in a catholic family). I haven't been much into religion for a long time. But for some time when I pass by a church I feel the urge to step inside. Sometimes I do. I look around and go out. I feel like I'm missing something...
"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."

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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2009 at 17:59
Originally posted by Tuzvihar Tuzvihar wrote:

I can't remember when I last time went to a church to prey (I was born in a catholic family). I haven't been much into religion for a long time. But for some time when I pass by a church I feel the urge to step inside. Sometimes I do. I look around and go out. I feel like I'm missing something...

I pray you find what you're missing, friend.
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horsewithteeth11 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 17:01
Well, I meant to post this yesterday since Easter would have seemed a more appropriate day. But we had family over, I forgot about the time, etc etc. So instead I come here today with a prayer request.

Normally I tend to keep others in my thought/prayers. But right now I think I need a few myself. I've been born and raised in a Catholic family, and lucky to be blessed with one that loves me and cares about my well-being very much. But around my senior year in high school, I started having questions and negative thoughts about my faith so I started drifting away from it. A couple of weeks ago though I found an old Bible in my room from grade school and have since been reading it for at least 20-30 minutes every day. I'm kind of doing that old "say a little prayer, open it up to a random page, and begin reading" deal and almost every time I've read it, it's spoken to me personally. Basically I guess I'm asking all of you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I try to rediscover my faith life. I'm not really sure what direction it's going to go from here, but I feel like I'm being guided along somehow. Thanks!
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 13 2009 at 17:06
I can't speak for the Almighty, so I don't know what direction He's giving you, but I'm glad you're finding guidance and purpose in the Bible.  We will be praying for you buddy!
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Chicapah View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2009 at 07:26
I pray that you just stay on the road you're on, Bird.  Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will fall into place.  You've gone to the right source, friend, just stay with it.
"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2009 at 10:00
I just try to believe and be good to myself and others and realize my potential. That's my religion/philosophy. I find things simpler if I don't get involved in all the trappings of organized religion. So I guess you could call me a freelance Christian. I used to be a pretty hard-line methodist type, but then I began to worry that I might end up following man's rules instead of God's, so I severed ties with my church.
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