progreviews wrote:
Do Make Say Think - Their latest Winter
Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn is my favorite. Looser and jazzier
than most post-rock bands.
I agree about that last bit...not only are the horns really tense and
melodic, reminiscent of King Crimson and VanderGraaf Generator, IMO,
but the playing overall has a more improv-ed feel I think is really effective
for the post-rock aesthetic.
I also agree about A Silver Mt. Zion - Born intp Trouble is a really well
arranged album, very beautiful but gripping throughout. I think their third
full length "This is Our Punk Rock," Thee Broken Satellites Gather and
Sing, is not liked by the prog community because of the full-time use of
vocals, most of which are kind of drunken and off-key and sometimes
vaguely squealed- very soulful, IMO, but not prog-familiar. Nevertheless,
the songs on this album are also VERY well arranged, and instrumental
sections are well interspersed with the vocal sections to keep things
fresh. hypnotic post rock, I'd say, and very distinguishable from the
Godspeed! mold.
Explosions in the Sky is plenty energetic and plenty beautiful, but the lack
of instrumental textures besides familiar amplifier settings for redundant
riffs really cuts the shelf-life of this band as extended listen material.