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    Posted: April 16 2004 at 01:08

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 16 2004 at 00:42


Thank you for accepting my olive branch.  I wanted to add that it was actually somewhat strange to find that "Ian Gledhill" and "Vibrationbaby" were one and the same: i.e., the person on the threads seemed so...different from the person doing the reviews.  In this regard, I'm going to ask Max to go back to using our "nicknames" for the reviews, so that there is a consistency between the reviews and the forums: he can always link the nickname to the real name in the "Collaborators" section.

Finally, as the only two "Ians" on the site, we should be standing together, no?


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 15 2004 at 11:49

Cheers Maani. I think that I was initially wrong. It was a stupid thing to do on my part. I wrote that prior to my promotion to the status of "official" Prog reviewer and even then it was a dumb thing to do. As I said, this reviewing thing is new to me and I do think I am getting a little better at it with each posting. Believe me it is my sincere intention to turn people on to progressive rock music but at the same time I am not afraid to warn someone away from a REAL dud such as Triumvirat`s a La Carte. Wish I could go on I have two dogs here that are preparing to wreck the house if I don`t take them out.

Thanks for your concern.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2004 at 23:06


Since I seem to be the most "culpable" party here vis-a-vis the "accusations" against you, let me first say that I apologize if I offended you personally.  As you know, you and I have had wonderful discussions (and debates) on various threads.  And I very much respect your opinion as a whole.

I think my main concern was that, as "official" reviewers (and I've said this elsewhere), we have an added "responsibility" with regard to "informing" new visitors through our reviews.  That was why I was so "upset" by your single-line reviews; that they were so shockingly "damning" (by both star rating and words) only added to my upset.

I also want you to know that me comment about "getting you fired" was probably as much for "shock value" as your reviews: I never did "petition" Max, nor would I have done so.  At the risk of sounding "snide," it seems my comment had the desired effect: you saw fit to comport your reviews to your true feelings, rather than using them as a "statement" - one that, as noted, had little value for new visitors who might stumble upon those reviews.

Please forgive me for any overzealousness on my part: just as it is, as you say, clear from your addition as an "official" reviewer that Max et al must have seen something in your reviews to warrant your "upgrade," I think that my "passion" for the site - that it truly be a place where new visitors get a sense of history, of honest assessment (even where two assessments are 180 degrees apart), and of "progression" within the genre - was, among other things (and perhaps primarily) what warranted my own upgrade to the admin group.

I offer an olive branch, if you are willing to accept.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2004 at 15:26

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

For all those offended by my rather harsh critique of Foxtrot I finally got around to fixing it up if you want to check it out.

Well yeah!  That review still conveys your personal apathy for the album without taking a slap at anything.  Good on you!    <SMILIE>

OK now everybody!   <SMILIE>   GROUP HUG!  <SMILIE>


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 14 2004 at 15:02
For all those offended by my rather harsh critique of Foxtrot I finally got around to fixing it up if you want to check it out.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2004 at 13:48

Vibrationbaby wrote:

"I'll try and rewrite my Foxtrot critique as soon as I can. (I also want to haul it out and listen to it a couple of times before I do so.)"

ClapKudos for that, Vibe! I like to give new discs several listens before I review them (at least), and even old faves (like JT's SONGS FROM THE WOOD) another spin (or two, depending on the length of the review) on my computer as I write. I find that lots of music that "grabs" me immediately soon loses its lustre, whereas stuff that I don't initially "get" will often "grow" on me, and stick with me. (Van der Graaf Generator being a recent example of the latter phenomenon -- at first I was tempted to dismiss it as depressing, paranoid and painful -- it can be that, but it's also MUCH more!) 


Edited by Peter Rideout
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2004 at 12:35
Originally posted by corbet corbet wrote:

Well, the old review was certainly more fun to read.  Too bad it almost got you "fired" though, V-baby.

[edit: ...and however much I might like "Foxtrot" on its own merits, I have to say your Gentle Giant comment gave me a big ol' smile!  DAMN RIGHT!]

I'm going to rewrite the Foxtrot one again to better reflect my true feelings toward it just the same as I did for TLLDOBW. I did mean it, though, when I made the GG comment. Early Genesis is nothing like Gentle Giant. Technically and otherwise no one can touch them (GG). I've seen people at record conventions ( I used to go to these things ages ago) comparing the two bands and it would just make me think, do these people actually listen to the music? Gentle Giant was one of the most articulate, daunting and adventurous bands ever! Foxtrot definitely has it's merits but right now my dogs are bugging me to go for a run so I'll try and rewrite my Foxtrot critique as soon as I can. (I also want to haul it out and listen to it a couple of times before I do so.)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 22:52

Well, the old review was certainly more fun to read.  Too bad it almost got you "fired" though, V-baby.

[edit: ...and however much I might like "Foxtrot" on its own merits, I have to say your Gentle Giant comment gave me a big ol' smile!  DAMN RIGHT!]

Edited by corbet
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Vibrationbaby View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 18:19
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

There! I re-did my Lamb Lies Down On Broadway review. I'll fix the other one when I have a bit more time. This is more or less my true feeling towards this record.

A much better review in my opinion.I agree with your comments about 'Lamb..' being too long.I've often thought that and you do give credit for the better moments like 'In The Cage'.Anyone new to the genre would be well informed by that review.Well done and keep it up!


Cheers and peace throughout the world.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 17:44

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

There! I re-did my Lamb Lies Down On Broadway review. I'll fix the other one when I have a bit more time. This is more or less my true feeling towards this record.

A much better review in my opinion.I agree with your comments about 'Lamb..' being too long.I've often thought that and you do give credit for the better moments like 'In The Cage'.Anyone new to the genre would be well informed by that review.Well done and keep it up!


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 17:37
There! I re-did my Lamb Lies Down On Broadway review. I'll fix the other one when I have a bit more time. This is more or less my true feeling towards this record.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 12:43
Originally posted by Glass-Prison Glass-Prison wrote:

Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

 The Lamb "Pretentious shlock"?! Seems like a non-prog fan....

A wee bit extreme, especially as the album in question was largely a Gabriel project!


(See also his Genesis - FOXTROT review: "Pretentious dribble (sic) just like the previous three....")

Oh well. To each his own! "One man's meat...."

Pretentious? Prog? I think the word pretentious has been thrown around so much that the meaning of it has been lost. The definition of the word is such:

  • adjective:   making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction (Example: "A pretentious country house")
  • adjective:   intended to attract notice and impress others
  • adjective:   of a display that is tawdry or vulgar

    I don't think that is the point of bands such as Genesis. If anything, their progressive sounds are more apt to turn away potential listeners. also, they are almost always underrated, and have much more importance than is immediately evident. Hence, the term pretentious, when applied to prog, is nearly redundant.

  • I know this and I can also think of a few other adjectives which have been overused to describe this music, bombastic, pompous, self-indulgent etc.

    Edited by Vibrationbaby
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    Vibrationbaby View Drop Down
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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 12:39
    Originally posted by Joren Joren wrote:

    Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

    Do you mean you weren't impressed with Genesis or Gentle Giant? For many Gentle Giant takes more time to start appreciating whereas people tend to like Genesis right away. (I'm refering to the early pre-1975 Genesis, of course.)

    Other way round: I ADORE Gentle Giant, but I don't know what's so great about Genesis. I guesss I only know their pop-period, and I only listened to a few songs from Nursery Cryme. What do you think is their best album?

    O.K. We're on the same frequency then. Gentle Giant is one of my faves. In a Glass House is my favourite album with Octopus in a t a close second. As for Genesis, and I do have all their earlier stuff, I would have to go with The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway mainly because it was  more or less a Peter Gabriel led project (and despite what I said in my notorious little revew!) My favourite track would have to be Back In NYC.
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    Glass-Prison View Drop Down
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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 12:14
    Originally posted by Peter Rideout Peter Rideout wrote:

     The Lamb "Pretentious shlock"?! Seems like a non-prog fan....

    A wee bit extreme, especially as the album in question was largely a Gabriel project!


    (See also his Genesis - FOXTROT review: "Pretentious dribble (sic) just like the previous three....")

    Oh well. To each his own! "One man's meat...."

    Pretentious? Prog? I think the word pretentious has been thrown around so much that the meaning of it has been lost. The definition of the word is such:

  • adjective:   making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction (Example: "A pretentious country house")
  • adjective:   intended to attract notice and impress others
  • adjective:   of a display that is tawdry or vulgar
  • I don't think that is the point of bands such as Genesis. If anything, their progressive sounds are more apt to turn away potential listeners. also, they are almost always underrated, and have much more importance than is immediately evident. Hence, the term pretentious, when applied to prog, is nearly redundant.

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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 12:07
    Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

    Do you mean you weren't impressed with Genesis or Gentle Giant? For many Gentle Giant takes more time to start appreciating whereas people tend to like Genesis right away. (I'm refering to the early pre-1975 Genesis, of course.)

    Other way round: I ADORE Gentle Giant, but I don't know what's so great about Genesis. I guesss I only know their pop-period, and I only listened to a few songs from Nursery Cryme. What do you think is their best album?

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    Vibrationbaby View Drop Down
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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 11:39

    Do you mean you weren't impressed with Genesis or Gentle Giant? For many Gentle Giant takes more time to start appreciating whereas people tend to like Genesis right away. (I'm refering to the early pre-1975 Genesis, of course.)

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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 11:32

    Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

    I take it that you want me to explain myself. I will admit that I went a little bit off the deep end with the Genesis reviews, but to say I "Simply make a subjective judgement in one or two lines." is not true. Check out other reviews I have written on Omega, Grobschnitt, Dream Theater, Mike Oldfield, Focus etc. You will also notice that the very first reviews which I began writing were rather short because I was rather new to the game. Although I have been involved in music both as a listener and musician for close to thirty years I had never previously sat down and wrote a musical critique. Max must have thought that I had some worthwhile insights or I wouldn't have been asked to write as a PROGEVIEWER As for my choice of bands, I try and review a band which would perhaps not be that familiar to someone visiting this web-site with the intention of becoming informed about what is out there as far as the prog-rock genre goes. Bands like King Crimson, Genesis (and I`ll get to this Genesis thing in a sec) and Yes are readily available at major record shops either on the shelf or through a direct order. They even play some of this stuff on classic rock radio stations. I think there is a lot more to this genre of music than just King Crimson, Yes, Jethro Tull etc. And don`t get me wrong I am a big fan of these bands as well, especially KC. I guess I might be a little guilty of not explaining myself in more detail as to why I didn't like a particular work but it just escapes me sometimes why we need another 5 star review for Dark Side Of The Moon, Foxtrot, Close To The Edge and others. There's a lot of great music available out there! What I really like when I`m going through the reviews is to see something different or new which I might not have even heard of (or forgotten about) A couple of good examles of this were some recent reviews on the Irish prog band Fruup ( which used to open for Genesis frequently in the early years) and  Greenslade. Mabye I was just feeling frustrated with looking at so many stars that I just said to myself there! Take that! If I offended any Genesis lovers I most sincerely apologize. I thought it would be taken for just that, shock value! And anyone who might have been taken aback by those somewhat harsh  statements about one of the premier acts of the genre all they would have to do is go and read all the other reviews contained in the archives on Foxtrot, LLDOB or whatever and they would come to the immediate conclusion that there IS someone out there who doesn't care for this band and I'm pretty sure this was going through my mind when I wrote those things. Once again I apologize to the Genesis people for my obviously hurtful comments. You wouldn't believe the comments which I've had to put up with being into bands like Brainticket, Guru Guru, Floh de Cologne and other bands in that vein!

    In your review on Foxtrot, you say that newbies had better check out Gentle Giant. Is it true that Genesis is being over-estimated? I've only heard a few songs myself, and I wasn't really impressed.

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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 11:21
    I take it that you want me to explain myself. I will admit that I went a little bit off the deep end with the Genesis reviews, but to say I "Simply make a subjective judgement in one or two lines." is not true. Check out other reviews I have written on Omega, Grobschnitt, Dream Theater, Mike Oldfield, Focus etc. You will also notice that the very first reviews which I began writing were rather short because I was rather new to the game. Although I have been involved in music both as a listener and musician for close to thirty years I had never previously sat down and wrote a musical critique. Max must have thought that I had some worthwhile insights or I wouldn't have been asked to write as a PROGEVIEWER As for my choice of bands, I try and review a band which would perhaps not be that familiar to someone visiting this web-site with the intention of becoming informed about what is out there as far as the prog-rock genre goes. Bands like King Crimson, Genesis (and I`ll get to this Genesis thing in a sec) and Yes are readily available at major record shops either on the shelf or through a direct order. They even play some of this stuff on classic rock radio stations. I think there is a lot more to this genre of music than just King Crimson, Yes, Jethro Tull etc. And don`t get me wrong I am a big fan of these bands as well, especially KC. I guess I might be a little guilty of not explaining myself in more detail as to why I didn't like a particular work but it just escapes me sometimes why we need another 5 star review for Dark Side Of The Moon, Foxtrot, Close To The Edge and others. There's a lot of great music available out there! What I really like when I`m going through the reviews is to see something different or new which I might not have even heard of (or forgotten about) A couple of good examles of this were some recent reviews on the Irish prog band Fruup ( which used to open for Genesis frequently in the early years) and  Greenslade. Mabye I was just feeling frustrated with looking at so many stars that I just said to myself there! Take that! If I offended any Genesis lovers I most sincerely apologize. I thought it would be taken for just that, shock value! And anyone who might have been taken aback by those somewhat harsh  statements about one of the premier acts of the genre all they would have to do is go and read all the other reviews contained in the archives on Foxtrot, LLDOB or whatever and they would come to the immediate conclusion that there IS someone out there who doesn't care for this band and I'm pretty sure this was going through my mind when I wrote those things. Once again I apologize to the Genesis people for my obviously hurtful comments. You wouldn't believe the comments which I've had to put up with being into bands like Brainticket, Guru Guru, Floh de Cologne and other bands in that vein!
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    Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2004 at 09:26
    Let's hear what the concerned BOY have to say ...
    Prog On !
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