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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2014 at 18:20
Originally posted by akamaisondufromage akamaisondufromage wrote:

See I don't get it.  I just don't get it. I'm anal I know but it just pisses me off.  You see there is a point to this thred.  Although, I can only assume as its not mine.  I think it's based on a radio show we have in the UK and probably other countries, where famous peope pick their favourite 10 records they would have if they were stuck on a desert island.

So then the OP is asking us to do the same. And of course its difficult, it makes you have to think about what you would want to listen to which records would stand the test of repetative play and what kind of mix you would want if you could only chose a few records.  Otherwise, its a totally pointless exercise of picking all your favourite discs and typing them out, only to act as some vanity project that nobody reads anyway.

So, really I would learn much more about you and your taste if you tried a bit harder and actually thought about it a bit. It would be much more interesting and I might even read your post.



Well Cheesehouse! You need not be grumpy, the post was neither adamant or explanatory.  As far as "all" is concerned,  I have a list of 500 fave albums , not because I am vain but due to the fact that its been 47 years or so of collecting!  

You need perhaps to revisit your Gruyere and get some chilled Tokay Aszu in your hands . That would make you way less bitter. As for Dean's obsessive use of the f**** word, he needs to be reined in by an Admin LOL
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2014 at 18:52
I have often noticed that around this forum the use of dry, caustic language peppered with ironic sarcasm and prosaic repetition solely for comedic affect is a futile endeavour but fortunately I post to amuse myself, not others.
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2014 at 19:00
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

I have often noticed that around this forum the use of dry, caustic language peppered with ironic sarcasm and prosaic repetition solely for comedic affect is a futile endeavour but fortunately I post to amuse myself, not others.

Ditto, my thoughts precisely Big smile
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 00:54
Originally posted by dr prog dr prog wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by dr prog dr prog wrote:

Why limit to 8? Just list a bunch

Because it is based on Desert Island Discs, a BBC radio programme that has been running since since the 1940.
Over that 70+ year period there have been literally 100s of guests, each of whom have chosen exactly 8 records to take to their desert island. Not 7, not 9, not 40, not 800 but exactly f**king 8. In 1958 Aaron Copland was a guest on the programme and while he did choose one of his own records to take with him, he managed to whittle the extensive list of records that he undoubtedly liked to precisely 8 f**king records. Not 7, not 9, not 40, not 800 but exactly eight f**king records. David Bowie has been a guest on the show - he selected <span style="line-height: 1.2;">precisely 8 f**king records. Not 7, not 9, not 40, not 800 but exactly eight f**king records. </span>Yehudi Menuhin was a guest on the programme - guess how many f**king records he chose... go on, have a wild f**king guess... did you guess 40? did you think he could only manage a list of 7 records? No. He chose 8 records, n<span style="line-height: 1.2;">ot 7, not 9, not 40, not 800 but exactly eight f**king records.</span>
<span style="line-height: 1.2;"></span>
<span style="line-height: 1.2;"></span>
Got that?

Well man I listed 9 sets of 8 for 9 separate islands so there you go ma. You happy now? Well? 😉

only if you visit all of them and leave the computer at home
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akamaisondufromage View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 01:37
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Originally posted by akamaisondufromage akamaisondufromage wrote:

See I don't get it.  I just don't get it. I'm anal I know but it just pisses me off.  You see there is a point to this thred.  Although, I can only assume as its not mine.  I think it's based on a radio show we have in the UK and probably other countries, where famous peope pick their favourite 10 records they would have if they were stuck on a desert island.

So then the OP is asking us to do the same. And of course its difficult, it makes you have to think about what you would want to listen to which records would stand the test of repetative play and what kind of mix you would want if you could only chose a few records.  Otherwise, its a totally pointless exercise of picking all your favourite discs and typing them out, only to act as some vanity project that nobody reads anyway.

So, really I would learn much more about you and your taste if you tried a bit harder and actually thought about it a bit. It would be much more interesting and I might even read your post.



Well Cheesehouse! You need not be grumpy, the post was neither adamant or explanatory.  As far as "all" is concerned,  I have a list of 500 fave albums , not because I am vain but due to the fact that its been 47 years or so of collecting!  

You need perhaps to revisit your Gruyere and get some chilled Tokay Aszu in your hands . That would make you way less bitter. As for Dean's obsessive use of the f**** word, he needs to be reined in by an Admin LOL

I will try this Tokay Azsu as you call it.  Maybe then I will be able to make a list of 500 fave albums too.  One can only hope?  Its something to aim for.
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javajeff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 05:18
Ok, so people are going to list "Complete Works" as one album?  Really?  Just because the records labels are interested in selling you same music 100 times does not mean that counts as one album.
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 10:16
Originally posted by javajeff javajeff wrote:

Ok, so people are going to list "Complete Works" as one album?  Really?  Just because the records labels are interested in selling you same music 100 times does not mean that counts as one album.

Which is why I abhor GREATEST HITS (Yuck!) but I am a devout Roxy fan (avatar) , I love all their studio albums and on any island I would need them all. 
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 14:30
I'm still trying to whittle down my list of 12 favorites  to 8 to satisfy the 'pedants' on the board.
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dr prog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 16:53
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

I'm still trying to whittle down my list of 12 favorites  to 8 to satisfy the 'pedants' on the board.


Make sure every band passes the 400 items under the prog archive definition criteria or your post will be banished to forum no one visits lol
All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 23:15
Originally posted by dr prog dr prog wrote:

Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

I'm still trying to whittle down my list of 12 favorites  to 8 to satisfy the 'pedants' on the board.


Make sure every band passes the 400 items under the prog archive definition criteria or your post will be banished to forum no one visits lol
What...? They all have to be 'prog albums'...?    Wink
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 13 2014 at 23:35
-King Crimson- In The Court of the Crimson King (a no brainer imho..)
-ELP- ELP (a seminal prog LP for me....another college favorite..)
-Beatles- Sgt Pepper ( tough choice since they did so many good ones before and after Pepper..)
-Neil Young- After The Gold Rush (played this over and over in college...still makes me wish I was Neil Young at times..)
-Steely Dan- Katy Lied   (c' knew The Dan had to be in there with a name like Dr Wu...Wink)
-Jethro Tull-Benefit ( people talk and talk and talk about TAAB and Passion Play etc, but this one has it all for me as a Tull album...)
-Caravan-If I Could Do It All Over Again... (tough choice there since I also adore the Hatfield albums but I heard Caravan first so...)
-Yes- The Yes Album (again people go on and on about CTTE and Relayer, but this one blew me away when I first heard it and still does today..........this one's for you'll always be a Starship Trooper)
Damn pedants and their 8 only ...I didn't even get to name my favorite classical album....cough...Ralph Vaughan Williams....Fantasia On A Theme by Tallis...cough.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2014 at 02:39
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Damn pedants and their 8 only ...I didn't even get to name my favorite classical album....cough...Ralph Vaughan Williams....Fantasia On A Theme by Tallis...cough.
To be pedantic. It is not pedantry since the number "8" is central to the format of the radio programme and therefore not a minutiae of detail, nor is exceeding the said number a minor error in need of correction. It's like asking the genie for four wishes, you can try but you'll only get three. That's not pedantry, that's the genie rules. Just as you cannot feed 12 CDs into an 8 CD auto-changer, you can try but it's not going to work. That's not pedantry, that's the Sony 8 CD auto-changer maximum capacity. If you went on the radio programme carrying 12 albums then Kirsty Young would very politely explain the format of the programme to you and still only play eight of your selection. That's not pedantry, that's the programme format. Obviously inspired by that radio programme the OP asked for your 8 albums to take to a desert island and why, not 12, not 40, not 800, he did however set a precedent for listing additional albums that just missed the list for those would like to make mention of more albums than the prescribed 8. So if you want to give a shout-out to Ralph Malph and his Fantasia then do so.

However, to be pedantic - this thread is in a sub forum of the Prog Music Lounge and thus should ideally contain only Prog Albums, or to be more pedantic should only contain albums listed in the PA archive. That, after all, is the reason for this forums existence - to discuss the music listed in the database. Fortunately the thread police do not enforce this stipulation too rigorously (nor should they).
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presdoug View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 14 2014 at 09:34
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

1) Helmut Koellen-You Won't See Me
2) Triumvirat-Illusions On A Double Dimple
3) Dzyan-Time Machine
4) Giger Lenz Marron-Beyond
5) Dirk Steffens-The Seventh Step
6) Libra-Musica e Parole
7) Triumvirat-Spartacus
8) Colosseum Live

Whittlled down to 8 albums, these are my favorites, they are records I never tire of-"Life is short, but art is long."

I eliminated the classical choices from  my list, as Dean pointed out, this is part of the Progressive Music Lounge, so my list is all progressive choices now. (well, a couple of prog related in there)
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2014 at 01:05
I think Dean has messed up his own argument on this. If its based on the show then there is no requirement to stick to a particular genre. Naturally people will include mainly prog albums or albums listed on the site but now its a very confused. Can you include prog related or proto prog for instance?
Also if this was moved to General Music Discussions would you be able to include prog albums?!
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 16 2014 at 01:42
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I think Dean has messed up his own argument on this. If its based on the show then there is no requirement to stick to a particular genre. Naturally people will include mainly prog albums or albums listed on the site but now its a very confused. Can you include prog related or proto prog for instance?
Also if this was moved to General Music Discussions would you be able to include prog albums?!
My argument is unaffected - the "prog only" is a limitation of the lounge the OP created the thread in, not the format of the radio programme; the OP had already deviated from the show's format by stating "Albums" rather than "Discs" (originally "eight gramophone records", the show now limits this to "eight pieces of music"), but the OP still clearly states "just 8 albums".

If you look at how the lounges are organised on the default index page, the PP and PR Lounge is not listed in a Prog Music Lounge, but as I said - the Admins do not enforce this policy too rigorously so it is only as confusing as you want to make it. If he had opened the thread in GMD then this limitation would not apply and the list could include any genre.
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Rednight View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 17 2014 at 22:13
1. King Crimson-Red (Did I mention that it's my favorite album?
   Instilled within my soul)
2. Pink Floyd-Wish You Were Here (After nearly 40 years, I'm frankly
   still analyzing the thing. A wonderful follow-up to 'Moon)
3. Chris Squire-Fish Out of Water (You get Chris, Bruford, Moraz,
   Hastings, orchestration, and so much more. So well recorded, too)
4. Gentle Giant-Interview (No, no hiccup here. A little silly in parts,
   but it really flies when it needs to)
5. Yes-Relayer (Rick who?)
6. 801(Phil Manzanera)-Listen Now (This album has it all and sucks me in
   no matter what portion of it I break into. But grab some good
   earphones, lay back on your back with a good pillow, and listen to
   it from beginning to end. Quite a journey!)
7. Timo Laine-Symponic Slam (Was part of 1975's best releases for my
   money. Ahead of its time with its synthesized guitar and all. Love
8. Maxophone-Maxophone (An sonic treat that really mixes up some fine
   Italian musicianship. The soft parts are a welcome treat that
   balance the whole experience quite nicely)
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 18 2014 at 01:08
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I think Dean has messed up his own argument on this. If its based on the show then there is no requirement to stick to a particular genre. Naturally people will include mainly prog albums or albums listed on the site but now its a very confused. Can you include prog related or proto prog for instance?
Also if this was moved to General Music Discussions would you be able to include prog albums?!
My argument is unaffected - the "prog only" is a limitation of the lounge the OP created the thread in, not the format of the radio programme; the OP had already deviated from the show's format by stating "Albums" rather than "Discs" (originally "eight gramophone records", the show now limits this to "eight pieces of music"), but the OP still clearly states "just 8 albums".

If you look at how the lounges are organised on the default index page, the PP and PR Lounge is not listed in a Prog Music Lounge, but as I said - the Admins do not enforce this policy too rigorously so it is only as confusing as you want to make it. If he had opened the thread in GMD then this limitation would not apply and the list could include any genre.

 nice comprehensive and sensible answer 
thank you
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garymchambers View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2014 at 13:32
Yes - The Yes Album
Kate Bush - Aerial
Talking Heads - Fear of Music
John Coltrane - Blue Train
Pink Floyd - Wish you were Here
King Crimson - Discipline
Beethoven 6th Symphony
Arcade Fire - Funeral

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2014 at 13:35
Time Life's 10 CD set "How to Build a Boat with Materials Found on a Desert Island".   
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2014 at 14:10
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

Time Life's 10 CD set "How to Build a Boat with Materials Found on a Desert Island".   

You will have to leave 2 of the CDs behind.  Wink
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