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40footwolf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2010 at 01:49
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:


I am really sorry that I have called anyone here fascists. 40footwolf, you have my unreserved apology. I was well out of order.

Talking of rumors and my strong gut reactions towards anyone who distribute them:   

I am not a snowy white innocent person when it comes to rumors either. In my youth, I put one band out of business by spreading rumors about their political beliefs. I had no business doing that and I acted despicable. It also caused other human beings a lot of hurt. I am deeply ashamed of what I did. Which explains my moral stance that we cannot react on rumors alone. Hence my over-reactions and my stepping over the line in this thread.     

I cannot boycott Magma until clear facts is put on the table. And even then, I will have ethical problems boycotting them based on the fact that I am not boycotting the use of comfortable things in life based on the political views on the inventors of these (which was anti-semitics, based on their own admissions). I am middle aged and not as strong as I once was. Sorry.  

Anyway, 40footwolf has my unreserved apologies and all the best wishes for this week and future. 

It's cool dude; I'm no stranger to saying stuff I don't mean when things get heated Smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 13 2010 at 13:30

My god, people just believe what they want to believe, don't they?

All this talk about whether it is morally correct to boycott an artist on their beliefs misses the point that it is highly unlikely that Vander is a facist. The band members who bothered to respond have flatly denied this. See the first post's link:

Quote The criticisms of Magma, and, by dint of association, the members of the group, made by Emmanuel Borghi are baseless and empty. - MAGMA

If that isn't a flat out denial, what is? Where are these accusations of ambiguity coming from? The fact that it is written by one member but speaks for the entire group? Are you only going to be satisfied when Christian Vander walks into a courtroom, puts his hand on the bible, and testifies in front of a judge that he doesn't, has never, and never will hold NAZI beliefs? Give me a f**king break! You can accuse the band of lying, but you can't accuse them of not denying it, that is just factually untrue.

And, think about this. If they were supporting NAZI ideals, then why would they deny it? It would make no sense for them to deny it, the best way to support these ideals is to, well, support them, instead of cowering away from them. 

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2014 at 23:03
Time to sin. Time to revive a dead post. I hate to be a necroposter and bringing up a thread that may be completely dead, but there's something fishy here: is it dead because the rumours actually died or is it because the discussion merely ran out of steam? Was there ever any sort of resolution? Have I missed anything?

Ever since I got into Magma (which is just a couple of years ago) this debate has been popping up from time to time and the amount of misinformation flying around here is simply staggering. I'm frankly exasperated with the stupidity. I think it's unfair to Magma and I think it's unfair to all the fans of Magma--and most importantly, I don't think it's fair to common sense. Therefore, I have chosen to revive this thread and ask some questions and throw in some observations of my own. It's impossible for me to just ignore--not because I'm some sort of fanatic Magma fan, but because in general I think misinformation and stupid rumours should be put to death before they actually begin causing real trouble.

First of all, the questions:

1. What exactly is nazi about Kobaïan ideology?

The reason I ask is because from what I've managed to gather about their albums, it's pretty far from nazis. If anything, it'd be an insane suicide cult that has occult Egyptian leanings. Let's go through some of the albums here:

The liner notes to Kobaïa are meant to explain the songs, and either I'm blind or there's not the slightest Nazi message. They arrive on the planet they call Kobaïa, and there they're accepted by the resident "monsters" and essentially live happily forever after. This is reflected in the notes, this is arguably reflected by the tone of music. No nazi message. Unless you mean Vander's crazy screaming monologues in which he yells the same thing he will repeat on many albums henceforth (something with Ïtah dë Stauhi bla bla Magma Argesdrah bla bla). Sounds more like he's introducing the band like a maniac; hell in his monologue on the opening song, he yells ZANKA ZANKA ZANKA. Zanka apparently means "sun".

The notes to 1001 Centigrades in the Studio Zünd box state that the sidelong Rïah Sahïltaahk is essentially a story of hubris and nemesis. A Kobaïan holy man thinks he can talk down a raging storm and ends up drowning. The other songs are hard to place, but at least the lyrics to 'Iss' Lanseï Doïa actually have some Kobaïan words in them that I would purport to be able to translate: "Sündia / lantseï doïa / zï sürah / hündïn Kobah". In any case, that's what it sounds like, and the first part supposedly means "Rest in peace / don't run away". If anything, I'd say this song is about some guy having a dream he thinks is a nightmare because he hasn't bothered to look into it more. Again, I don't see the nazi message. Would the rhythmic barking he does once in a while constitute the nazi message here?

Then we have Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, subtitled "the judgement of humanity for [bla bla bla list sins here]", as seen on the album cover. I can't remember the list verbatim off the top of my head, but take a look at your own copy--if you own one--and you'll see. We have the good old Nebëhr Gudahtt who essentially manages to convince everyone on Earth to kill themselves or at least shed their physical form. There's marching. There's definitely some sort of war. There's definitely ideology. There's definitely the word "incinerator". Am I in denial if I say that I STILL can't see the nazi? It sounds military, yes, but if military equals nazi then I'm sorry, all of us who'd ever been in the armed forces are f***ing worshipping Hitler, and that's really not the case.

Let's look at the Köhntarkösz cycle before I go on to the next question. It's about a pharaoh who almost discovers the secret to eternal life, but is murdered. Then some angsty archeologist kid is led to his tomb by locals recognizing him as the coming prophet, goes into the pyramid and has the spirit of the pharaoh pass on to him all of his knowledge. I feel really dumb for asking now, because it's ridiculous to even CONSIDER this, but: What is the nazi message in this?

2. Where does the idea that Vander has a castle come from?

I've heard it mentioned a couple of times but from what I can gather from interviews, they'd never been particularly well off in the beginning, and I have no reasons to believe Vander lives in any kind of luxury today. A pretty house maybe; I doubt he's in any sort of dire straits financially, but a CASTLE? This sounds about as stupid as the story about Vander and Top sitting in castles and fighting eachother with black magic, which is also mentioned in passing by the actual author of the book containing that ridiculous story, if you need more sources.

What other ridiculous "facts" about Vander have I managed to miss..? Let me guess, he has actually resurrected Hitler and keeps him as a pet in the dungeons of his castle. I mean it's pretty hard for me to take this rumour seriously at all. Nevertheless, it's not important.

3. Why is the distinction between Christian Vander and Magma missing?

Vander is one man with many projects--Magma being one of them, arguably the biggest of them. Nevertheless, Magma is Magma and Vander is Vander. It's true that Vander is the driving force in it, but it's hardly a vehicle for his personal views--see my ramble under question no. 1 above. So what if he is fascinated with Hitler and nazism? They were iconic, it can't be denied. They had style, so to speak. That doesn't mean he supports their twisted world view. Again, the many inconsistencies have been pointed out here: Stella Vander, his ex-wife being Jewish (and from Poland, to boot); a lot of the performers in Magma being dark-skinned (Garber) or Jewish (Lasry); some of Vander's friends and idols being black (Coltrane, Redding, Jones)...
If he's inspired by the nazi chic aesthetic, why not let him be? Don't get me started on the things most of us here are living and fascinated by on a daily basis, because some of their origins and nature is equally dark if not worse. Vander is not a nazi. This can't be overstated. Furthermore, to return to the question, Vander is Vander and Magma is Magma, so what reasons do we have to assume that he uses his project to disseminate his fascination with Hitler?

Now then, time for me to give my own five cents on all of this. I've heard bulls*** left and right about people "learning Kobaïan", about the songs having messages, yes, about Nazi ideology being presented... I've already addressed most of this above, so I'll head straight for the linguistic territory (which happens to be my specialty). Let's look at Kobaïan and why you can't "understand" Magma's music through supposedly "learning" Kobaïan. First of all, the sources on Kobaïan are limited at best: official sources comprise the poem on the back of 1001 Centigrades and the track titles of Wurdah Ïtah. Have I missed any here? Good luck piecing any information on the language from that. Again, I will claim that you can't learn Kobaïan, much less learn to understand the music of Magma through it.

While it sounds German at times (I speak German, by the way), the whole German schtick is more goofy and nonsensical than anything, even if it does get a bit sinister, such as in that one video of a Zëss performance where Vander starts the Kobaïan version of his monologue and... actually lapses into broken German. What's sinister here is that at one point he says what sounds unmistakably like "wir werden Toten" and "sie werden stürmen" which would roughly mean "we will be dead/we will kill" (depending on how you interpret the brokenness) and [grammatically correct] "they will storm". There's also "zu sein, zu sein" ("to be, to be") and probably other examples. What I think is that he simply likes the sound of German, and sometimes words slip in. It's a very "hard" or "tough"-sounding language and its hardness befits the force of Magma's zeuhl. However, the band has stated on multiple occasions that the language is essentially gibberish.

"The language has of course a content, but not word by word", states Klaus Blasquiz in this interview.
In another interview we have Vander saying "I sing with new words that I don't know, and when I am improvising further, the same words come back, even though I don't know them. But I didn't learn them, they impose themselves on me." In the same interview he confirms that words from existing Earth languages slip in occasionally, "[s]ometimes there is a word that is maybe French or English and I leave it in because it is there, and it's natural."
Adds Vander in yet another interview, "People don’t understand Kobaïan full stop anyway." If there was a message to be conveyed in the music, conveying it in a way noone understands seems a pretty poor way to do so. "[It] was really sounds that were coming at the same time as the music", he said.
It's true that there have been Kobaïan words with meanings. Here again we're talking the poem on the back of 1001 Centigrades and the titles of the songs on Wurdah Ïtah. You might hear one or two or these words appearing in the actual music--if you're lucky--with the notable exception of 'Iss' Lanseï Doïa where they actually try to sing in a more "normal" way. This also happens to be a song not written by Christian Vander. Just sayin'.

I personally think putting agendas and actual ideological messages into music is bad taste and cowardly. I doubt Vander would do such things. One of the reasons I've gotten so much into Magma is because in a way they feel like they're pursuing the same goal with music as I am: to tell stories through it. They want to tell a story, and maybe it becomes coloured by their own perception of it, but at the end of the day it's a story being told and all the possible "ideologies" in there are depicted as seen by observers. It's like a movie or a stage play in a way where the musicians and/or instruments are playing the parts.
And again, I want to say once more that if he would want the music to PROMOTE any sort of ideologies, he'd have done it in a language people would actually understand.
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TheH View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2014 at 11:06
Only CV really knows the meaning of Kobaïan words, if they don't just
sound good and fit the mood of the Music.

If you set a lot of assumptions you can interpred a lot into
these words.

e.g. Setting the assumption that there is a German background

"Kobaïa Iss Dëh Hündin" would mean "Kobaïa is the Bitch"   

Let's have a logical look at the Phrase

"Für mëhn fühl ëhndöh Lïtaah"

Again setting the assumption of a German background.
Setting the assumption that Kobaïan is a language.
Setting the assumption it's a language based on rules.

So it would be rather save to say that like in German nouns and names
are writen with a capital first letter.

So neither "fühl" or "ëhndöh" can be names or titels.

"fühl" in German means feel(!)

All we know about "Lïtaah" is that it is a noun or a name.

So a possible translation could be:

"For me feel neverending Love"

That at least makes more sense that that "other" Translation.

O course it can also mean "How much is the Book"

Edited by TheH - April 27 2014 at 11:15
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 10:20
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Originally posted by fuxi fuxi wrote:


I've always wondered if the sleeve of Little Red Record wasn't meant as parody.

I doubt it.

Back in those days, laughter was banned as the subversive middle class thing it was. 

Not to mention that for some reason quoting Chairman Mao, or reading his book was considered OK in the old days, and I could not believe some folks in Madison, that thought that we needed some of that ideology in America! 

The making fun of it, was right and proper, specially when in China you would get prosecuted senseless. 

For a slight, not complete, but close enough, see the Zhang Yimou film about this and the history of the "Chinese" revolution from a non-political point of view that somehow gets made into a political statement.

But in essence, the point really was that all "ideologies" had faults, that we tended to overlook.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 10:41
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

If you still insist that Vander is fascist based on unsubstantiated rumors, you are yourself holding fascist beliefs. 

This conversation is scary, and reminds me of our past history in Portugal before we left for Brazil in 1959.

I don't think that folks in a "free country" can appreciate the depth and possible implications of this conversation and how much we look at it with slanted eyes, in so many ways condemning the very thing we hate, but are doing in a psychic way. It is the very source of the bad part of it all.

As a simple example, my own father had a lot of his film and theater reviews cut up, to ensure that some stuff was not seen. And my father was writing about the British and American and French writers that had come up along with the film makers at the time. 

However, for a Fascist government, that was incendiary material and they censored it a lot, and several publications have already been done on these with the originals next to it. 

Poetry was also a problem, so you can imagine that today's "pop music culture" would also have a problem if the song was not about polka dots! And even that might get censored! As an example, there were a series of poems about lit candles in the beach at night that were censored as "freedom poetry" because it suggested something that the government did not want people to think about or consider.

In my book, I think that Robert Wyatt is a clown, and a clever one at that. I don't believe his this and that shows anything except his complete disdain for form of any kind, to the point where some of his musical material -- the stuff he loves the most -- sounds like a little kid plunking the keys the first time in their life, and using words to say absolutely nothing with them and twist them around. But he's no fool, and in many ways is a very good and perceptive actor. Here we are discussing something that we probably dislike, but we have a tendency to think that no one can even make fun of that!

I seriously doubt, that Christian Vander and his music design and thoughts are as controversial as we think, when in many ways, his music has a lot more in similarities to the visualistic style of the operas in Beyruth in the old days with the grand sets, and a lot less to do with anything else, although I have never EVER associated any of the wording as malicious or badly intended, and if had been the case, I think that Stella and others would likely have said something and objected in one way or another. I sincerely think that they concentrate on the musical embellishment of it all a lot more than anything else.

One last comment. Weird that the cover of "Udu Wudu" had those orcs dressed as pigs! And at the time, it was cool to make fun of cops by calling them pigs! But as Ken Kesey said in the film (The Trip if you haven't seen it), is it Nurse Ratchet's fault that she has to do something that she has no choice on. It was a job. and she knew she was just as trapped in the society that gave her the job as the others in the institution.

It's like saying that Guernica is "evil" because it showed you a snapshot of the streets in Spain during their brutally vicious Civil War. That would fall into the same hands as our sisters suggested that the winners are always shown as wonderful and the losers as evil and misguided. But I do not, and never will, sympathize with genocide in any form!

Edited by moshkito - April 29 2014 at 10:42
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 10:58
Oh no not this thread again....

If anyone is interested in making up an opinion for themselves, then I'd recommend they read this thread back (perhaps not all of it), because there are in fact a few links to actual statements made by Stella and other band members. Nothing is proven though, so I'd also recommend people take all of this with a grain of salt. 

Just a reminder on my behalf.....I've witnessed a fair few discussions on the internet go completely down the drain on account of supposed Nazi undertones. Let's keep this thread civil folks!Smile 

Edited by Guldbamsen - April 29 2014 at 10:59
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KingCrInuYasha View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 12:49
Originally posted by Paravion Paravion wrote:

Here is an extract of an interview with Blasquiz and Vander done in 1977.

"Quite often you change the members of Magma, is it difficult to make them stay?

Vander: It is wrong to say that we shift our members. They leave the group. We would like to keep our musicians, but we cannot avoid the frequent changes. It has something to do with, that many of the musicians have other goals than Klaus and I. The music is the most important. In that moment a new member is being part of the group, he should be prepared to go in the service of the music. We are a group, not an assembly of single individuals. One is supposed to deliver a united effort. This is something the blacks understand. In the USA they understand this feeling. Booker T & the MG’s understood it. They accompanied Otis Redding. They were really in the service of the music. We have the same goal in Magma. Actually Magma plays black music. Black music is devotional music. It is a spiritual music. The white peoples music, is music of the intelligens. Mostly."

[own highlighting]

Forgive me for bringing this up again, but, regardless of whether or not the accusations of Vander being a racist/fascist/whatever are true,  I find this whole "black music is spiritual and white music is intellectual" thing to be outdated and silly. Heck, for white, spiritual music, look no further than Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. For black, intellectual music, I think Miles Davis' stuff is just as much intellectual as it is spiritual.

Edited by KingCrInuYasha - April 29 2014 at 13:02
He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 13:15
^Well he did say 'mostly'Wink
Meaning not all white music is intellectual and not all black music is spiritual. I gather he was trying to make a point, but then again this was the 70s and points from musicians were often clouded by substances and other such tomfoolery.
Anyway, the interview is some 37 years old by now.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2014 at 13:48
Good point.
He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2014 at 01:41
I prefer purple music.
Frank Swarbrick
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2014 at 08:10
What is the colour of Symphonic Progressive Rock?
I'd say the colour which takes the longest to dry when applied as an emulsion!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2014 at 12:46
Originally posted by infocat infocat wrote:

I prefer purple music.

All colors, really!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 01 2014 at 18:46
Does anyone really take the frankly risible spiritual and ecological views of a sexagenarian French hippy musician seriously anyway? (10 pages of posts would suggest otherwise and also that I'm being both racist and ageist) Anyone espousing a world view in otherworldly terms is always worthy of caution methinks. Is singing in your own made up language about emigrating to another planet somehow more deserving of the charge of Nazism than immediate help from the mental health profession?  We have been assailed by the delusional/manipulative beliefs of many basket case cult leaders over the years but we can at least console ourselves that most of them never made Prog albums for consideration by this website.

No...Wait up, most of us appear to take the frankly risible spiritual and ecological views of a sexagenarian English hippy musician seriously (Jon Anderson)ConfusedShocked

Edited by ExittheLemming - May 01 2014 at 18:50
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 08:08
You can get called a Nazi when espousing any views of a cultural nature that can been assumed to have racial undertones! It is a cultural fact that Symphonic Progressive music seems to be appreciated most by white , reasonably educated men. I have only ever seen one black man at symphonic gigs! But I have noticed a significant increase of women attending - but whether they are attending as part of a couple (as I have taken my Mrs to several gigs that I HATED!) or because they actually want to be there is an interesting question! Singleton or groups of wimmin are unlikely to appear at Symph prog gigs it would seem! All this seems to be CULTURAL , and not Racial and would make an ideal thesis subject for a sociology degree I'm certain !!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 08:52
Originally posted by M27Barney M27Barney wrote:

You can get called a Nazi when espousing any views of a cultural nature that can been assumed to have racial undertones! It is a cultural fact that Symphonic Progressive music seems to be appreciated most by white , reasonably educated men. I have only ever seen one black man at symphonic gigs! But I have noticed a significant increase of women attending - but whether they are attending as part of a couple (as I have taken my Mrs to several gigs that I HATED!) or because they actually want to be there is an interesting question! Singleton or groups of wimmin are unlikely to appear at Symph prog gigs it would seem! All this seems to be CULTURAL , and not Racial and would make an ideal thesis subject for a sociology degree I'm certain !!!

It is clearly not a cultural fact that most reasonably educated white men can articulate their ideas in a manner befitting the subject matter at hand e.g. Bulgarian polka music should be banned because it is racially exclusive by dint of it's ethnic source? How many symphonic gigs have you attended where the audience were somehow hoodwinked into believing that their anticipated racially pristine Symphonic prog band were to appear but multi cultural Zeuhl specialists Magma showed up instead? Can you name a racist Prog Rock band?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 09:00
^Mugabe's Unforseeable Feng Shui
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 09:06
I work with facts! I cannot invent a symphonic prog rock gig where I turned up and the crowd were all rocket fit nymphomaniac black amazons!
I was just reporting on the demographic which I have based on the set of symphonic prog gigs I have been to! And if the demographic of an audience isn't cultural then what is it? I am placing musical taste in the magisterium of culture...if it doesn't fit there where does it fit??
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 09:38
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Does anyone really take the frankly risible spiritual and ecological views of a sexagenarian French hippy musician seriously anyway? (10 pages of posts would suggest otherwise and also that I'm being both racist and ageist) Anyone espousing a world view in otherworldly terms is always worthy of caution methinks. Is singing in your own made up language about emigrating to another planet somehow more deserving of the charge of Nazism than immediate help from the mental health profession?  We have been assailed by the delusional/manipulative beliefs of many basket case cult leaders over the years but we can at least console ourselves that most of them never made Prog albums for consideration by this website.No...Wait up, most of us appear to take the frankly risible spiritual and ecological views of a sexagenarian English hippy musician seriously (Jon Anderson)ConfusedShocked

^^^^^ This. Just...this.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 02 2014 at 18:54
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

^Mugabe's Unforseeable Feng Shui

I think you mean Dr Robert Moogabe's Unforseeable Feng Shui Wink
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