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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 07:53
It wasn't me.LOL
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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 07:55

Yeah that looked like I was implying it was you, sorry, that was just coincidence of when I posted. It really wasn't SD, but who it was doesn't matter. What I was saying is some people feel this way, management can react or not.

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dreadpirateroberts View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 07:56
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Robert: Alright, I'm a crazy person. The moderation is infallible and no one should ever say otherwise because it's just not possible that a well-meaning mod might get a bit heavy-handed. The day is saved. Woohoo. Pats on the back all round.

Well done, sarcasm, compelling stuff.

I don't give a rat's arse if you don't like the moderation, suck it up. Your childish posts will not change anything, give up.
We are men of action. Lies do not become us.
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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 08:01
I have to say though that some of the Admin team I respect hugely and like very, very much. Some of them in the past I have disliked. Just like any member here.

Edited by Snow Dog - May 03 2012 at 08:22
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Smurph View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 08:15
WOOT drama give me more guys I'm starting to enjoy this!
hmm... someone talk about someone else's mom! That would make things interesting. Even better if that guy's mom is really ill or something. I wanna see bullets flying!
Even better someone could talk crap about me just trying to egg everything on and not contributing to the conversation. Then, even though I dont get mad about anything, I could blow up in your faces and storm off into the bathroom to cry.

Edited by Smurph - May 03 2012 at 08:18
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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 08:17
^Well if that is the response then that was my last post here.Ermm
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 08:21
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

^Well if that is the response then that was my last post here.Ermm
Haha- I'm just joking around. It's just funny to see words like arse and seeing people use sarcasm. The anger is escalating and I feel like it is for no reason at all.
It is because I understand what you guys are saying, but its kinda pointless to really continue on about it. It's not like the people in charge have a personal vendetta against anyone. I haven't really had anything of mine deleted, and if I have had anything deleted I haven't noticed. Because if a post of mine was deleted, I can't get angry about it.
I'm posting on a forum and the people in charge have the right to do whatever they want because I'm not in charge and they are. IT'S ONLY THE INTERNET. Nothing we say on this website is going to change the world.

Edited by Smurph - May 03 2012 at 08:27
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 09:33
Originally posted by dreadpirateroberts dreadpirateroberts wrote:

Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Robert: Alright, I'm a crazy person. The moderation is infallible and no one should ever say otherwise because it's just not possible that a well-meaning mod might get a bit heavy-handed. The day is saved. Woohoo. Pats on the back all round.

Well done, sarcasm, compelling stuff.

I don't give a rat's arse if you don't like the moderation, suck it up. Your childish posts will not change anything, give up.
I'm with Westley on this one.
You are quite a fine person, and I am very fond of you. But you are only quite a little fellow, in a wide world, after all.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 10:15
Everybody knows I had several encounters (some not very friendly) with some administrators, I must have more warnings than most of the members, but there are some issues to understand:

  1. The Administrators have to act as firemen, the have to enter in a thread, block it or warn somebody, because they have to prevent that the fire expands and causes more harm.
  2. I believe that in SOME cases they have to act without having all the facts, because the damage of inaction may be worst.
  3. Yes, sometimes they act by the reputation of the person...BUT HEY, WE CREATED THAT REPUTATION, for example, I'm stubborn and exhaustive in my posts (Never offended anybody), and some people feel attacked when they notice they are wrong, the next thing they do is notify the Administrators, AND THEY HAVE TO ACT BEFORE THE PROBLEM EXTENDS. 
  4. The Administrators have to act with people of different nationalities and realities, what is an insult for a Peruvian, may not be considered offensive in USA or vice-versa
  5. This is not a democracy, transparency in the decisions is required for elected functionaries, but the Adms have been selected by the owners to put order, and the have to do it at any cost. When we join the site, we accept the rules  
  6. I believe in some cases they haven't taken the best decision, but this guys have 10 or 20 complains in a day and they have to cut the risk first and investigate later,plus they are human and capable of making mistakes, as a fact two administrators with whom I had problems (Angelo and Dean) have sent me courteous PM's telling me they made a mistake or misunderstood a phrase I said, something that "aggressive" posters and people who offend others as a sport, never do.
Nobody likes to be warned or blocked, but when we feel offended,we are he first ones to press the report button and demand a punishment for the member we believe offended us.

I been in forums without moderators and all are chaotic, people insult as the want,  members take sides dividing the forum and nobody does a thing to remedy the situation.

The moderator team is doing a great job, they will have errors as any of us, but lets be honest, in 99.99999% of the cases, we cause the problem and then want moderators to take sides with us.

So let them work and cause less problems.


Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - May 03 2012 at 10:18
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 10:37
Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

If you're so upset, where were you when I was trying to organize my coup!?
Head Admin Henry.

Henry Site Emperor 2013
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 11:05
BTW Matt, I closed your original thread. If you are going to whine, please whine in the appropriate part of the site.

Now carry on...
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 12:24
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

Textbook, you are not special enough for this. You are not the master of a coveted, secret knowledge which we mere intellectually-deprived peons are not, nor will ever be, privy to. You are not the sole possessor of a mythic power granting you certitude and indefatigable verisimilitude in all things. 

I see you as this upstart, mock-revolutionary. "Maybe I'm onto something! Hey guys, we're being oppressed! These authority figures hide behind their power! They censor me because they know I'm right!" Prog-Archives isn't Tienanmen Square, nor is it the hill atop Golgotha. You can play-pretend at being a martyr with your tiny plastic cross, but nobody is impressed.

I don't take offense at your condemnation of PA's...ahem...'upper class'. I've been very close to being banned numerous times. I merely find it humorous that you seem to think yourself a mighty special case. What ideas have you truly conceived that nobody else could've possibly hit upon? 

Not that I disagree. You're probably being targeted due to your reputation. I see insults being flung around this place all the time. I don't think the admins are afraid of being criticized. I think they simply don't like you because you seem like an obnoxious punk child. I could care less if you're 43 with two children and a harem of wives, you seem like an obnoxious punk child. 

Now for the truly important question: How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck Raspberries!?


Yeah....Textbook I have to ask, why did you think I was "part of the establishment" of PA?
Ironic since I also have criticized them many times (usually about being too sensitive yet dishing it out themselves) and have gotten in trouble before.
If it was the attitude I always took with you it had nothing to do with that, frankly I found your 100 posts a week about pseudo intellectual bull crap that wasn't very deep... annoying and you seemed amazingly arrogant to me.

Gotta give it to Dusty, when you do what you do you will annoy people and bring attention to yourself.
I assumed it was your goal but can't really complain about being singled out. What do you expect? I'm no admin and I always singled you out.
Though I do agree I didn't think the particular post that got censored was that bad, and it was an over the top KNOW you're doing this all on purposeWink

Edited by JJLehto - May 03 2012 at 12:31
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 13:31
The admins here can be a bit sensitive and over-reaching imho. But oh well, it's their site, especially since m@x has been mia for so long. If it bugs you too much, go elsewhere.
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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 17:11
It's not my fault that there isn't a "Help Us Ruin The Site" folder.
Seriously though, things seem to have been sorted out in PM and an understanding has been reached that I am above the law and not to be messed with by anyone, this means you Tony to let it go. I had a grumble, people heard my grumble, it's nice that I was allowed to grumble. I didn't mean to make people feel sh*tty, sorry if I did. I guess I'm someone stuff bounces off- Altaire had quite a go at me in this thread and I don't care- so I forget others can be sensitive. Tony killed the convo in GD but allowed it to take place here and this is the right place for it.

Edited by Textbook - May 03 2012 at 17:12
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Saperlipopette! View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 18:17
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

To the person sending me PMs: I'd rather not PM, but I have sent you in compromise. I believe a discussion about the quality of moderation should be had in public. I also believe you hugely misunderstand me. You paint me as some sort of forum destroying villain who has waged a campaign of hate on the mods and wants no moderation at all and that is simply not true. I simply thought that in this instance you got it wrong and I told you so. I didn't ask for anyone to quit, I don't think anyone needs to quit, I was just going "Hey, I think that's a bit trigger happy". You're free to reflect on whether that might be true or dismiss it. I'm not your boss, but I use the site, I give it traffic, I'm feeding back on how it's run. Maybe I don't deliver that feedback in the most ideal way possible but why should I be expected to, no one's an ideal person.
As for your assault on my character, it's true that I come across as acerbic because I don't self-censor and water down my opinions to make sure they make everybody feel cosy. I call it honesty, you can call it being obnoxious or arrogant. I'm comfortable with that, it's not a "one must fall" situation.
Yeah it's true that I don't go around pointing it out every time good moderation is done but I'm generally unaware of any modding that doesn't affect posts I'm involved in and besides, in politics/business, silence is often approval anyway.

Hail Textbook! I can't see any reason why anyone would have a problem with anything you've written in this thread. 

All members jumping on him here saying he's the one with problems, trying to shut him up 'n' stuff as well as the person sending those "hurt" pm's: What's wrong with you guys? I don't care if you work your ass off for free here. Its no excuse for behaving stupid. Isn't he allowed to have opinions? Everything here is presented in a polite manner and makes sense.
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 18:35
I'm here to sing some songs for my momma.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 19:15
Saper: Uh thanks but we were kind of trying to "stop" the conflict.
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Triceratopsoil View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 20:16
inb4 CinemaZebra
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 20:30
You can learn Omnislash before the final boss if you win it at the Golden Saucer. 
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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2012 at 20:42
Altaire: Get the wierd chocobo(check chocobo rumor section) Now ride the chocobo out of midgar and ride it to rocket town. (Note that you cannot go on mountains because the Weird Chocobo is afraid of heights.) Run around the rocket ten times and you can enter it. Now you will be prompted: "Where to?" You can answer one: "Disneyland" "West Side" "Party" Choosing Disneyland will take you to Gold Saucer, where all the costumes will be Disney-oriented. West Side takes you to a hidden area in midgar where Barret _really_ grew up. Party will take you to Costa Del Sol, where Cid is having a kegger in the house with everyone else (including the Turks.) BUT YOU WANT TO CHOOSE THE HIDDEN FOURTH OPTION. This will bring up another question: "Are you sure?" Answer "Yes" and you will fly to the moon. When you land you have ten seconds to run into the cheese weapon, who is skipping by just as you land. If you touch him you can fight him. If not, game over. Stats of the Cheese Weapon: ----- HP: 2,000,000,000 MP: 20,000 Attacks: Sharp Cheddar (a physical attack, causes around +8000 damage) Cheese Sneeze (Causes +5000 damage to all plus poison and confu) Cheese Freeze (Ice based, causes +7000 damage to one) Cheese Breeze (Wind based, causes +5000 damage to all) Cheese Degrees (Fire, causes +8000 damage to one) Vitamin Cheese (Heals the Cheese Weapon for 9999 HP) Death by Cheese (Causes 9999 damage to all, used when HP is down to 1,000,000. Can only be blocked by casting shield or barrier beforehand) EXP: 1,000,000 AP: 1,000,000 (like you'd need all that, anyway) Gil: 1,000,000 Win: Cheese Ring Steal: Cheese armlet (If you can equip it during battle, which you really can't, it will absorb all damage taken from the cheese weapon as HP) Morph: Cheese Source (raises stats of all characters to 255) Notes: ----- The Cheese Weapon will summon four Cheeseasaurus Rexes (yes, the ones from the Kraft Cheese and Macaroni commercial.) They can attack you for about 3000 HP each, and can steal items from you (they usually wind up stealing everything you have, but you can steal them back. you win them back at the end of the battle, anyway.) The easiest way to beat the Cheese Weapon (I tested this and it ALWAYS works) is to summon Odin, which will turn him into cheese slices, then summon Titan to turn him into a cheese sandwich. Then summon Typoon to turn the sandwich over. Then summon the Knights of Round to put toppings on the sandwich. They will put on: Ham, Turkey, Salami, Bologna, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Pickles, Olives, Lettuce, Tomato, Peppers, and Onions. Then the big guy at then end (i think it's king arthur) will cut the sandwich in half.
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