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UndercoverBoy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2010 at 09:36
The Whipped-Cream Man

Side 1
1. An Ordinary Man (2:17)
2. Commuting to Work (4:34)
3. WTF I'm on a UFO (3:27)
4. I Am The Whipped-Cream Man (3:52)
5. Escape from the UFO (9:03)

Side 2 
1. Hello Earth, I'm Home (3:13)
2. Killing Evil People (4:26)
3. Tights Man (3:32)
4. The Battle So Big That It Needs Five Exclamation Points!!!!! (5:50)
5. The Whipped-Cream Man Appreciation Parade (5:08)

Side 3
1. King ƒ˙∆©ƒ∑߃©˜µ∂∆˚ of Planet ߃˙∆¬ˆ†πƒ(5:45)
2. I liek t3h wiped creem (0:43)
3. ÏÎÍ„‰ÏÍÓÔÏ the Bounty-Hunter (4:21)
4. Showdown on A Rooftop Because That's Pretty Epic (7:18)
5. The Whipped-Cream Man's Death (1:23)
6. You've Failed Me, ÏÎÍ„‰ÏÍÓÔÏ (4:34)

Side 4
1. Life in Hell (3:56)
2. Satan Must Die (4:44)
3. Zombie Apocalypse (10:19)
   I. The Dead Rise Again
   II. Zombies' Only Weakness
   III. Dropping the Bomb
4. I Am The Whipped Cream Man (Reprise) (5:03)
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2010 at 09:06
A Western (With Gnomes, Wombats, And Zombies)

1. Amidst The Cactuses Stands A Gnome - 2:08
2. Get Up On Your Saddle (Part I) - 4:23
3. Wolf In Sheepskin, Sheep In Wolfskin - 5:00
4. Zombies Coming Out Of The Sand - 3:16
5. The Girl In The Saloon/The Zombies Attack/The Girl In The Saloon (Reprise) - 9:43
6. Get Up On Your Saddle (Part II) - 1:23
7. It Ain't No Fun (Bein' A Garden Gnome) - 2:56
8. Giant Wombat Roaming The Desert - 8:05
9. That Girl (From The Saloon) Is In Zombie Hank's Fortress (At The Mountains) - 6:25
10. Get Up On Your Saddle (Part III) - 5:21
11.  Onto The Mountains: The Horse Is Vomiting/The Horse Is Eaten By The Giant Wombat Who Returned/Slay The Giant Wombat - 16:40
12. The Fortress (Part I) - 5:05
13. The Fortress (Part II) - 8:34
14. (OMG) Zombie Hank Is A Garden Gnome (Just Like Me) Instead Of A Zombie (Which Is Shocking) - 4:12
15. The Epic Battle - 0:04
16. Get The Girl From The Saloon Out Of The Fortress/Get Up On Your Saddle (Part IV) - 4:26
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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2010 at 08:39
^ Is it? I never could make out what he's screaming.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2010 at 06:32
^ I think that's plagiarism of the concept from De-Loused In Comatorium! 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2010 at 06:12
Constipation and Madness

A shocking story of a man turned into a brutal axe murderer due to prolonged constipation.

1. Some Trouble Defecating (3:45)
2. Nothing for Five (5) Days! (6:57)
3. It's a Fecal Impaction! (10:24)
4. Too Late for Fiber (6:34)
5. Driven Insane by the Feces (2:12)
6. Splitting Their Stomachs Open (8:24)
7. Intestinal Stagnation Leading to a Painful Death (15:31)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 23 2010 at 14:05
The Joke to End All Jokes

1. Intro - 2:15
2. 'I'll have my usual please...' - 4:01
3. 'I've got this hilarious joke, you wanna hear?' - 1:20
4. The Joke to End All Jokes - 57:29
     I. A guy walks into a bar...
     II. Need the loo, pt. 1 (interlude)
     III. So anyway, to continue...
     IV. Refill, please (interlude)
     V. Then, the guy said....
     VI. Need the loo, pt. 2 (interlude)
     VII. In conclusion...
     VIII. He answered him and said....
5. The I Got Kicked Out of the Bar for Telling A 57-Minute-Long Joke Blues - 10:52
6. Outro - 2:15
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 14:55
A Day In The Life of an Archivist : A boxset!

CD1: Morning Agony
   1) Wake up! (5:01)
   2) Breakfast (17:43)
   3) Shower (15:26)

CD2: Transmetropolitan
   1) From home to first change (11:23)
   2) Second station (12:17)
   3) Third station - The long trip (32:09)

CD3: Starting the day - Work Part 1
   1) Computer on (5:01)
   2) Dust, boxes, paper I (45:13)
   3) Phone from the distant boss (3:23)
   4) Coffee I (2:01)

CD4: Work Part II - Monotonous
   1) Dust, Boxes, Paper II (41:09)
   2) Gastrical Relief (25:43)
   3) Coffee II (1:54)

CD5: Work Part III -
    1) Dust, Boxes, Paper III (60:08)
    2) Coffee III (5:12)
    3) Type, type, type (10:02)

CD6: Work Part IV
    1) Dust, Boxes, Paper IV (52:55)
    2) Coffee IV (4:26)
    3) Computer off (1:10)
    4) Get a train (9:24)

CD7: Transmetropolitan backwards
Same lengths: the tracks from CD2 are played backwards

CD8: Home?
   1) Washing the dishes of younger brother already gone to a night club (3:21)
   2) News on TV / Movies on TV / ProgArchives (74'21'')

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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 14:47
I once made a concept album about a starry sky as seen from the deck of a steamboat. It consisted of relatively random harmonica tracks mixed together and slowed down to 40-50 minutes. I never published it because of the annoying pops and clicks that somehow made their way to it.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 14:25

Joking aside, here are some of the real concept/themed albums I create during the brief four year period when I made music :

  • Wake - the first music I ever created and recorded, based on the subject of death an it's aftermath (well, I was a Goth at the timeWink), contains all 13 seconds of "The penultimate battle triumphant as the immortal emperor entombed in the woods of the carpathean forest creates necrophobic mayhem at the gates of marduk's darkthrone and nevermore shall thorns rest on thorns I lay against borknagar’s green carnation until we see the anathema that is hecate enthroned with my dying bride at bal sagoth’s ancient ceremony and the infantile hordes are nested in their cradle of filth (part 1)" as its closing track.
  • Spunos - seven track album centred on the number seven, with each track lasting exactly seven minutes - based on a long since deleted eNovel what I wrote called Darqlands that noted the amusingly amazing number of references to the number seven in the world. Each track is a musical vignette of each of the seven main characters of the story. No direct reference to Hawkwind's Seven by Seven, just another No.7 coincidence.
  • Moirai - three track album based on each of The Three Fates ... no direct reference to ELP's debut album and the similar themed triad there contained.
  • Antiquarian - six track album on the neolithic monuments of Cornwall - based a little on Julian Cope's book The Modern Antiquarian.
  • The Gaia Cacophony - a three disc set about the creation, evolution and progression of Earth as an enclosed biosystem.
  • Incidental - the soundtrack to a life.
  • Eponymous - a heroic tale of an eponymous hero who goes out and does something heroic and then returns to a heroes welcome.
  • The Mathematica Cacophony - another conceptual musical tryptic spanning three discs, each covering a different eras of development in applied mathematics and its relationship to music and astronomy - no connection to Mike Oldfield's Music Of The Spheres at all (I did my album first).
  • Ffrantic -  a loose concept on progress and the increasing pace of life in the 21st century.
  • Kinesis, Masks, Shadows - three separate albums (ie not a tryptic or a 'Cacophony' as I pretentiously call them) that follow a theme of Body Language, non-verbal communication and our attempts to hide them.
  • Impasse - the concept is ecology - it's an Ecological Song.
  • Carousel - a tale of a demonic circus.
  • Nonentity - kind of a postscript to Mathematica, explores Dark Matter and the stuff of universes and what existed before the Big-Bang ... call it a divide by zero error.
  • Trilition - Damian Wilson's pronunciation of Tri-lithon as Trilli-thon on Ayreon's Universal Migrator (pt 1) made me giggle so I had to write an album about these enigmatic stone structures, which ended up as a short Sci-Fi story about the discovery of a Stonehenge-like construction on the Moon in the year 2409.
  • Voracious - a simple tale of mass consumerism and mankind's propensity to crap in his own nest.
  • The West/Wind Cacophony - another three-disc concept album covering linking the mythologies of three different and geographically unrelated cultures by their common anthropomorphising of the West Wind into physical form (Xolotyl, Yaponcha & Zephyrus) - in my research for this (yes, I do research these subjects! Shocked) I found 64 different deities and mythical creatures relating to the wind.
  • Fluidic - a follow-up to the Gaia Cacophony expanding the self-regulating Gaia system into a fludics based computing system that speculates that underlying the Gaia Hypothesis could be a form of artificial intelligence. This piece unashamedly steals musical themes from the former recordings,
  • Landscapes - not so much a concept, but a themed album of the four seasons, in their wiccan form (Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhain).
  • Oligarch - as the previous album was a modern take on Vivaldi, Oligarch does the same for Holst, but for the smaller bodies that orbit the Sun, known as the Trans-Neptune Objects. This album was composed a year before Pluto was down-graded from a Planet to a TNO so rather coincidentally like Holst, Pluto is missing from my suite too. Though not explained in the link, the title comes from the idea that these bodies, though insignificant in themselves, may collectively have had an impact on the development of the Solar System as we know it (and thus on the development of life on Earth).
  • Pilgrim - loosely based on John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, this album ignores the main plot-lines of the Book concerning Cristian (and later his wife Cristiana), but follows a minor character, Mr Valiant-For-Truth, and his journey to the Celestial City.
And finally an unfinished album started way back in 2002 called Edge that was/is about the tricky and perhaps taboo subject of self harm or "cutting". Perhaps I'll finish it one day, (if I ever return to making music Wink)
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jampa17 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 10:35
Sounds original enough... Smile
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 10:14
It was only because the tramp felt over-confident!Shocked
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 10:11
I gonna demand you for stealing my ideas of dreams and nightmares..!!!! Angry
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 09:58
The Toothbrush Of Significance

1. Introduction Of Act One- A Brief One  - 1:12
A short introduction in which violin playing is heard with sounds of Paris on the background, as the short piece progresses the city sounds get louder till they get higher in volume than the violin playing.
2. A Tramp On The Streets Of Paris - 3:21
A tramp gets introduced. He is anonymous throughout the entire story, but we get to know that he lives on the streets of Paris for over 10 years and that he hasn't brushed his teeth even once in those years. He also is quite depressed. 
3. The Toothbrush Of Significance - 2:08
While wiggling across the streets of the city, the tramp notices a toothbrush near a trashcan. He moves towards it and sees a tube of toothpaste lying next to it. He grabs both and brushes his teeth. He feels so fresh all the sudden, and he starts to think more positive than he has done ever before. Because of this toothbrush, he suddenly feels significant. 
4. Buying The Dream (The Dream Pt.1) - 4:32
The tramp has always had the dream to shag a girl at the Moulin Rouge, so he wiggles to that place. After sneaking into the teather, he watches the show while gentle sweeping his cucumber. He certainly enjoys it. After the show, when the audience is gone, he sneaks to the backstage and speaks to one of the girls. With strange French words he tells the girl that he has always had the dream to discover caves. The girl sees what he he means and feels sorry for him. They move to the toilets. (Notice the song title "Buyin The Dream" while the tramp obviously can't buy anything at all)
5. Dreadful Nightmare (The Dream Pt.1) - 4:00
Inside the toilets, the tramp expects the girl to undress. She doesn't do that though, and squeezes the tramps genitals. They don't explode, but they do hurt a lot. The tramp gets kicked out of the Moulin Rouge and is kind of sad.
6. What Could I Do? - 7:32
I) All Hope Is Gone - 3:04
The tramp feels bad. He wants to be able to make love with  Moulin Rouge girl, so he thinks about what he could do to make the girl want to have sex with him too. 
II) Enlightened 4:28
The Tramp has got an idea. He's going to kill Sarkozy, and take over the control of France. The Moulin Rouge girl must admire him if he is the big dictator, wouldn't she?
7. Introduction Of Act Two - A Brief Two - 2:02
The violin playing his heard again, now with the tramp singing Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" on the background. As the tramps singing gets louder an accordion fades in. 
8. On To Sarkozy - 4:56
The tramp makes his way to Sarkozy. Not having a car or having money for a cab, he decides to wiggle towards him. The tramp still keeps the toothbrush with him, as it's his only reason to feel significant.
9. The Showdown - 10:02
I) Sarkozy Is Just A Small Dude! - 6:50
The tramp confronts Sarkozy, and realizes he's just a small guy. The two start fighting each other, the tramp is the stronger of the two. The tramp gets over-encouraged and shows his butt to Sarkozy right at the moment that Sakozy delivers him a punch. The fist slips in the ass of the tramp, and a quite loud scream can be heard.
II) It's Stuck - 3:12
The men try to get Sarkozy's fist out of the tramps ass, but they fail, The tramp feels an imense pain, though he realizes he does quite enjoy this a bit too. 
10. Brownies - 5:33
The tramp has to poo. His defecation can't get out though, as Sarkozy's fist is still stuck in his ass. As the pressure rises, the tramp feels a terrible pain near his genitals. After a huge bang, a slide of feces flow out of where the tramps genitals used to be. He falls on the ground after this, in his own feces, and Sarkozy finally manages to free his fist.
11. The Dream Is Pretty Much Shattered Now - 8:32
The tramp suffers and dies, while Sarkozy seems to be infected with the tramps defecation disease. His arm gets cut of violently, by a random butcher. The tramp's toothbrush made him over-confident, and made fall pretty damn hard. 
12. Intruduction Of Act Three - A Brief Three - 2:00
The sounds of people in a bar are heard, some sound very drunk. On the background track 3 "The Toothbrush Of Significance" can be heard. 
13. There In Fact Is No Act Three - 1:30
There in fact is no act three. This is the non-epic anti-climax of the tramp's tale.

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jampa17 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 08:52
A refugee in the waves of Dreams
1- An Eternal Vigil (9:19)
         I) Noises and Echoes from the world
         II) Waiting for the tide
2- In the Waves of Dreams (27:00)
        I) A sailor Refugee
        II) Visions over a blue horizon
       III) A Surreal love calling
       IV) The Oracle's sad profecy
        V) On the Eye of the storm
3- Nightmare (8:44)
        I) The Fear behind the Waves
       II) Reminiscence of Echoes (Reprisse)
4- Back at the Shore (15:59)
        I) Left at the shoreline
        II) A Sailor sad refugee (Reprisse)
       III) To construct the profecy
       IV) Get Away
Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2009 at 02:39

This is a concept about a boy and his three chums and their adventures at Hodwarts School of Pottery.

1. Harry Wizard and the Philosopher's Clay (5:20)
2. Harry Wizard and the Kiln of Ceramics (7:11)
3. Harry Wizard and the Potter of Azkaban (8:01)
4. Harry Wizard and the Goblet of Earthenware (23:00)
5. Harry Wizard and the Order of the Porcelain (1:12)
6. Harry Wizard and the Half-Price Pots (30:00)
7. Harry Wizard and the Delftware Hallows  (2:30)

Edited by Dean - November 12 2009 at 05:34
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2009 at 13:55
This is an albumen about a giggle who uses all the wring worlds all the thyme. Set in a easter country of Egglish near the coat, the gargoyle lives in a large stoutly horse overlocking the weight cliffs of Denver and the England Canal (on a cheer day she can even sea Callus and the Coat of French across the kennel, though tray as harm as she can, she is inedible to sea the purple of French as they go a boat there dairy business, like rhyming bicycles, caring strings of unions around and eating garrick). Howmever none of this are elephant to the starry I am a boat to retaliate to you niece purple at Program Arches, cinch this storey hairpins to be a loaf sing about failing in loath and the unrequested emollients of her hart, which are deer to her. Dawning deftly from the inner tumults of her failings the albumen explodes the fair retching spawn of her forts and femurs, panting a picture in sounds and miladies that empress the true nurture of not owly her bean, but of all human beans, from the thimble surfs to the matiest earholes. Thus this is a parabola that minnows the hole of manikin and torches the art of us all.
"We come back my fiends to the shop that never sends.... Ladles and Jellyspoons, Emerson Fitti Paldi..."
(all tricks by Emission, Late and Palmistry, all rights reversed). 
Slime 1: Truck 1: "A Wake on the Bleach"
Slime 1: Truck 2: "Caste a Poodle"
Slime 1: Truck 3: "Carrefour Hart Thou Rambo"
Slime 1: Truck 4: "What Drams May Bing"
Slime 2: Truck 1: "Close To The Fridge"
Slime 2: Truck 2: "The Lump Dies Lawn On Broadband"
Slime 2: Truck 3: "Wash You Wear Hair"
Slime 2: Truck 4: "Board Now..........................................................

Edited by Dean - November 12 2009 at 05:31
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Abstrakt View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2009 at 12:38
1. Untitled (0:47)
2. Untitled (4:38)
3. Untitled (27:46)
     i. ???
     ii. ???
     iii. ???
4. Untitled (1:48)
5. Untitled (6:21)
6. Untitled (2:00)
1. Untitled (1:04)
2. Untitled (2:53)
3. Untitled (4:15)
4. Untitled (0:11)
5. Untitled (0:47)
6. Untitled (6:19)
7. Untitled (38:31)
     i. ???
     ii. ???
     iii. ???
     iv. ???
     v. ???
     vi. ???
     vii. ???
     viii. ???
     ix. ???
     x. ???
8. Untitled (0:06)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2009 at 12:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2009 at 10:46
^ Man and Beast? LOL
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The Sleepwalker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2009 at 10:01
The Explorer And a Sacred Temple 

1.  Prologue - 2:04
2. The Discovery Of The Sacred Temple At a Random Location In The Desert - 8:32
I) The Desert - 3:00
II) The Random Location - 2:23
III) The Discovery Of The Sacred Temple - 3:08
3. The Labyrinth That Lies Underneath - 6:54
4. The Beast - 10:00
5. Man And Beast - 7:50
I) There Is Love - 2:43
II) The Intercourse - 4:07
6. The Discovery Of The Magnificent Treasure That Lies In The Labyrinth Underneath The Sacred Temple At a Random Location In The Desert - 13:05
I) The Treasure Room - 7:05
II) A Mummy - -3:28
III) The Treasure - 2:32
7. Oh No, A Trap - 4:59
8. The Escape - 8:41
9. Outside The he Sacred Temple At a Random Location In The Desert With The Magnificent Treasure That Used To Lie In The Labyrinth Underneath The Sacred Temple At a Random Location In The Desert - 5:28
10. Epilogue - 1:53
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