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Posted: April 24 2009 at 22:03 |
Alitare wrote:
1 - Alan Parsons Project (sorry, my personal priorities preempted the poll's)2 - Supertramp3 - Queen4 - Roxy Music5 - ELODidn't rate 10cc, as I am not familiar with them.
Agree with you, but in different order:
1. Queen, first band i loved and the first vynils i ever had
2. ELO: had all their albums when i was in high school and enjoyed them a lot
3. Alan Parson Project: great albums until Eye in the Sky, later no so good (maybe Amonia Avenue too?)
4. Roxy Music, first album i had was Avalon wich i loved but it took me a long time to know their first works, quite different
5. Supertramp, love their Paris album
Not familiar with 10CC
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 02:25 |
Gotta go with Queen. Queen, Queen 2, Sheer heart attack are all amazing. Night at the Opera is amazing too, but Queen 2 is thier best in my mind. I find that album and thier early works really influential to prog, and metal. I also think thier early work is very under-rated in the mainstream press. I remember they only had one album on Rolling Stones top 500 albums of all time and it was Night at the Opera, love that album but I was pissed that Queen 2 wasn't on there. I think the whole band is very talented. Brian May is a great guitarist, very very under appreciated.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 02:26 |
<<<<<<<<< NO CONTEST , please!
I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 04:19 |
I voted for Queen, they influenced a host of rock bands. I also like very much Supertramp (up to Breakfast in America) and 10 CC and can see the connections between them. I never was fond of Roxy Music. Regarding ELO, I have to dig their discography to make an opinion.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 16:04 |
If you actually included Wishbone Ash I might have felt compelled to vote, as it is will abstain as the only band you've listed I like is Roxy, and then only their later, non-proggy albums.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 17:46 |
I gotta say, I'm as much a fan of pop in my prog as anyone, but this is a poor selection. I can't happily vote for any of these groups, so I won't. ELO and Queen (more hard rock than prog in early albums) each had one or two albums that I would rate as good, and a mass of stuff I can't stand. The other groups don't even have that. I guess most of the groups I like that blend the two are more serious and proggy, like Alan Parsons or Moody Blues, or later works of Anyone's Daughter, and so many others - Saga, FM, Kaos Moon, 80s Mike Oldfield
Edited by kenethlevine - April 25 2009 at 17:53
ten years after
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 20:23 |
kenethlevine wrote:
I gotta say, I'm as much a fan of pop in my prog as anyone, but this is a poor selection. I can't happily vote for any of these groups, so I won't. ELO and Queen (more hard rock than prog in early albums) each had one or two albums that I would rate as good, and a mass of stuff I can't stand. The other groups don't even have that. I guess most of the groups I like that blend the two are more serious and proggy, like Alan Parsons or Moody Blues, or later works of Anyone's Daughter, and so many others - Saga, FM, Kaos Moon, 80s Mike Oldfield
A bit unfair on Roxy I feel given the solid prog credentials of their first three albums.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 20:43 |
kenethlevine wrote:
I gotta say, I'm as much a fan of pop in my prog as anyone, but this is a poor selection. I can't happily vote for any of these groups, so I won't. ELO and Queen (more hard rock than prog in early albums) each had one or two albums that I would rate as good, and a mass of stuff I can't stand. The other groups don't even have that. I guess most of the groups I like that blend the two are more serious and proggy, like Alan Parsons or Moody Blues, or later works of Anyone's Daughter, and so many others - Saga, FM, Kaos Moon, 80s Mike Oldfield
| I definetly know this is not a complet list of all the bands that are blending pop with prog or prog with pop. as i wrote in my reason to only included those five is becouse i know them better and by that reason can judge ther qualification as progressive rock bands with pop influence or pop groups with prog elements. and these 5 bands are often mentiond as being quite similar but aslo have originality.
and Supertramp are actualy known for be quiet adept at blending prog with pop, they had a very interesting period Between 1970 - 1985 with som 100% progrock albums to i own there self titled debut from 1970 featuring Hodgson, Davies, Palmer-James (yes the King Crimson Lyracist) and a drummer i dont remember. 1974 Crime of the Century - some of the finest albums in the 70s were Supertramo found ther sound ther formula that lasted in 10 yers, a style that blended Jazz, acustic folk ballads, blues, symponic prog, pop and hardrock. en with some of the best production, were you can clarely hear all instruments and evrey note, and Brother were are you Bound with the 16:30 minuts self titled song with guests guraists Rythem guitar Scott Gorham from Thin Lizzy and David Gilmoure - Pink Floyd guitar solo.
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Posted: April 25 2009 at 21:07 |
sorry guys, I did not have the intention of dissing the choices, and I can see why they were included. I realize that most of my ideas were not inj the same league in terms of familiarity, but I just wanted to list them to show that there are groups that I feel handle the prog-pop blend better. Regarding Roxy music, you are right that their first 3 albums are proggy, in fact they are not really poppy at all. But even there, not my thing  . Supertramp is very popular here but I just don't get it at all.
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 02:31 |
and that my friends is what makes prog tick.....diverse belief...LOL
Supertramp for me/////exceptionally progressive in every sense
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 02:39 |
Eh, to be honest, I could care less for any band on the list.
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 07:12 |
Queen by far, the other ones dont intrest me at all.
el böthy
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 14:48 |
Supertramp might have made the best abum (Crime of the century), but Queen is the absolute winner here.
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 14:53 |
Roxy Music takes this for me. IMO they're the most progressive (don't confuse that with being the most proggy), the most inovative and the most influencial overall, well, at least their influence is on par with Queen, and to be fair, Roxy Music has influenced much better bands than Queen have in my opinion.
Roxy Music had more roots in prog than any of the other bands. Phil Manzanera was in Quiet Sun, Eddie Jobson was in Curved Air, Brian Ferry had auditioned to be the singer for King Crimson and David O'List of The Nice was in the band briefly. I'd say their first 3 albums are more prog than anything by ELO or Supertramp.
Granted the band's real influence is on punk rock, and many of the genres that followed.
Edited by boo boo - April 26 2009 at 14:56
Captain Capricorn
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 14:57 |
...from your list, Roxy, but my first choice would've been Talking Heads
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 15:19 |
Captain Capricorn wrote:
...from your list, Roxy, but my first choice would've been Talking Heads  |
You would be surprised at how many people here would be in favour of TH's addition to the database  ... Unfortunately, there are as many people who tend to react very badly to controversial additions, so this is not addition that is going to happen any time soon, I'm afraid. As regards Roxy Music, there have been several attempts to get them out of Prog-Related and into Crossover, but they have not met with success so far  .
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Posted: April 26 2009 at 20:08 |
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Posted: April 27 2009 at 04:26 |
For me:
1. Queen
2. Supertramp
3. Roxy Music
4. ELO
5. 10cc
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Posted: April 27 2009 at 05:41 |
1. Supertramp 2. Electric Light Orchestra 3. Queen 4. 10CC 5. Roxy Music This was a suprisingly tough choice. Three of Supertramp's albums would rate among my top 50 or so ever (Crime of the Century, Breakfast in America, and the sadly underappreciated Famous Last Words). ELO was the first band where I felt the need to go out and buy all their records (fortunately that was 1977 so there weren't quite as many then) - El Dorado and Out of the Blue are both art rock classics. I remember seeing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody video back in 1976 on Wolfman Jack's Midnight Special (uh, pre-MTV or VH1 for those without grey hair); that episode also had a tribute to Frank Zappa. Must have made quite an impression considering I can still remember that show 33 years later. The guys in 10CC were all prolific musicians, and I suspect most folks would be surprised how many 70s'one hit wonder' pop tunes one or more of those guys had a hand in. I have several Roxy Music vinyls from the 70s, but I bought all of them in the 80s having discovered the band only after Avalon released. I probably would have listed Kate Bush here instead, but overall a pretty strong list.
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Posted: April 27 2009 at 07:42 |
1. Supertramp
2. Queen
3. Roxy Music
4. ELO
5. 10CC
As Clemo said this was a tough choice. I am going to have to revisit the first 3 Roxy albums to remind myself what I am missing!