POSW wrote:
IMO, post-rock band names win this thread. Easily. ... This One Will Destroy You (fixed) ...
There are some pretty terrible ones on your list, but also some very good ones - This Will destroy You and GY!BE are a few i actually like.
on to the bad . . .
Van der graff generator
Porcupine Tree
Mr. Bungle (i only say this because i feel uncomfortable every time i bring them up, i like the name for the band)
Kansas (same goes for boston)
The Entire Prog Metal Section barring a few odd balls. They might be able to play their instruments but they sure as hell shouldnt write lyrics or be allowed to give themsleves a name. (Kamelot?)
And basically any band that just tries too hard. ie bands that use any of the following words (combinations just make it exponentially worse): death, die, dying, blood, Bloody, decapitation , Napalm, the Letter "X", fetus or references to violent acts or overly gross imagery.
examples ... Cattle decapitation, Rancid Meatflaps, Anal c**t, Napalm death, Symphony X, dimmension X, eternity X, Alchemy X, XSavior, and Dying Fetus
Edited by keiser willhelm - February 13 2009 at 11:32