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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 09 2008 at 12:08
Touch Me, I'm Russian

This story takes place in the year 2054, when 99% of the people living in Finland are foreigners. One day, September 25th to be exact, a man working at the statistics bureau notices that in Finland there are in fact people from every nation in the world. Of course he gets the idea that Finland must try to make it to the Guinness Book of Records by making a world record in the new game called "Touch a member of every nation in the world within the borders of one country in alphabetical order." The game goes like this: First an Albanian touches an Australian, then the Australian touches an Austrian and so on, until a member of every nation has been touched (Except the Albanian, who has to touch himself.)

However, this is only the backstory (and thus it's printed on the back of the record sleeve). The album focuses on one moment in the touching game, a moment when a Romanian beauty queen is supposed to touch a Russian person. It turns out that every Russian person happens to be on a holiday outside Finland, except one, a hideous old man who smells like cabbage and has no teeth at all except one that is green and brown. So, this is the man that the Romanian beauty queen has to touch. (I'd like to make it clear that not all Russian people smell like cabbage, this man is a very rare exception. In fact, some Russian people smell very nice indeed, but they have nothing to do with this story.) Anyway, the Romanian beauty queen, who smells very nice, is very much disgusted by the man she's supposed to touch. This is why it takes a very long time (42 minutes and 53 seconds to be exact) to make up her mind and touch the man. The lyrics of the one song on the album consist of the thoughts in the woman's head from the moment she's touched to the moment she touches the Russian man.

A1: Touch Me, I'm Russian, Part I (20:56)
B1: Touch Me, I'm Russian, Part II (21:57)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2008 at 10:23
Peculiar Instantiations of the Hamburger

The name says it all. Each song tells the story of a hamburger appearing in a surprising or unusual place.

1. On an Actress's Head (17:34)

An illiterate theatre group is rehearsing the scene in My Fair Lady where Eliza has to walk with a book on her head. None of the actors or actresses own any books, but luckily one of them has just bought a hamburger, so they use that instead of the book.

2. Orbiting the Earth (35:10)
There are two pirates who are perfect at smelling mayonnaise. They've just found a treasure and are going to bury it. To avoid the trouble of drawing a map they decide to bury a hamburger with the treasure, so they can later locate it by the scent of the hamburger. However, one of the pirates (let's call him Pirate #1) is clever: instead of burying the hamburger he hides it inside a satellite that's just about to be launched. Of course he draws a map for himself so he can later come back for the treasure. The other pirate, Pirate #2, thinks the hamburger is where the treasure is, so he tries to catch the satellite by running around the Earth and jumping very high when the satellite is directly above him. He doesn't succeed. When the robots in the satellite eat the hamburger and the scent disappears he knows he's been tricked and cries so much that everything - not just the Earth but the whole space and everything in it - is covered in tears.

3. On a Coffin (20:34)
The third and final piece takes us to the funeral of a bum. None of his friends could afford to buy him flowers, but luckily there's one who has just bought a hamburger. Noticing the lack of flowers he decides to dedicate the hamburger to his friend's memory and tosses it on the shiny black lid of the coffin.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2008 at 15:32
^ These are brilliant! Clap Thumbs%20Up
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2008 at 19:52
Indeed. If they ever get recorded, I'd like to buy one of each. They would be the highlights of my collection. Clap
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TGM: Orb View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2008 at 20:08
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

An Incomplete List of Things to Hold on to when You're Drowning, Op. 21˝

The name says it all. The music consists of instrumental pieces varying from orchestral music (Ladder) to ambient (Log) to noise (Witch).

1. Boat (3:45)
2. Oar (2:33)
3. Log (3:57)
4. Rope (6:13)
5. Ladder (5:58)
6. Duck (1:46)
7. Witch (12:47)

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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 04 2008 at 21:09
Well Now, Let's Have a Look

1. Mah Feeble Brain (intro) (1:20)
2. Ups 'n' Downs 'n' Run Arounds (2:33)
3. Happiness is a Warm Happiness (4:05)
4. Wot's Wrong With Me? (The SSRI Blues (5:22)
5. Numb Brain Membrane (8:34)
6. Irreducible Complexity (3:51)
7. Mixin' Pillz (0:34)
8. The Jules Verne Memorial Zep-pill-en (4:01)
9. Organic Philosopher Transferring Enlightenment to a Passerby (11.43)
       i) Do You Take Your Electroshock Therapy With One Lump or Two?
       ii) Itchy Trigger-Finger
       iii) Brilliant Glow
       iv) Coda: America the Beautiful

The first few are about a guy who is depressed and is put on a variety of medications, which he then takes at all the wrong times and falls into a deep sleep, where he dreams a philosopher enlightens him with an aura, and when he wakes up he does not have to take the pills any more, because he realized he is happy without them.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2008 at 13:37
This nameless 4-song EP is more like art-pop than prog, but I think it might pass as Crossover Prog. Instead of explaining what the songs are about I here provide short excerpts of their lyrics:

1. Daylight Losing Time (4:30)
Turn off the light / and turn the pointers on your clock so you can dream / of the moments that were lost in time...

2. My Girl Is a Dressmaker (2:56)
With a needle in her hand and fabric on the other she is made for me / yes, she is made for me / but her dresses are made for her...

3. Every Time I Talk Like a Swede (I Lose Control) (4:45)
Scandinavia, you've got my by the tongue / with your swell pronounciations / and those charming punctuations / oh, every time I lose control...

4. Last Words of a Depressed Literary Critic (3:37)
La la la, la la la / la la laa laa la laa / la la laa, la la laa laa la laa / if I had a dog I'd name him Franz...

If you're wondering what the concept is, it's "Songs about some things that are not closely related to each other."
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TGM: Orb View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2008 at 19:50
Music Inspired By
The Goodies
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 16:12
This album has no name, but anyway,

The story takes place on a distant planet called Volkswagen. The protagonist, a young lady named Sofia Kleinbus, is the daughter of an engineer who's building a space ship so that he can one day go fishing into outer space like his grandfather did during the great depression when fish was really expensive. But Sofia is a vegetarian who doesn't eat fish, so she doesn't want his father to finish the ship. She hides his tools in the garden where he can't find them, because it's a secret garden where only Sofia can go in her dreams. But suddenly a mad scientist captures Sofia and takes her into his secret laboratory where he downloads the contents of her mind and uploads it into the mind of a stripper named Shirley who also plays chess. Now Shirley can also go the secret garden, which she does. She steals the tools and gives them to the mad professor who uses them to build a device which he plans to use to take over the world. (These are the only tools he can use to build it, because they're magical tools.) But suddenly there's a storm and the device gets all wet and the power is on, which means there's a huge explosion which opens the gates of the jail where the mad professor had earlier put Sofia. So now Sofia can go to her father and ask him to build a massive weapon to defeat the mad professor. Her father knows a blacksmith who makes tools to build weapons, so he buys some and builds the weapon, a huge cannon. But the mad professor has already moved to another planet with the stripper, and Sofia's father can't shoot him with the cannon because he doesn't know where he is. When a mad professor is hiding somewhere, it's nearly impossible to find him, so they don't even try. But soon it's summer again and they forget about the whole thing. This is where the album ends.

Then there's this epilogue where a giant muffin falls from the skies.

Edited by Vompatti - September 18 2008 at 16:42
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 19:56

The Concept of the Conceptual Concept

On and autumnal evening in a café on the Left Bank of the Seine, a girl is writing an epic poem (using a language of her own invention called Parcian) in fake moleskin notebook that she bought from the gift shop in the Louvre. Almost indecipherable in the girl's messy and scratchy handwriting, the opening stanza reads:
"K lier duoi, futhy joulra diminaiq
Oz, lieren sweln in xokgoht unst,
Tsnu thogkox ni nlews nereil zo,
Qianimid arluoj yhtuf ioud reil k!"
...and goes on for another 30 pages before getting to anything that could remotely resemble a plot. Her created world stems from her own limited imagination and weak understanding of the world she lives in, so is undramatic and dull in the extreme. The protagonists in her story are so two dimensional and characterless it is impossible to relate them to living people and they cannot even feign interest in their own plight, let alone instill such feelings in that of the reader, so they become comatose by their own mediocrity and the sudden onset of writers-block in the authoress.
In their catatonic state the characters develop personalities unaided by the girl's uncreative imagination and invent a phantasmagorical world of their own in which to live and die between the untidily written lines in the moleskin notebook. Unable to comprehend the language the girl has forced them to speak, they create their own language with which to communicate their new found ideas and concepts. Fortunately, this language bears a remarkable similarity to modern English, all be it with slightly reduced vocabulary due to the fact they had not the time to create a dictionary and thesaurus and with marginal differences in the meaning of some of the words (such as aubergine - the meaning of which is far to vulgar to relate here) . Kevin, the chief scribe and archivist of this world, sits in a café writing in an exquisitely tooled muleskin notebook, on the opening page he has written in finely penned copperplate writing the following: "By hook or by crook, I'll be thirst in this book." From that point on the book is empty, since this is not only the beginning of the story, but from Kevin's point of view, it is the beginning of everything. (At this moment in time in the real world, and for reasons that she is unable to understand, the girl orders a cappuccino with an almond and chocolate-chip biscotti). The creative energy of the phantasmagorical world seeps out of the page and into the nib of the pen in the girl's hand. Overcome by this eldrich power, the girl begins to write a stream of words onto the page as if Calliope herself is guiding the pen, not before very long, several pages are filled with closely packed sentences, each written, not in the untidy scrawl of the girl's own hand, but in the elaborate copperplate of Kevin's neat handwriting.
Yet the words she has written and the story that is unfolding onto the page is purest drivel and no better than had been written before, since it stems from the phantasmagorical world the characters have created, which itself is based upon the imaginary world the girl had previously written. So the laws of cause and effect are as they should be, and even the most complex paradoxes are easily solved by a clumsily placed plot device or by simply ignoring them completely. Therefore, when the girl looks up from her cappuccino, Kevin is sat opposite her, drinking Pernod from a plastic beaker, he looks back at her and winks.
1. The Parisian Fall Overture
    a) I'm Not In Seine, I'm In Denial 
    b) I'm Not In Louvre
2. Parcian Love Song
3. The Phantasmagorical Suite
    f) Rebirth
    a) You Invents A World
    d) Cop A Cup O' Cappuccino (oh, no, no, no)
    b) The Incredible Home Rift.
    c) Flying Coffeepot.
4. Kevin Digs Space In Holes
5. By Hook Or By Crook (part 1)
6. By Hook Or By Crook (part 1 - reprise)
7. The Muse Musings
    a) Call Calliope Hope.
    ii) The Book Is Mightier Than The Scabbard.
    3) The Moving Hand Having Writ
    iv) The Pair Of Ducks Paradox
8. Pernod's As Good As A Wink 
9. Ready, Steady, Stop.

Edited by Dean - September 18 2008 at 20:08
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rileydog22 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 18 2008 at 19:59

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Vompatti View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2008 at 17:11
It would be cool if someone made a concept album about a surgical operation. Not a brain salad surgery, but maybe a liver surgery or something. It would consist mainly of sharp sounds representing the movement of the scalpel, and the lyrics would obviously be in medical Latin.

Also, some of the songs would be from the perspective of the organs. (These songs would have different organs as solo instruments.)

Edited by Vompatti - September 22 2008 at 17:23
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2008 at 17:55
^ Luckily, in several years time this page will become entrapped in a blackhole created at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (mk2) and waft back through the annals of time, (pausing briefly to look at today to see it's own crreation), before continuing further back to an era when spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures of several different species really did gather together in a cave to listen to a Pict. And just maybe, a person from that era, not unrelated to that very Pict, would read these words and say - "Hmmm... there's an idea". Wink

Edited by Dean - September 22 2008 at 17:56
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rileydog22 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2008 at 17:58
Originally posted by Vompatti Vompatti wrote:

It would be cool if someone made a concept album about a surgical operation. Not a brain salad surgery, but maybe a liver surgery or something. It would consist mainly of sharp sounds representing the movement of the scalpel, and the lyrics would obviously be in medical Latin.

Also, some of the songs would be from the perspective of the organs. (These songs would have different organs as solo instruments.)

I believe that Fantomas had a concept album about surgery without anesthetic. 

Edited by rileydog22 - September 22 2008 at 17:59

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The Whistler View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 23 2008 at 00:35
Okay, hmm, lemme think...I only fronted the world's worst prog rock band for a while, so oughta be king at this sorta's a concept EP for ya!
1. Awakening - A man wakes up one morning...toss in some bird sound effects, keep those up for a few minutes, then kick in drums, then a bird mocking flute solo. The solo ends suddenly, representing the man getting pissed at all those birds and tossing his alarm clock at them.
2. Discovery (Are These My Feet?) - The man looks under his bed to discover that his slippers are gone. He is very irritated. The song is largely an excuse for a bloated awesome guitar solo. The lyrics will be typically schizo, i.e., pulled out of a hat and rapped at high speed over the solo at various spots. Grounding riffage complicates the song.
3. Stairs in my Soup - Sorely pissed, the man leaves his bedroom and promptly falls down some stairs, which confuses him, as his house only has one story. Brass overtones here, plenty of wild sax soloing. Well, there SHOULD be at least, except that right when the sax playing gets hot, a drum solo takes over. The sax player will be heard shouting something indistinct and leaving the studio.
4. The Cereal Blues (Honey, How did this Cosmos Get Into My Breakfast?) - A mini suite, the final track will be sung in over-the-top operatic style (which is strange, considering that everything has been instrumental so far. Oh well). Despite having no slippers and breaking his leg, the man sits down to breakfast and realizes that the secret of the universe is in his muffins; if everyone would just SHUT UP AND f**kING EAT A MUFFIN ONCE IN A WHILE, there'd be peace in the world. To achieve this effect musically, bandmembers will hurl muffins (bran and blueberry; if you listen close, you can tell the difference) at the microphone. There should also be some backwards tape effects because those are cool.
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
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Abstrakt View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 23 2008 at 15:12
Happy (33:08)
Sad (27:57)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 23 2008 at 15:21
Cat (2008):
1. Dawn (1:03)
2. Wild thing (7:48)
3. Jellied Nasties called Cat Food (13:01)
4. Sleep/Thrown out/Sleep (reprise) (9:19)
5. When everyone in the house are asleep: (30:44)
          a) The breakout
          b) The lookaround
          c) The hunt/The Prey
          d) The re-entrance
          e) The gory playtime
           f) The show-off

1. Morning after/Thrown out prey/Brekfast (16:08)
2. Sleep (second Reprise) (2:52)
3. The gentle art of Laziness: (15:17)
          a) Yawn
          b) Drool
          c) ...
          d) Lazy Epiologue
4. Playtime madness (9:01)
5. Cats are better than Dogs (18:25)

Meh... Embarrassed
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 24 2008 at 02:19
my concept for a prog metal album:

begins with a man awakening with no knowledge of anything, but of three facts: someone is about to be killed, someone is about to kill said someone, and that he must find out who, why, and how

the album is a bunch of emotional questioning turmoil bullsh*t
until the end
where in a state of frustration and madness, he begins to try to commit suicide
and in an epic moment at the end
he realizes (most likely a pointlessly epic chorus)

then people will try to analyze it like it's deep and stuff

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 24 2008 at 02:46
The Longest Day (24:56:32)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 13 2009 at 20:16
A Bad Joke

1. A Man Almost Walks Into a Bar (76:54)

This song is about a man who would walk into a bar, but by the time he gets there the bar is already closed.

2. The Barkeep Says Nothing Because He's Not There (1:31)

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