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JLocke View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:06
Oh, and before I am potentially misunderstood further: Let me say that I don't feel organized religion of any kind is a good thing, so the catholic AND protestant churches in my opinion are forms of a mindless cult following, which is something I personally don't think God wants us to be a part of. But that's me.
So ultimately what I meant by that is . . . when I asked if you believed the ''man-made'' stuff would save you, I wasn't trying to insult your church and say that mine was any better, cause like I say I see flaws in all sects of the church these days.
Hopefully I was clear there, lol. Didn't want to offend anyone.

Edited by p0mt3 - February 17 2008 at 02:09
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King Crimson776 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:13
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Oh, wow! I leave this thread and people are still discussing the music, then I return a couple of days later, and it's turned into UFC Holy smackdown!  LOL Classic!

You have to admit, this owns talking about Christian prog.
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JLocke View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:21
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Oh, wow! I leave this thread and people are still discussing the music, then I return a couple of days later, and it's turned into UFC Holy smackdown!  LOL Classic!

You have to admit, this owns talking about Christian prog.
LOL It does.
Oh yes, a good ol' brawl is what we need! Too much talking being done in the Prog fanatic realm. Any time we can get down and dirty is worth encouraging!  Tongue
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King Crimson776 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:23
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

 If I have a son, I'm going to tell him what is best for him in this secular society and let him believe what he wants and not scare him with thoughts of hell.

LOLLOLLOL ROFLMAO, You are being more radical than any religious person:


"Hey kid, I'm your father, I won't teach you religion, because I don't believe in it, but if you want you can be a religious person later, in the meanwhile I'm only teaching you secular values."


For God's sake

How is this more radical than any religious person? This is the most open-minded way possible; I'm going to teach him values based on real life and what is certain for him as opposed to teaching him one way based on ancient writings from the beginning of his life, making it hard for him to see it any other way. This way he can make the decision to be spiritual in any way he wants later, instead of limiting him.
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JLocke View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:28
Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

You're a Christian, right? You've read the Bible all the way through then, you should know. I only know parts of it. 
Yes, I do know what I believe.  The point is that you don't.
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Would you seriously say that non-believers don't go to hell though? What's the point in believing in God if you can believe whatever and be fine?
I would say that they don't of necessity go to hell.  I gave you biblical verses in support of that.
What's the point of not believing in God if you can believe whatever and be fine?
Hate to butt in here, but didn't Jesus say that no one comes to the Father but through HIM?
Or maybe you're just saying that they are sent to some form of limbo instead of Hell if they don't believe?
Sorry, I haven't managed to trek back and find the scriptures you are talking about, though I find all of this very interesting.

Edited by p0mt3 - February 17 2008 at 02:30
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King Crimson776 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 02:40
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Oh yes, a good ol' brawl is what we need! Too much talking being done in the Prog fanatic realm. Any time we can get down and dirty is worth encouraging! Tongue

Hey, it's mellow when you're agnostic; you don't have to defend anything. I just question, question, question.

Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Let me say that I don't feel organized religion of any kind is a good thing, so the catholic AND protestant churches in my opinion are forms of a mindless cult following, which is something I personally don't think God wants us to be a part of. But that's me.

Well, agreed of course, but if you're saying that organized religion of any kind is bad, then it seems like you're talking more about the religion in general than just the church. Because the church is just where the people congregate, the religion itself is what the people all just choose to believe in and what ties them together. You seem to be more from the point of view of someone who believes in God but not any specific idea of that God.
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 03:17
Sorry to butt in, but something p0mt3 said caught my attention - related to the matter of non-Christians going to 'hell'. As some of you may know (I'm sure Ivan does), in the early 14th century the Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote a poem in three parts called The Divine Comedy, describing his journey in the otherworld. In the first part of his journey (the Inferno, or Hell), he meets the 'great spirits' of classical antiquity - people who had lived and died before Christ was born. They cannot be admitted to Heaven, but neither are they in Hell, because they had been good people in life - so they are confined in a beautiful valley in the Limbo, which is technically part of Hell, but nowhere as dismal as the latter. This proves that, even over 700 years ago, there were good Christians who thought good non-Christians would not be punished in Hell after their death.
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endlessepic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 03:18
Organized religion can be a bad thing if reduced to a dogmatic ritualistic manner of things, however, organized religion when grounded in true faith and seeking the will of God is a wonderful thing. People like to put "organized religion" down because of the past mishaps of countless past bad examples, but in its purest form...lets just say - "Don't judge rock and roll by Bruce Springsteen"

And I think any Christian musician who uses music as a ministry should really think about it, I am not saying it shouldn't be that way but people are supposed to know Christians by our love for our neighbor. Interspersing good messages and Christian stories or values is fine but conversion is not up to how the verses in a song work, it is up to the work of God in a persons heart.

That being said, I think Neal Morse is pretty good, but I look at his lyrics as more of a historical commentary.

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King Crimson776 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 03:55
Originally posted by endlessepic endlessepic wrote:

"Don't judge rock and roll by Bruce Springsteen"

Did you honestly just diss The Boss? That's possibly the least cool thing ever.

Quote That being said, I think Neal Morse is pretty good, but I look at his lyrics as more of a historical commentary.

I do agree with this though, sometimes I even get the feel like he's ing with us and he was kidding the whole time, you know? I mean, when you have a funky slap bass solo going over a preacher talking, you almost have to be making fun of Christianity.
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EnglishAssassin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 09:38
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Sorry, but raising your kids in your religion is a right and I believe a duty if you believe it's the truth, I'm sure you have or will raise your children in your religion and nobody had the right to go against your will, you are responsible for your sons, not a Christian, Jewish or even Catholic singer.
When they are old enough to understand what they are accepting they will make their Confirmation or not, that's their choice, but teaching youir faith to your sons is not brainwashing, it's your duty, one adquired when yoi married and accepted to raise your kids in your faith.

Surely the point here, and it was one made by Baron d'Holbach a few hundred years ago, is that if you're convinced of the arguments of your particular faith, then you should be able to trust that a mature adult will accept them without having to have been indoctrinated from youth?  Shouldn't you have to weigh the rights of a parent to raise their children as they think best against those of children, as future adults, to make an informed decision of their own?  I don't wish to sound as though I'm attacking you or your faith here, but it's a question worth asking.

And can we please get away from the lazy argument that morality and religion are somehow indivisible?  Socrates had been fodder for the worms for four centuries before Christianity came into existence.

Edited by EnglishAssassin - February 17 2008 at 09:40
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ghost_of_morphy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 11:36
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Not all Atheists are good, I never said they were. But if they were religious it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't have done the stuff they did. It's funny that you should make up the god Athe, as though that violence were in the name of something. They were just violent people.
The point to that is that modern atheism has evolved to the point where it has all of the hallmarks of a religion except for a god.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 11:43
Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Not all Atheists are good, I never said they were. But if they were religious it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't have done the stuff they did. It's funny that you should make up the god Athe, as though that violence were in the name of something. They were just violent people.
The point to that is that modern atheism has evolved to the point where it has all of the hallmarks of a religion except for a god.

hahahha. .damn right Clap
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EnglishAssassin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 12:13
Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Not all Atheists are good, I never said they were. But if they were religious it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't have done the stuff they did. It's funny that you should make up the god Athe, as though that violence were in the name of something. They were just violent people.
The point to that is that modern atheism has evolved to the point where it has all of the hallmarks of a religion except for a god.

B*ll*cks has it.  Atheism has neither an organised structure nor a dogma.  Try contributing something useful rather than just making insultingly fatuous remarks.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 12:24
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

[Oh, ok, so they are just stuck in this valley forever instead of burning with the sinners. I see, great... I hope this is what Ghandi wanted.
In first place as Raff mentions "Divinna Commedia" (The Comedy part and some chants were added by Bicaccio) is a basic book of Italian Medieval Literarure, it doesn't officially represents the position of the Church, it's only a dramatization of Religion in a point of history when Guephs (A Dante) supported the Pope against he Holy Roman Empire defended by the Ghibellines, so it's not only a religuious text, but also reflects political visions of the time.
In the first circle of Hell you could fid the "Virtuous Pagans" (virtuous people who never had been baptized) and guided by Virgilio he finds numerous famous men who spent all day talking aboput politics and philosophy, the LIMBO is a recreation of the Champs Elysees which is the Roman paradise, there he also found Pope .
BTW: Dante in his tour by the Paradise found two "virtuous pagans" there, so even in the datk middle ages there was a chance for redemption.
It's also important to notice that Dante blends some Medieval Religion with Greek Mitholoigy, for example Cerberus (The hound of Hades in Greek Mythology) guards the third circle of Hell, the fourth circkle of hell is guarded by Plutus (Son of Demeter), so motre than a theological guide, The Divine Comedy is more a fiction work.
And even if was a reflex of Medieval Church, the Vatican II Council was so radical, that changed a lot of the previous sectarism:
Quote The "Declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions: Nostra Aetate," (1965) is one of three declarations of Vatican II. 8 It states that:
bullet "[The Christian] God made the whole human race to live over the face of the earth."
bullet "The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these [non-Christian] religions."
bullet "God holds the Jews most dear for the sake of their Fathers..."
bullet "...the [Roman Catholic] Church is the new People of God..."
bullet "...the Church has always held and holds now, Christ underwent His passion and death freely, because of the sins of men and out of infinite love, in order that all may reach salvation."
So King Crimson, don't try to catch the trap, there is no trap, everything is clear as water, Christ died for all men, not only for Catholics. Orthodoxs and Christians so all may be saved, Ghandi included.
Originally posted by EnglishAssassin EnglishAssassin wrote:

Surely the point here, and it was one made by Baron d'Holbach a few hundred years ago, is that if you're convinced of the arguments of your particular faith, then you should be able to trust that a mature adult will accept them without having to have been indoctrinated from youth? 
I teach them the beliefs of my fathers, grabnfdfathers, etc, it's part of his inheritance, I wouldn't force him to go to mass every day if they don't want (I myself very rarely go to mass), teaching faith is not endoctrinating, everything must be learned, Maths, Physics, Literature andof course religion, and my option is that Catholic faith gives him good moral values and IMO is the truth,m so wqhy I would abstain of teaching them the truth?
Kids hate math, why don't we allow them not to study math, so that I trust that as a mature adults they will learn maths without having been endictruiinated and tortured ((believe me, Maths was a torture for me always) when kids.
Absurd no'....I also believe not teaching them religion if you believe is the truth is against the law of God and humans.
Originally posted by EnglishAssassin EnglishAssassin wrote:

  Shouldn't you have to weigh the rights of a parent to raise their children as they think best against those of children, as future adults, to make an informed decision of their own?  I don't wish to sound as though I'm attacking you or your faith here, but it's a question worth asking.
I believe their best interestt is learning the truth, and being that I believe that Catholic Religion is the truth, it's my duty to teach them.
I really don't understand how teaching Catholic, Christian, Jewish or Moslem doctrine is considered wrong, but the ACLU decided that is the right of a parent to let his kid die because they refuse blood transfusions.
That's the pount where the religious rights should be limited, you can't endanger the life of a minor because their parents believe a blood transfusion is impure

Originally posted by EnglishAssassin EnglishAssassin wrote:

 And can we please get away from the lazy argument that morality and religion are somehow indivisible?  Socrates had been fodder for the worms for four centuries before Christianity came into existence.
Nobody has said that, you're kicking the chess table, there are different forms of morality, there are religious perverts and great atheists, morality is not exclusive of religion and nobody has said this in the 17 pages of this thread.
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

How is this more radical than any religious person? This is the most open-minded way possible; I'm going to teach him values based on real life and what is certain for him as opposed to teaching him one way based on ancient writings from the beginning of his life, making it hard for him to see it any other way. This way he can make the decision to be spiritual in any way he wants later, instead of limiting him.
But you are teaching him there is no religion, not thet this is wrong if you believe it, but you are also indoctrinating the kid in atheism, it's exactly the same, you are making it hard for him to see the religious perspective. LOL

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - February 17 2008 at 12:58
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ghost_of_morphy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 13:33
Originally posted by EnglishAssassin EnglishAssassin wrote:

Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Not all Atheists are good, I never said they were. But if they were religious it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't have done the stuff they did. It's funny that you should make up the god Athe, as though that violence were in the name of something. They were just violent people.
The point to that is that modern atheism has evolved to the point where it has all of the hallmarks of a religion except for a god.

B*ll*cks has it.  Atheism has neither an organised structure nor a dogma.  Try contributing something useful rather than just making insultingly fatuous remarks.
Oh my.  You'd think I'd just uttered heresy.  Ouch
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EnglishAssassin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 14:36
Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by EnglishAssassin EnglishAssassin wrote:

Originally posted by ghost_of_morphy ghost_of_morphy wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

Not all Atheists are good, I never said they were. But if they were religious it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't have done the stuff they did. It's funny that you should make up the god Athe, as though that violence were in the name of something. They were just violent people.
The point to that is that modern atheism has evolved to the point where it has all of the hallmarks of a religion except for a god.

B*ll*cks has it.  Atheism has neither an organised structure nor a dogma.  Try contributing something useful rather than just making insultingly fatuous remarks.
Oh my.  You'd think I'd just uttered heresy.  Ouch

Don't flatter yourself, all you've done is say something disappointingly ill-informed.
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artguyken View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 14:40
A word to the Atheist and/or Agnostic friends in this discussion. You've registered your objections about certain assumptions about atheism in some of the posts. I'd just like to say that as I want to be respectful of your beliefs, though I don't agree with them, I'd ask for the same courtesy instead of the blanket statements about how detrimental "religion" is to humankind.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 17 2008 at 14:51
Right folks. We've let it roll on for a bit even though the discussion was no longer related to the original question, but today's tone of discussion leaves me no choice. This thread has long run it's course.
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