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    Posted: February 22 2007 at 13:35
Originally posted by Tarcisio Moura Tarcisio Moura wrote:

I thank everyone who wrote me and to the site for the opportunity to bring this subject on.

I´d like to apologise profusely for the harsh and wrong words and claims  and if anyone felt insulted, I ask forgiveness. I owe this site a lot and never wanted to bring any trouble to it or anyone involved. I keep my critics to the new policies. I will not bring any more polemics to this forum or this site in the future.

Thanks for the attention


Tarcísio B. Moura

Many thanks Tarcísio, I'll close this thread now.
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:39

For myself, I know that I come at these things all guns blazing but one of the things I value more than anything else is my integrity. If someone directly or indirectly doubts my integrity (and it is inextricably linked to the reputation of the site, the conduct of its Admins and Collabs) then I will challenge them about it.

I have no problem whatsoever with anyone expressing an opinion, or their disappointment with the direction of the site, policy or band admissions failures but let's not suggest that there is something more sinister going on,please.That's just plain rude.Smile

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:21
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ you think posts like this one improve things? Please be more specific.Wink

Well, sometimes it improves, when the person that did something in a bad way thinks about what he has done.

Anyway it is not the case with you, Mike, but there are people abusing in offensive contents without a good reason. And people who are not newbies.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:15
In the big scheme of things, who cares if they get added?  Life goes on.  I am pretty sad at all of this.  Cry  The site gets bigger every day and has to be getting to the point of being unwieldy.  How the people behind the scenes keep it going while bringing new bands and features online is underappreciated by most of the regular users.  So the the people who keep it running and work hard on additions, hats off.  ClapClap   
Biggles was in rehab last Saturday
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:12
^ you think posts like this one improve things? Please be more specific.Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:04
Reading this thread makes me realize that the site is going wrong way.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:00
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I am stunned by this.What a petty,juvenile reaction.In the Edenbridge thread we explained to you why they were rejected,and you were very gracious and civil with your responses.Now you hit us with this?

Mike can speak for himself but I personally am pretty mad.Not offended....but MAD.That you call the integrity of not only the PMT but the specialist teams in general into question is way out of line.


Quite frankly,this is a case of you not getting your way and throwing a fit,and I am sick of this kind of behavior.Not only from you but from quite a few other people here.We work extremely hard here(in our FREE TIME),and some people perform more than one duty.


Most of the time the work the PMT does is ignored.The only time we are even noticed is when someone has a complaint with a band we added,or one we didn't add.


No one EVER makes a thread or sends us a message congratulating us on a job well done.I don't need a pat on the back but people like you and the other haters here are pretty de-motivating.

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Interesting that you think so, Tarcisio, but that's nothing more than an unfounded feeling. I have exactly the opposite feeling: Too much metal is accepted in here which does not really deserve the name "prog". Now who of us is right?Having said that: I am still waiting for Echo City (featuring Guy Evans of Van der Graaf Generator; one of the most avantgarde bands there are) to be added, or Cosmic Explosion (a krautrock all-star band). It seems though that both the Experimental and the Krautrock team have to do overtime. The albums of Cosmic Explosion are no longer available, by the way; they were limited pressings of a few thousand only. Both Echo City and Cosmic Explosion were suggested at least half a year ago.


I am tired of the PMT getting this kind of flack for working TOO HARD.


I will not be made to feel guilty or get critisized because we consistently do our job.

I hear you Jody. You guys work very hard, and do not have an open door policy on metal bands. This case proves it. I know you are constantly pressured for additions, and you do your best to evaluate the candidates. The PM Team's integrity should not be in question. So, clappies to the Metal Men.

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Tarcisio Moura View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 11:53
I thank everyone who wrote me and to the site for the opportunity to bring this subject on.

I´d like to apologise profusely for the harsh and wrong words and claims  and if anyone felt insulted, I ask forgiveness. I owe this site a lot and never wanted to bring any trouble to it or anyone involved. I keep my critics to the new policies. I will not bring any more polemics to this forum or this site in the future.

Thanks for the attention


Tarcísio B. Moura

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Philéas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 11:42
Seriously, what on Earth is the point of this thread?

Ok, you think a band is Prog and some other people do not. I don't see the problem. Opinions will always differ - live with it. This is only a website, it doesn't matter whether it lists a certain band as Prog or not, you are still free to view the band as Prog in real life regardless of what this particular set of 0's and 1's says, no need to get rude. Wink

Also, I don't think the band themselves care a bit about what this site does or doesn't label them as, so why should you? I suggest spending your time doing something more useful than behaving silly on the internet.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 11:35
I have spoken to Tarcisio private, and he sincerely regrets the way his original post and heading was phrased. I believe he will post here shortly. on that basis.
I think this can be seen as an isolated error of judgement.
I am conscious that we should never seek to stifle healthy debate, and would emphasise here that the only issue is the way the thread was slanted, not in the member saying that in his view the decisions were wrong.
I'll leave the thread open to allow TM to post.
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Tarcisio Moura View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 11:33
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I am stunned by this.What a petty,juvenile reaction.In the Edenbridge thread we explained to you why they were rejected,and you were very gracious and civil with your responses.Now you hit us with this?
Mike can speak for himself but I personally am pretty mad.Not offended....but MAD.That you call the integrity of not only the PMT but the specialist teams in general into question is way out of line.
Quite frankly,this is a case of you not getting your way and throwing a fit,and I am sick of this kind of behavior.Not only from you but from quite a few other people here.We work extremely hard here(in our FREE TIME),and some people perform more than one duty.
Most of the time the work the PMT does is ignored.The only time we are even noticed is when someone has a complaint with a band we added,or one we didn't add.
No one EVER makes a thread or sends us a message congratulating us on a job well done.I don't need a pat on the back but people like you and the other haters here are pretty de-motivating.

It´s not really the case of getting things done my way. If so, I would never write, since I am very aware that saying what I said killed any chances for the band to be included. Ok, fine, maybe I have used the wrong words, maybe I was too heavy handling my thoughts. But I do too felt mad since we do write our bands biography, do everything in our hands to have them in PA and what do we get back? Nothing. Unless you start a threat and make some stir you are ignored, the band rejected,  and no explanations given. I think a lot of this misunderstanding could be avoided if only some decent information could be delivered to the ones concerned.

Having said that, yes, I think it´s time to shut down this threat. I thank everyone who wrote me and the site for the oportunity to bring this subject on.

I´d like to apoligise profusely for the harsh and wrong words, claims  and if everyone felt insulted, I ask forgiveness. I owe this site a lot and never wanted to bring any trouble to it. I keep my critics to the new policies. I will not bring any more polemics to this forum or this site in the future.

Thanks for the attention


Tarcísio B. Moura
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Melomaniac View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 09:36
It just seems weird that a refusal to include a band should be taken so personal by the one who submitted the band.  I mean, do you want the band to be included on PA because you think THEY deserve it or because you think YOUR submisson should be included ?   Big difference.
Lately I suggested The Police to be included in prog related and 100% of the people who answered in the thread didn't agree.  Did I cry out sacrilege ?  Of course not !  It's not because I feel that a band should be included that everyone else thinks the same way, everyone is entitled to their opinions (especially people from different prog teams and band inclusion teams, who do a mighty fine job by the way, here's a clappie for you all Clap) and each and everyone of us needs to respect others opinions.  Debating is one thing, trying to impose one's will upon the mass is another.  Do not forget that we form a community on PA, and in order for that community to function and grow properly, we need more RESPECT.
Peace to all !
Eric aka Melomaniac

Edited by Melomaniac - February 22 2007 at 09:46
"One likes to believe in the freedom of Music" - Neil Peart, The Spirit of Radio
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 09:19
Maybe it would be better to close this thread to prevent further angry feelings among members? I think the issue has been discussed enough.
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TheProgtologist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 09:18
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Interesting that you think so, Tarcisio, but that's nothing more than an unfounded feeling. I have exactly the opposite feeling: Too much metal is accepted in here which does not really deserve the name "prog". Now who of us is right?
Having said that: I am still waiting for Echo City (featuring Guy Evans of Van der Graaf Generator; one of the most avantgarde bands there are) to be added, or Cosmic Explosion (a krautrock all-star band). It seems though that both the Experimental and the Krautrock team have to do overtime. The albums of Cosmic Explosion are no longer available, by the way; they were limited pressings of a few thousand only. Both Echo City and Cosmic Explosion were suggested at least half a year ago.
I am tired of the PMT getting this kind of flack for working TOO HARD.
I will not be made to feel guilty or get critisized because we consistently do our job.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 09:14
I am stunned by this.What a petty,juvenile reaction.In the Edenbridge thread we explained to you why they were rejected,and you were very gracious and civil with your responses.Now you hit us with this?
Mike can speak for himself but I personally am pretty mad.Not offended....but MAD.That you call the integrity of not only the PMT but the specialist teams in general into question is way out of line.
Quite frankly,this is a case of you not getting your way and throwing a fit,and I am sick of this kind of behavior.Not only from you but from quite a few other people here.We work extremely hard here(in our FREE TIME),and some people perform more than one duty.
Most of the time the work the PMT does is ignored.The only time we are even noticed is when someone has a complaint with a band we added,or one we didn't add.
No one EVER makes a thread or sends us a message congratulating us on a job well done.I don't need a pat on the back but people like you and the other haters here are pretty de-motivating.

Edited by TheProgtologist - February 22 2007 at 09:15

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Tarcisio Moura View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 06:03
Hi, Mike:

Thanks a lot for your explanation and the invitation. I´ll be visiting the site soon. I really like the way you let people categorisize the band. I think it is a great idea.

Tarcísio Moura.
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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 05:41
Originally posted by Tarcisio Moura Tarcisio Moura wrote:

Dear Mike:

Thanks for your answer. I never said you said that. Someone else did, but please, I´m not telling any names. I should point out that you were really respectful all the time. I surely don´t agree with your statement, but I´m glad you gave me a complete explanation now. I did not know it was a matter of how much prog. I though, maybe incorrectly, that a band that had such elements should be here. As long as some other metal bands, who has much less progressive characteristics are here (like Triumph, to name just one) I thought it would be only fair to include them also. I do regret using the word witch hunt, it was quite a mistake, I believe. Maybe I should use the word purge, since I think there IS a change and some bands are being rejected now, whereas some time ago they´d be easily welcomed in.

Best regards

Tarcísio B. Moura

Thanks! I did not take your comments personally, and I didn't think you were referring to me (I know who you were referring to though).

What you need to understand is that the prog metal team was created at a time when many controversial bands were already in the database. Rhapsody, Nightwish, Triumph ... these are bands which most of us consider to be borderline prog at best ... they're certainly not suitable as a point of reference when judging new additions.

Like I said above: I invite you to create an account at - there the progressiveness of bands is determined by a majority vote ... it's all 100% democratic. I'm not saying that it's a better approach - it's simply different. And on your user page the bands will be listed with the genre that *you* assigned - so you can show people how you see the world of prog (and beyond).Smile

Edited by MikeEnRegalia - February 22 2007 at 05:41
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Tarcisio Moura View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 05:20
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Here are some samples I've found

"Edenbridge is a band from Austria, specializing in symphonic metal, with minor neo-classical metal sounds in some songs." (Wikipedia)

"Austrian symphonic metal band Edenbridge have signed to Napalm Records, according to" (

"This band is the best female fronted power metal band. ..." (

Sabine has quite a beautiful voice. It's kind of different from the other female-fronted metal bands" (

No mention of the p word there.

What? Symphonic metal has nothing to do with prog? This is new to me. Excuse me then. Magazines like Road Crew and Rock Brigade, and their sites, always cite them as prog metal. But since you said Synmphonic metal can no be counted as prog, I may be wrong. Prog related maybe? Well, Lanall, their guitarrist/keyboardsman, songwriter and producer is included here.

/Best regards

Tarcísio B. Moura

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Tarcisio Moura View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 05:09
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Tarcisio Moura Tarcisio Moura wrote:

Yes, that´s really what scares me. I don´t agree, much less was I convinced. I still wonder if we are talking about the same band at all. To call Edenbridge a straight power metal band is... well, I don´t want to go any further, all I say is that I  can´t think of one heavy metal fan who will agree with that remark. Read my replies to them.

best wishes

Tarcísio B. Moura

For the record: I never said that they were a "straight" Power Metal band ... but the prog elements which their music undoubtedly contains are simply not enough for me to "recommend" their inclusion. If you take any of their albums and compare it to any Rhapsody album, you'll find that the Rhapsody album is much more complex in songwriting and arrangement. And Rhapsody is a band which is under constant attack or criticism in the archives ...

On my website I have 6 steps of progressiveness:

0: Not progressive
20%: Slightly progressive
40%: Moderately progressive (Prog-Related)
60%: Progressive
80%: Very progressive
100%: Extremely progressive

In all honesty Edenbridge - for me - are well below the 40% mark ... and Rhapsody are right between the 40% and 60%, it depends on whether the mere combination of classical music and power metal is progressive to you or not. If not, then you could even say that Rhapsody are not progressive at all - it's all a question of how you define prog.

So: If a metal band with a female, semi-operatic vocalist, strings and the occasional time signature change is prog to you, then so is Edenbridge. To me it is "just" symphonic metal, which can be highly enjoyable too.

"Not prog" does not mean that it's bad!

Dear Mike:

Thanks for your answer. I never said you said that. Someone else did, but please, I´m not telling any names. I should point out that you were really respectful all the time. I surely don´t agree with your statement, but I´m glad you gave me a complete explanation now. I did not know it was a matter of how much prog. I though, maybe incorrectly, that a band that had such elements should be here. As long as some other metal bands, who has much less progressive characteristics are here (like Triumph, to name just one) I thought it would be only fair to include them also. I do regret using the word witch hunt, it was quite a mistake, I believe. Maybe I should use the word purge, since I think there IS a change and some bands are being rejected now, whereas some time ago they´d be easily welcomed in.

Best regards

Tarcísio B. Moura
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 22 2007 at 03:52
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by progismylife progismylife wrote:

I seem to side with Tarcisio on this one. Not having heard any of the music mentioned it seems a bad case of miscommunication.

Some of the statements he made were manipulative and simply wrong ... like the one stating that "most other websites consider it to be prog".

I read it through again and saw those comments. I said I seem to side with him, meaning I did not fully agree with him but I could see wherer he was coming from (like GPS CryEmbarrassedWink)

It also appears to me that maybe Tarcisio feels he did not get an explanation about why they were rejected from PA.

That's also not true ... there were several pages of discussion about Edenbridge. Of course if he expects some kind of multi-page essay about the musical structures of Edenbridge ... I'm much too lazy to do that, and it's not necessary either. A simple comparison with other prog (or non prog) bands should suffice.

It was just confusing to me because I thought this site didn't like "If X is more prog than Y" or similar arguments and that was all I seemed to get from it. I'll reread it again just to be on the safe side.

From reading hte posts of this and the other thread started by Tarcisio I do not see a reason given for why they were rejected. It seems to be comparing bands and saying its almost prog but not prog with any backing u of the opinion or specific examples.

So what would such an example look like? Do you want me to write some notation/guitar tabulature or what?Wink

I don't think that is necessary, maybe a 1000 word essay on why the band should/should not be included. TongueWink

And Tony's post

 "You are the kind of egocentric ingrate that will ultimately be the ruin of this wonderful website."

is a bit over the top I might add. Of course it makes sense why he would answer like that with all the stuff he deals with being an admin after all. It just seems to be a confusing mess that has been made here.  Also notice that the title of this thread doesn't help much.
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