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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Experimental/Post rock Appreciation Threa
    Posted: November 01 2006 at 02:24
Perhaps my favorite genre after the generic melting pot that is Prog Metal, is that of experimental / post rock. It is probably one of the most ignored genres here, aside from the foreign prog not from Italy. You rarely hear any discussion of these bands outside of GY!BE and Sigur Ros, and that is limited at best to the numerous threads on Yes, Genesis, and Dream Theater. This genre also has hardly any reviews and is few in number of artists. Does no one like any bands outside of GYBE besides the few collabs I know who are diehard fans of the genre like Chamberry?

I realize that a lot of this section is under development and lots of work is being done(Ive seen the progtology page), but I'm really hoping we can create more awareness for this genre. The future of the progressive movement really lies here(neo 80's, 90-05 metal, 00-15 experimental??), in my opinion, with prog-metal at the waning point really. All of the great prog metal bands are in their last years, with maybe only 2 albums left in each band(and none of it looks to be very refreshing/unique).

I'm really hoping we can get this genre up and moving by the turn of the next year, and the sooner the better.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 02:35

My problem with this genre is that I find post-rock music very hard to find and even over ebay it can be very expensive when shipping is thrown into the equation. I try to get as much as I can, but I’m limited in the more popular bands.

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Ounamahl View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 02:44
True! And I've been spending most of my money to older-prog or to newer symphonic/metal stuff lately. The only Post-Rock albums I have are "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" and "Takk...", both are probably 5 star albums so I have a warm feeling for post rock.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 02:51
Tortoise is one of my favorite bands.
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UtUmNo1 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 05:27
You make some pretty big calls on the future of prog-metal.
Care to explain why you see the genre on the wane with no hope of a resurgence?
I enjoy post-rock and am looking to expand beyond Sigur Ros and GY!BE, so any recommendations would be appreciated.
Lately though, my need for post-rock has been fulfilled by Ashes Against The Grain as I believe this album to be heavily influenced by the genre (to my ears anyway).
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BePinkTheater View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 06:11

Some others to know are Tortoise, Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, and Belle Orchetre.

But really, you can go to the post rock page here and find tons of great bands.


I don't know how much vitality this thread will have, because I started the exact same one a couple weeks ago, and it's still floating around, but I really do love this genre, and I love to see others that share the same passion for it as I do.

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rushaholic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 07:03
There are a lot of great post-rock bands out there, some of which are just making it on to this site.  There are a bunch of unknown, indie type bands that you can find legal mp3 files to sample their music at 

I discovered GYBE a couple of years ago.  Since then , Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, Tortoise, Mono, Red Sparowes, The Album Leaf, Tristeza, Windsor for the Derby, 65daysofstatic, and many more.

For me - great music, never boring.
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Magic Mountain View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 08:35
Ulver is great.  I own 'The Balke Album", "Perdition City" and "Blood Inside."  All three are fantastic.  I agree with UtUmNo1 that Agalloch "Ashes Against the Grain" is a fantastic album.  Of course the usual bands associated with post rock like GY!BE, Explosions in the Sky and Sigur Ros are great too.
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UtUmNo1 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 11:09
Mate, I'm happy to talk Agalloch all day,any day,with anyone!ClapSmileWink
Can't get enough of this great band.
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Stefanovic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 11:13
did anyone mention Pelé or The Mercury Program ? Ermm
two very fine melodic post-rocking experiences ! Thumbs Up
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OpethGuitarist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 11:33
Originally posted by UtUmNo1 UtUmNo1 wrote:

You make some pretty big calls on the future of prog-metal.
Care to explain why you see the genre on the wane with no hope of a resurgence?
I enjoy post-rock and am looking to expand beyond Sigur Ros and GY!BE, so any recommendations would be appreciated.
Lately though, my need for post-rock has been fulfilled by Ashes Against The Grain as I believe this album to be heavily influenced by the genre (to my ears anyway).

well think about it, Prog Metal had its boom in the 90's. It's only logical to assume it is past it's peak and a new genre will be at the forefront in the years to come.

You can't be on top forever. Even the classic Prog only had 10 years to it at its peak. It's not like prog metal will die, but something else will inevitably take over. All of the famous prog metal bands are aging.
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Hatters View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 11:50
Has anyone heard of the band "Yowie." They are a MathRock Don Caballeroesque Post Rock group and really should be on the Archives.

Edited by Hatters - November 01 2006 at 11:50
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Stefanovic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:00
Don Caballeroesque sounds good to me Thumbs Up
a wee bit more info (link, etc...) would be appreciated though Embarrassed
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Ricochet View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:01
yay, an appreciation thread. Clap

Experimental/Post rock is among my recent discoveries in music (actually it would have been the latest, if jazz wouldn't have barged in a month ago Wink) and it blew me off. Perhaps not the most eloquent form of music, perhaps not the most entitled subtlety of methods and perhaps not the minimalism greatness to everyone's expectation. Nonetheless a dark flavour I rarely encountered, a compendium of delicated maneuvers within that organ-like atmosphere and a passionate shout towards an artistic style.

shortly said, Experimental/post rock rulez! Tongue

here's what my knowledge reflects till now:

godspeed you (!) black emperor!
not only masters of the genre, but - by a quick ascension - a favourite music band of mine, generally speaking. Three astounding albums that, with complete sincerity, are close to/"related to"/ exactly masterliness. A sincere sinister conception in a impetous form of music play, a mastered touch in a groundbreaking expression, a fine sip of wine when we normally just go for plain liquids and false aromas.

f#a# (infinity)
just read my review. Wink masterliness!

f#a# (infinity) (vinyl version)
the first two pieces, basically; the feeling is definately cut, but it works fine; dead flag blues finishes differently, by a soft humorous improvisation. can only say it's good they haven't remained limited and select.

slow riot for new zero kanada
the only album that won't get five stars Wink, only three. characteristic continuation of the f#a# style, just in a more fashionable scent and in a cool enough motion. I like the two tracks, but it's a bit too stretched to call them equally great. the work was done well, just the motion follows its allowed form of manifestation. nice EP, proving what I really like in this genre, that such releases have the same attitude as normal, long, elaborated works (LPs etc.)

lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven
read my review. Wink it's not my favourite, but damn close to the extremity of being perfect. amazing epic-stored imagination, ecclectic sound manipulation. et caetera, et caetera, et caetera. masterpiece.

yanqui u.x.o.
(off-topic) amazing cover! Big smile (on-topic) sounds very modern and is a bit loosened on the same tranquill, neverending, impetuos imagination. but there are some part within it that just make you shiver. now I'll probably play fair and give it four stars (contrary to what I priorly said), but it's a great album. three-in-a-row, without a doubt.

Godspeed seems awfully silent nowadays, I just hope they'll place once more music under this group and under this legend label. it isn't the same without the exclamation point! Cry

a silver mt. zion (or thee silver mt. zion orchestra and the tra-la-la band)
easily understandable, the most prominent side project of Godspeed. and as artists of unchanged virtuosity or vision are involved (togheter with other new ones, equally interesting), it's fine and reasonable to take some of Godspeed's magic and to place it over here. I desperately want to point out how A Silver Mt. Zion is a very artistical movement, how deep the valences of their music can go, how veridic their expressed emotion can be and, naturally, how Efrim doesn't shout, but does art vocal (I've read it or heard many times, it Pinch me off!)

he has left us alone, but shafts of light sometimes grace the corner of our bedrooms
the best album (and, naturally, a phenomen debut). godspeedian and the mt. zion detachement, all in one. some heavy manners or some lights frivolities. some deep thoughts and some smooth waves. an album of reality, an ellusion of the surreal.

born into trouble, as the sparks (is the word correct, I don't really remember) fly upwards
why is this the best considered album? Confused kidding... follows the great line and doesn't avoid much from the usual characteristics. sounds very good and gives you the satisfaction (if) of being in the right meanders and flying upwards, towards that shattered egocentric musicality.

this is our punk-rock, thee rusty satellites gather + sing
the lowest creation. a great option towards the epic, but not convincing otherwise. but not to be dismantled, good moments worthy like always. it's more of an aroma and it's more of a secret meaning. barely easy to listen, rarely to be succesfully understood in its entire.

the pretty little lightning paw
as I've said over at slow riot, expect EP greatness. sure, it's a more melodic submission, but goes individually good. the ("almost" Wink) title track is a gem, the rest is mt. zion vision intellect.

horses in the sky
read my review Wink I absolutely adore the thick sorrowness that seems to be the ideal here. I consider this the second best achievement after the debut, no offence to born into trouble. and I sometimes feel like what they are doing here, in places, was never done so maturely before (and is risky to be ever done again)

recommend e/pr band! don't dare to over-shadow, don't dare to neglect, dear fans.

explosions in the sky
another prominent effect of the genre
, slightly too concentrated on their usual things, nonetheless a clear contact with the known music forms, with its places in which uniqueness to enter, to stay, to shine.

or how strange, innocence
I liked the debut very much and I appreciate it heavily. there's that "innocence" of style that botheres, there are those un-said things that will come brilliant later. minimalist tranquillity, guitar polyphony, percussion "attempts"Wink of a godspeedian magic, a cohesion mood, a not at all strange sensation that everything is...perfect. Smile

or  those who tell the truth shall die, those who tell the truth shall live forever
a bit heavy, drodgy and obscure, as to not work; this work did not enchant me, in fact, out of the prejudice of simplicity being unequally evolved towards maturity, I sort of dislike part of this album. still it's way better that the debut and more mature as an act. reserved, still...

the earth is not a cold dead place
sliiightly too liked, dear fanboys Wink their greatest work nevertheless and oh, what a close touch towards perfection. emotions, musical astonishments, enviromental cluster, on-going instrumental diversity. a great album. kudos to the reach of eloquence and of absolute art (by the band, chronologically)

friday night lights OST
read my review. Wink fall from the top towards the loose minimum. didn't like it. the three guest interventions are weak. the style is submitted what, can I ask? to the soundtrack requirement.

the rescue [EP]
ep gem! read my review Wink I'm only gonna quote myself by saying that about half of the music done here is better than half of the music done generally. they also break considerably from the conformism, I (we?) can only hope it's gonna resemble the explosions in the sky future. Clap

Explosions In The Sky announced an upcoming release (album), can't wait. Smile

extremely provocative music, coming from a really unconventional meaning of "experimental" or even of "post". I just wonder if this is e/pr magic we're talking about or, moderately, a e/pr extremity that should be regarded carefully. heavy, dark, appealing to the metal temptation, telling frames of imagined dynamics. they weren't the best e/pr experience so far, considering my taste, they'll stay within an edge.

stumble.stop.repeat [EP]
didn't like it. minimal things, done bit loose. it's a promising start but nothing more. technique was the only thing coming out loud and that itself with some problems (coherence, complete atmosphere blend et caetera). expect a review of mine on the weekend. Wink
oh yeah, ep magic no more. Disapprove

the fall of math
very acclaimed, won't say no, I'm just torn between accepting it's brutal convention or disapproving the fact that they treat the "heavy" subject too...too...dramatic. some gem moments, otherwise the queery taste of thunders on your back. it's a good album.

hole [EP]
this, strangely, came out good as an impression. I even consider it as good as the fall album. yes, this works and this resembles the taste of the style they want. it's a less heavy interest, but it's much better musically.

one time for all time
and this is 65daysofstatic's best album, one I really enjoyed. if the intention is the multitude of expression, the mature use of experimentality or the music flavour not being totally mechanized, then this is the greatest thing you'll hear (if not, you don't really understand real treats, only materialized popular moves). for what it's worth, it's a fine conceived concept and a shock service for the fan acoustic.


that's about all for now, I am expanding my view into Experimental on a weekly basis. Smile

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Trickster F. View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:02
I like what I've heard from Post-Rock, however, I don't really have the time to hear all the lesser known bands. When I first came to the site, I noticed that the Post-Rock section is rather empty and thought it would be a good idea for me to help fill it with reviews, but I ended up concentrating on lesser reviewed Prog-Metal instead, because I write those reviews with more confidence.
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Trickster F. View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:05
Furthermore, I disagree with someone pointing out the Prog-Metal decline. It doesn't look like a genre that anything is going to shift my attention from, some exciting obscure stuff has been coming out lately! This year is especially fabulous for interesting P-M.
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Prog-jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:05
I have all GYBE's albums and they're astonishing - nothing can be better!!!

I also have Sigyr Rys' Takk(pretty nice), Oceansize's Effloresce(good too),Bark Psychosis' Hex(good),65daysofstatic's The Fall of Math and almost all studio albums by Mogwai.I like Post Rock

BTW, here's some songs from Russian Post-Rock band BOSCH'S WITH YOU -
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OpethGuitarist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:22
Originally posted by Trickster F. Trickster F. wrote:

Furthermore, I disagree with someone pointing out the Prog-Metal decline. It doesn't look like a genre that anything is going to shift my attention from, some exciting obscure stuff has been coming out lately! This year is especially fabulous for interesting P-M.

that someone was me  Wink
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Philéas View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 12:55
Lovely music, Post-Rock. So far, I've heard Gospeed You! Black Emperor, Explosions in the Sky, Do Make Say Think and Mogwai. My favourites are Do Make Say Think and Explosions in the Sky. Currently, I have neither time nor money to explore the genre further, but as I really like what I've heard so far, I'm going to get some more Post-Rock as soon as possible.
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Jimbo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 01 2006 at 14:05
Originally posted by Hatters Hatters wrote:

Has anyone heard of the band "Yowie." They are a MathRock Don Caballeroesque Post Rock group and really should be on the Archives.

I know the band and I believe they will be added under RIO/Avant-prog, which is the correct place for them IMO.
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