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CrazyDiamond View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Concept? Write your own..
    Posted: September 21 2005 at 19:18


                                    (inspired by a similar topic)

      Yes. We like a lot the concept albums made by our favourite bands, right?

Sometimes, writing a "Concept" is one of the main feature or aim of our beloved Prog Musician (from "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" to "The Human Equation", from "Days Of Future Passed" to "Brave").So, let's create a personal concept album, about everything you want, following these simple rules:

  • you should give a title to your concept
  • you should write, as a minimum (if you want ), three song titles (related to the concept name)
  • you should not  copy (here and there) from other (already existing) concept
  • you should hope that one day someone really do an album about the same concept you wrote, so you can tell him that you have the copyright on it !  
  • at some point in the topic, you should vote for the best one, in your opinion, so we can see the winner!

So, this is an example, my personal concept, it is called MISPLACED CHILDHOOD and it tells my personal story about...

Ok, there goes mine: it is called "CHANGING THE WORLD": it's the story of the most important events happened on planet earth since it was created. Songs list:

  1. Introduction : Chaos - The four elements  (I said important, so what's more important than the Creation itself?)
  2. Prometeus - The stolen fire (discovery of fire)
  3. Painting signs on the wall (discovery of writing)
  4. The art of thinking (birth of Philosophy)
  5. The art of being a conqueror (about the colonisations and the wars during the Roman empire)
  6. The Year 0 (the Birth of Christ )
  7. The end of the world? pt. 1 (the year 1000 and the Medieval age)
  8. 1492 (The title says it all)
  9. Innovations pt. 1 (great discoveries before the war)
  10. Why are you killing our brothers, God? (About World War I and II)
  11. Innovations pt. 2 (post war life and discoveries)
  12. The Stars are not so far away (about the first man on the Moon and the beginning of the Space era)
  13. Millennium Bug? (Internet and... you know what I mean)
  14. The end of the world? (aka second Middle Age) pt. 2 (from year 2000)
  15. The Eternal Wheel Of Seasons (ending and closing track)

Bonus Track:

  1. Great Men on a Small Earth (reunion track about the most important men and their inventions: a long, speedy, "progressive" track through the ages of man's life on planet Earth  )

Sure it is a two discs set!!!

Come on now, I want see lots of your ideas and how you can use your imagination! I'm very curious about your way of writing a concept album! Good Luck!

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horza View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 19:19
You win

Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 19:56
shroom trip, thats what i plan to do.
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Hibou View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 20:14
Wow, makes you wish Arjen Lucasssen would check this site...
Gene Police: You!! Out of the pool!
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lunaticviolist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 20:29

Great idea.  All I can come up with re song titles are the first and last tracks:

First track:  Overture

Last track:  Finale, or Epilogue, something like that

Edited by lunaticviolist
My recent purchases:
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Ofur View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 20:36

Mine would be called "Trout Mask Replica is a cruel prank and so is this."

1. Captain Beefheart is Born (Beefheart and Zappa abort some movie probably because they couldn't stop laughing long enough to make it, the track would be various snippets of Beefheart and Zappa just laughing, 10 minutes long at least)

2. What's a Trout Mask Replica? (the track would be Beefheart and Zappa talking nonsense for 15 minutes and no mention of a Trout Mask Replica)

3. The World is a Friendly Place (various grunts made by people having sex, this goes on for about 5 minutes)

4. They're Just Laughing at You (another 10 minutes at least of Zappa and Beefheart laughing)

Frankly I think my concept album is brilliant.

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King of Loss View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 20:53

I'm too lazy, but heres a good list I should make:

Triple Cd concept album: (Called Overture )

1. Overture I. The Beginning

    I. Overture I. 5.57
    II. The Masses Unite 10.20
    III. Harming Me 2.56
    IIII. Fiddler's Tune 3.45
    V. No Reflections 5.59
    VII. Twilight Waves 19.06
    VIII. Grand Tribute 9.45
Running Time: 57:18

2. Night Escape Theory
 I. Foreword 6.53
 II. Traveler of Time 4.54 
 III. Rip Waves of Melody 7.45
 IV. Time Continuum I. 0.40
 V. Time Continuum II. 1.23
 VI. Time Continuum III. 36.20
Running Time: 57:55

3. Overture II. The Fall of Mankind
 I. Backword in Time 10.03
 II. Death Balanced 6.15
 III. Page Turns Again 1.35
 IV. The Pillager and the God 5.10
 V. The Prophecy 0.35
 VI. The Rage of Mankind 3.35
 VII. Might of the Templar 2.45
 VIII. Last Breath of Fresh Air 29.50
 IX. The Fall Of Mankind I. 0.45
 X. The Fall of Mankind II. 0.35
 XI. The Fall of Mankind III. 0.32
 XII. The Fall of Mandkind IV. 0.01
 XIII. Gate of Hades 10.00
 XIV. The Grand Silence 6.53
Running Time: 76:53

How about that?

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NetsNJFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 21:16
^ pfff this is such pretensious nonsense

I love it
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King of Loss View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 21:21
I like "pretentious nonsense"
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Titan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 21:36
spring - trees-blossom, meadows, singing birds, living animals... (optimistic, melodic, a lot of flute, guitars etc.)

summer - rain, heat, swimming, clear sky, wild people (rhytmic, funny)

autumn - falling leafs, naked trees, hiding animals, hiding people at home (deeper, a lot of keyboards, guitars)

winter - snow (deep music - organs, hammond, keyboards, accoustic guitars etc.)

one season could have at least 12 minutes long track... (without singing)

anyway my weird ideas
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 22:59

Title: The Advent of the Mystic

1: The Forest Road (9:34)
    I. Entrance
    II. Sunlight Through the Trees
    III. Multiple Paths
2. A Shadow in the Mist (1:55)
3. The Mystic (7:29)
4. Prelude to Green Stones (1:22)
5. Green Stones (13:05)
6. The Forest Road (Remergance) (4:11)
7. Light and the End of the Road (2: 37)

It will have a overtly Celtic/Jethro Tull vibe with the eeriness of Radiohead's recent works.

It will also be VERY pertentious.

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Violenza View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 23:07

Album Title: Rebirth

(disc 1)

  1. Birth of the Honocrotalus (8:31)
  2. Strike the Creator/Take the Child (9:11)
  3. First Day of Grievance (15:00)
  4. Second Day of Grievance (15:00)
  5. Third Day of Grievance (15:01)

(disc 2)

  1. Pierce the Breast/Shedding of Blood (33:54)
  2. Bird of Egypt/Rebirth (34:26)

I don't know. Pretentious nonsense for sure.  I feel like making some music for this now. Maybe a Prog Folk/Metal mix?

Edited by Violenza
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Cygnus X-2 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 21 2005 at 23:07
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Title: The Advent of the Mystic

1: The Forest Road (9:34)
    I. Entrance
    II. Sunlight Through the Trees
    III. Multiple Paths
2. A Shadow in the Mist (1:55)
3. The Mystic (7:29)
4. Prelude to Green Stones (1:22)
5. Green Stones (13:05)
6. The Forest Road (Remergance) (4:11)
7. Light and the End of the Road (2: 37)

It will have a overtly Celtic/Jethro Tull vibe with the eeriness of Radiohead's recent works.

It will also be VERY pertentious.

I have a feeling this is something you're working on.

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Temujin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 00:04
Mine would be called "Size 3 Chord Shoes" and it would be about a boy named Fred who is born with a guitar for a leg and his journey through life.

1. Rockin' the Womb (10:47)
2. The Gibson Grade School (3:12)
3. Lest There be Beans (1:26)
4. Out of Tune, Out of Time (5:51)
5. Fretting Away (8:24)
6. Scaling the Mountain (6:36)
7. Going it Solo (7:28)
8. Strung Out (4:56)
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BigHairyMonster View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 01:16
I've got a concept album(s).  I would tell you about it, but then I'd have to kill you.  Final mixes are in the works, and the story should begin to unfold around Halloween.  There is a monster involved.

Also a death (?)

The Story Takes Place Inside Your Mind...

Cryptic, eh?

Big Hairy Monster's debut CD
"View" coming soon!
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SirPsycho388 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 01:34

Ok how about this…


TO DREAM A LIFETIME – this is about (influenced by a book btw) a prison at a death camp in WWII in some frigid place like Poland, and he is struggling to survive. He is forced to march with a group of prisoners for miles and miles to await his final death. Throughout the story he watches bombs explode in the air and all around, he sees other prisoners get shot on sight for not keeping up or something small like that, he watches other prisoners get taken away in while they are sleeping to be executed, he awaits a demon/guard to kill him at any moment, and he suffers pain for the "never ending night". To Dream A Lifetime refers to his escape into dreams and dazes while he marches to rid himself of the horror and the pain - but these dreams feel like a lifetime, for the miles and miles of marching seems to never ending, it seems to be an eternity.  


The first track would open the album mysteriously but calm almost like “Pigs On The Wing”. It’d go something like:


Among the moonlit night

I stared into the darkness

An endless void

We were hypnotized and

under a moonlit trance

Awaiting our final demise


While the last track would close the album with something like:


Among the moonlit night

I stared into the darkness

An endless void

We were hypnotized but

overcame the moonlit trance

Escaping in night’s disguise


1. Moonlit Trance Pt. I (1.39)

2. Sparks of Twilight (8.28)

3. The Icy March (6.39)

4. Frost & Snow (instrumental) (4.48)

5. Silent Slumber (7.22)

6. The Invisible Assassin (11.46)

7. Dissolution (6.53)

8. Never Ending Night (9.12)

9. Moonlit Trance Pt. II (1.23)


                Running Time: 58.02
Strangers passing in the street by chance two separate glances meet and I am you and what I see is me. And do I take you by the hand and lead you through the land and help me understand the best I can
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R o V e R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 01:35
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Title: The Advent of the Mystic

1: The Forest Road (9:34)
    I. Entrance
    II. Sunlight Through the Trees
    III. Multiple Paths
2. A Shadow in the Mist (1:55)
3. The Mystic (7:29)
4. Prelude to Green Stones (1:22)
5. Green Stones (13:05)
6. The Forest Road (Remergance) (4:11)
7. Light and the End of the Road (2: 37)

It will have a overtly Celtic/Jethro Tull vibe with the eeriness of Radiohead's recent works.

It will also be VERY pertentious.

sounds interasting;


if you are really planning to this one ,

i'll do the cd cover design,

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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 01:41

o.k.  This is from a science fiction novella that I wrote about 10 years ago and a few years ago decided I'd love to turn it into a concept album.  Still working on it.  The story is as follows:

A man sits all alone on the beach.  Tears are streaming down his cheeks from the guilt that he feels about what he has wrought on mankind.  Our "hero" is an old man, alone and dying, waiting until he takes his last breath, knowing that when he does, it will be the last breath any man (or woman if we're going to be pc about the whole thing) will ever take.  He thinks back on his life.

70 years ago, when he was still a young man, full of life and an underlying belief in the human spirit, it happened.  Aliens appeared from out of nowhere.  They offered us unlimited resources.  They offered us cures for cancer.  They offered us a way of life beyond war, beyond petty greed and beyond the cultural barriers that define human existence.  They asked only one thing in return.  That we accept their leadership and allow them to lead us into a new age.  Most were swayed by this and fell in line to not only follow our new friends, but to worship them as gods.  But a few were not swayed.  A few thought this would crush the human spirit and were paranoid that these aliens wanted to turn us into slaves.  They fought back.  Our "hero" was foremost among them.  He rallied those who believed as he did.  He even converted some of those who had been swayed by the alien presence, and turned them into humanists. 

And the ones who were turned back to the light, convinced their friends to turn back to the light, and the movement grew.  Once the movement grew big enough, the freedom fighters turned on their alien "masters" and began killing them in numbers.  The aliens had nothing to fight back with.  They had expected a peaceful surrender.  But that was not to be, so the alien presence called on the leaders of the resistance to discuss a truce.  The aliens agreed to leave the planet for good, but wanted one thing in return.  They wanted our "hero" to come with them.  They assured him and his followers that he would not be harmed.  He agreed and was taken aboard their ship, where they all left the planet earth and humanity returned to the existence it had previously known.  Meanwhile our "hero" was well-treated and for the next 10 years he was shown around the galaxy courtesy of his hosts.  Then he was returned to earth and dropped off rather unceremoniously.

The earth was a barren wasteland.  The aliens must have destroyed earth and abrogated their agreement.  But over the next 30 years that he was marooned on this dead planet, he discovered that it was not the aliens who destroyed the earth, but man himself.  A war had broken out a few years after the aliens left.  The war to end all wars.  Literally.  And when he found that out, it struck him that had he not fought back.  Had he not had such faith in the human spirit.  Had he allowed us to be led into a new golden age, man would still be alive.  He had destroyed humanity.  And he would die knowing it was all his fault.

The songs:

On the Beach (7:35) (yes this is named after the old sci-fi movie)

We Come in Peace (6:18)

All Our Sorrows (8:00)

Resistance (28:44): i. An Uneasy Feeling; ii. The Human Spirit; iii.  The Resistance Grows; iv. End of Your Reign; v. War; vi.  A Piano Interlude in the Midst of the Chaos; vii.  Strong Words for Such a Weak Being; viii.  Bye Bye Birdie

The Deal (3:19)

10 Years (9:47)

What the Hell Have I Done (10:04)

And for bonus tracks.  In case anyone was thinking I was being too serious here:

1.  The Doc Goes in Search of Some Tail (4 years, 9 months, 3 days, 13 hours and 4:14)

2.  The Doc Gets Some Tail (0:35) (Cause that's all it takes)

3.  The Doc Gets B-Slapped (2:38)

Wow.  Two concepts all in one.    I'm the bomb.

All  I need is a guitarist, bass player, vocalist (cause I can't sing worth ****) and a drummer, and I also wrote some flute parts to it, so a flautist would be cool too.

Oops.  Forgot to give the title for my concept album.  The title of my novella was "Humanity's Hero".  And I see no reason to change that now.

Edited by The Doctor
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Laurent View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 01:58
How about a concept album, about concept albums.

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The Doctor View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 22 2005 at 02:02
^ Well Glass Hammer sort of did a tongue in cheek take on that with Chronometree.  About a guy who thought that aliens were speaking to him through his copy of Close to the Edge.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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