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Zac M
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 01:22 |
.....and that wouldnt be good cause I dont like either of them
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 01:45 |
kirklott wrote:
Shack Man wrote:
Why does music mean more to me than school or church? |
Young grasshopper, you must seek solace in a temple, with a powerful stereophonic system and the finest headphones, and listen to Close to the Edge, beginning to end.
I believe you will find the answer that you are seeking. |
This makes me remember, one day a friend (Not too close to my group) married with a girl we all hated (She was arrogant as Robert Fripp and with the same charisma), sadly we all had tickets for the final Football (Soccer) game and our team was playing, but what the hell maybe we could find some nice girls in the party, so we went to church.
The Catholic wedding is very long (About 90 minutes) but one of our best friends had his earphones listening the big game and narrating it for us in low voice.
Just in the moment the Priest was telling Do you accept bla bla bla the silence and emotion of the wedding was interrupted by a 5 amimals (that's us) shouting Gooooooooooooooooooooool.
Of course nobody wanted to see us, but we went to the party the same. 
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 04:16 |
stonebeard wrote:
i believe in God, not church. Church almost ruined my religion, but i'm recovering it. |
Well said 
video vertigo
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 04:35 |
I go to church for the connection I make with people. Its a great tight knit group yaknow, the types of people who take care of each other (at least at my church) thats really the only big reason I keep going. I believe in Jesus but I'm not sure about God as its taught by mainstream christianity.
"The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse." - Zappa
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 05:16 |
Yeah, I believe in Jesus as well. I believe he was a tool of the
church to make Christianity more appealing by making it personified
(sort of the big brother idea, it doesn't matter how he existed or even
if he ever existed at all, just that we idealize him in a certain way.
He will never die, he is just an embodiment of the church) I
think early Christians were smart and took advantage of the fact that
it is easier to worship a person than it is a formless being.
Jesus never even considered himself as the son of god, or a christian
so why is he portrayed as so?
sorry nothing to do with prog
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 05:43 |
robertplantowns wrote:
Jesus never even considered himself as the son of god, or a christian so why is he portrayed as so?
sorry nothing to do with prog
True. Jesus was groomed as a Buddist and was crucified but did not die on the cross (was only on it like 6 hours or something and it often took days to die) He lived to a ripe old age and is buried in Kashmir. Well, at least there is a compelling case for that version of events.
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 05:47 |
I would like to post this as a sort of indirect response to all the religion based replies here.
I'm no fan of religion myself, being based on rules (or dogma) instead
of faith, it is an enemy of what Yahshua stood for. But I am a man of
faith myself. And that goes beyond most people even know or think to
know about Christianity. As I found out going to university there was a
whole world with knowledge i hadn't even thought about, it is most
likely the same for most of you atheist people or people who just post
'church sucks'. There is a world of knowledge about Christianity that
is still closed to you. Don't let yourself be fooled by institutions
that claim to be Christian, if in fact they ignore obvious parts of the
book they are supposed to be teaching about.
My main point is, most of you don't know anything about it, but
are all too ready to judge it by it's cover. I beg you, please, if you
want to judge it, read the contents.
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 05:52 |
Shack Man wrote:
Why does music mean more to me than school or church? |
religion is bullsh1t and can't be trusted. school is just a routine. whereas music is life, baby!!
seriously though, music can touch you in ways religion and school can't (although, it doesn't touch you like a woman, which is a shame). school is a good thing though, as long as you pursue your interests in further education - then it can get fun. religion is akin to being force fed dog faeces.
"...misty halos made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine."
Snow Dog
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 06:22 |
Shack Man wrote:
Why does music mean more to me than school or church? |
Everything means more to me than church, as church means nothing to me (except for some nice buildings)
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 08:03 |
Becuase going to church is sooooooo boring.
And because you have to get up early to go to school.
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 09:50 |
music is my god
The Worthless Recluse
Forum Guest Group
Posted: August 02 2005 at 10:42 |
As Hotleg's first album-title tells us: Think's: school stinks
...and church **********
Long live rock 'n' roll 
Edited by flowerchild
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 10:51 |
frenchie wrote:
music is my god |
Music is the medium my dear, the mouse which inspired it's creation is the real and only Goddess.
I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 10:57 |
The Mouse?
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 13:06 |
JrKASperov wrote:
I would like to post this as a sort of indirect response to all the religion based replies here.
I'm no fan of religion myself, being based on rules (or dogma) instead of faith, it is an enemy of what Yahshua stood for. But I am a man of faith myself. And that goes beyond most people even know or think to know about Christianity. As I found out going to university there was a whole world with knowledge i hadn't even thought about, it is most likely the same for most of you atheist people or people who just post 'church sucks'. There is a world of knowledge about Christianity that is still closed to you. Don't let yourself be fooled by institutions that claim to be Christian, if in fact they ignore obvious parts of the book they are supposed to be teaching about.
My main point is, most of you don't know anything about it, but are all too ready to judge it by it's cover. I beg you, please, if you want to judge it, read the contents.
Well said JrKASperov. I am suprised that noone has responded to this so far, they have just gone on doing what they were before: Ignorantly bashing religion. I am not a fan of religion either, but faith is a big part of my life, along with music, I think both are very spiritual in some ways. And Christianity shouldn't be judged by the circus religions that get pushed into the public eye. There are some very good people out there, when I quit going to church, the other members were very supportive and didn't judge me, but tryed to help and offered their friendship as I was going through a rough time in life.
Anyway, if one is truely going to speak out against religion, they should at least know enough about it to make an argument........just like you can't flame a band whom you've never listened to before. So my friends, I encourage you to read the bible or whatever else to gain knowledge, and if you still feel the same way-- feel free to fire away. Sorry to sound preachy, etc., I don't entend to come off that way.
Edited by Fearless
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 13:54 |
Fearless wrote:
JrKASperov wrote:
I would like to post this as a sort of indirect response to all the religion based replies here.
I'm no fan of religion myself, being based on rules (or dogma) instead of faith, it is an enemy of what Yahshua stood for. But I am a man of faith myself. And that goes beyond most people even know or think to know about Christianity. As I found out going to university there was a whole world with knowledge i hadn't even thought about, it is most likely the same for most of you atheist people or people who just post 'church sucks'. There is a world of knowledge about Christianity that is still closed to you. Don't let yourself be fooled by institutions that claim to be Christian, if in fact they ignore obvious parts of the book they are supposed to be teaching about.
My main point is, most of you don't know anything about it, but are all too ready to judge it by it's cover. I beg you, please, if you want to judge it, read the contents.
Well said JrKASperov. I am suprised that noone has responded to this so far, they have just gone on doing what they were before: Ignorantly bashing religion. I am not a fan of religion either, but faith is a big part of my life, along with music, I think both are very spiritual in some ways. And Christianity shouldn't be judged by the circus religions that get pushed into the public eye. There are some very good people out there, when I quit going to church, the other members were very supportive and didn't judge me, but tryed to help and offered their friendship as I was going through a rough time in life.
Anyway, if one is truely going to speak out against religion, they should at least know enough about it to make an argument........just like you can't flame a band whom you've never listened to before. So my friends, I encourage you to read the bible or whatever else to gain knowledge, and if you still feel the same way-- feel free to fire away. Sorry to sound preachy, etc., I don't entend to come off that way.
Most Intelligent thing i've heard all day.
Shack Man
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 14:06 |
To think that this whole conversation came from a simpsons quote.
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 14:09 |
Fearless wrote:
JrKASperov. I am suprised that noone has responded to this so far, they have just gone on doing what they were before: Ignorantly bashing religion. I am not a fan of religion either, but faith is a big part of my life, along with music, I think both are very spiritual in some ways. And Christianity shouldn't be judged by the circus religions that get pushed into the public eye. There are some very good people out there, when I quit going to church, the other members were very supportive and didn't judge me, but tryed to help and offered their friendship as I was going through a rough time in life.
Anyway, if one is truely going to speak out against religion, they should at least know enough about it to make an argument........just like you can't flame a band whom you've never listened to before. So my friends, I encourage you to read the bible or whatever else to gain knowledge, and if you still feel the same way-- feel free to fire away. Sorry to sound preachy, etc., I don't entend to come off that way.
I read the bible. Then I went to church to my niece's baptism. I then realised, while sitting in the church, what an utter load of bullsh1t it all is. The fact that it is essentially an overblown cult telling you how to live your life and ultimately dictating what is supposed to be right and wrong. I'm now vehemently opposed to the church and organised religion of any kind. I think it is cool to be spiritual in your own home, but to follow the doctrine of a church; there is something wrong with that. There are certain fundamental aspects that religion teaches people which are very wrong - namely intolerance of other people. From my experience with religion it is insanely hypocritical and intolerant of other people. Homosexuality, bad. Abortion, bad. Condoms, bad. etc. etc. the list goes on ad infinitum. I can't stomach the church/religion. I can't stomach that a lot of the problems in this world seem to generate from religion, whether it be the extremist factions or not, it still exacerbates problems that could be dealt with better without religion. Iraq, islamic terrorists, israel/palestine, northern ireland - all these are directly linked to religion. Hence, religion should be avoided if we want to live in a tolerant and just society.
Edited by spectral
"...misty halos made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine."
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 14:17 |
The Miracle wrote:
Anonymous2112 wrote:
f**k school. eh, im hesitant to say f**k church, so i wont. to late.
I never wrote what I have written above.
If you have children do not expose them to weed.
Church sucks be cool, be an atheist  
Thats a relief. I'm glad that everyone here arent jesus freaks.
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Posted: August 02 2005 at 14:17 |
Snow Dog wrote:
The Mouse? |
The one who didn't have a house, and I don't know why but I call him Gerald, he is getting rather old, but still, he's a good mouse. 
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