As arbitrary as it is to celebrate (for lack of a better term) the end of this 10-year period, I was wondering if PA has any plans to commemorate it? I'm assuming the Collaborators Albums of the Year list will return, but will there be one for the decade?
One idea I have that I thought might be interesting is to have each genre team compose their own list of the best of the decade. I was just thinking the other day that I really haven't heard any good symphonic albums from this decade and while I could always just use the list functions provided, there's a chance there is a well-liked album that just hasn't been reviewed enough. This goes for the rest of the genres as well.
Also, although we have all these "Best of the Decade" polls, they have limited choices and perhaps not everyone has seen them. Would a more systematized site-run poll work?
Edited by Kestrel - December 25 2009 at 02:30