Okay, I think I can fairly do this poll...
Okay, I don't think I actually can, but, whatever. Point is, with the purchase of Powerslave, I now have two Di'Anno albums and two Dickinson albums. The third guy...probably doesn't count too much in the long run, eh?
Anyways, this is about who's the better Maiden vocalist. It seems to me that Dickinson will probably take this, seeing as how his arrival prompted THE arrival of the classic Maiden scene.
However, and although 'Slave HAS helped me appreciate the vocals of Bruce "SCREAM! SCREAM FOR ME LONG BEACH! BWA-HA-HA!!!" Dickinson a little more, I still believe that Di'Anno was better. His hoarse growl sounded almost out of place, and gave the songs an interesting quality. ARE they just dragon and dungeon songs? With Di'Anno, it's harder to tell. He gives 'em an edge.
WIth Dickinson though, you know that this is some crap about the various metal cliches. The man IS a metal cliche. He sounds like a cross between a displaced opera star and a Batman villain.
Which doesn't mean that, in his right, he's bad. When he gets into his groove, he's a worthy disciple of Dio. But Di'Anno is better. At least he didn't force the audience to clap along to "Phantom of the Opera."
Edited by M@X - February 19 2008 at 09:28