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Iron Maiden Vocalists

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Topic: Iron Maiden Vocalists
Posted By: The Whistler
Subject: Iron Maiden Vocalists
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 21:59
Okay, I think I can fairly do this poll...
Okay, I don't think I actually can, but, whatever. Point is, with the purchase of Powerslave, I now have two Di'Anno albums and two Dickinson albums. The third guy...probably doesn't count too much in the long run, eh?
Anyways, this is about who's the better Maiden vocalist. It seems to me that Dickinson will probably take this, seeing as how his arrival prompted THE arrival of the classic Maiden scene.
However, and although 'Slave HAS helped me appreciate the vocals of Bruce "SCREAM! SCREAM FOR ME LONG BEACH! BWA-HA-HA!!!" Dickinson a little more, I still believe that Di'Anno was better. His hoarse growl sounded almost out of place, and gave the songs an interesting quality. ARE they just dragon and dungeon songs? With Di'Anno, it's harder to tell. He gives 'em an edge.
WIth Dickinson though, you know that this is some crap about the various metal cliches. The man IS a metal cliche. He sounds like a cross between a displaced opera star and a Batman villain.
Which doesn't mean that, in his right, he's bad. When he gets into his groove, he's a worthy disciple of Dio. But Di'Anno is better. At least he didn't force the audience to clap along to "Phantom of the Opera."

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:06
Dickinson's a hack..  well OK, not really, but Di'Anno was irreplaceable, sorry

Posted By: 1800iareyay
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:10
Originally posted by The Whistler The Whistler wrote:

I still believe that Di'Anno was better. His hoarse growl sounded almost out of place, and gave the songs an interesting quality. ARE they just dragon and dungeon songs? With Di'Anno, it's harder to tell. He gives 'em an edge.

I would ask if you were high, but I read your other thread. LOL

Di'Anno gives the songs a decidedly punk edge, which is fine for some of the early harsh songs but it's really bad for "The Phantom of the Opera", and the band was moving into power metal (which they would help pioneer) with or without him. I can't imagine how his severely limited range would sound with the operatic music that Harris was crafting.

Quote WIth Dickinson though, you know that this is some crap about the various metal cliches. The man IS a metal cliche. He sounds like a cross between a displaced opera star and a Batman villain.

He is only a cliché now because he is one of the ones who helped create that mold that every metal screamer seems to occupy these days. He, Dio, and Halford established that over the top appearance and vocal style, and the only one who successfully emulated this style yet sounded unique was Geoff Tate (and then HE became the subject of copycats). He is the origin of the species, as it were.

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:10
Actoreurnog, you know that you're part of my Maiden cycle. Real nice to hear that someone else thinks so too.
And, yeah, I can honestly hear Di'Anno singing "The Trooper," but not Dickinson singing "Prowler."

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:12
Originally posted by 1800iareyay 1800iareyay wrote:

Originally posted by The Whistler The Whistler wrote:

I still believe that Di'Anno was better. His hoarse growl sounded almost out of place, and gave the songs an interesting quality. ARE they just dragon and dungeon songs? With Di'Anno, it's harder to tell. He gives 'em an edge.[/QUOTE}
I would ask if you were high, but I read your other thread. LOL

Di'Anno gives the songs a decidedly punk edge, which is fine for some of the early harsh songs but it's really bad for "The Phantom of the Opera", and the band was moving into power metal (which they would help pioneer) with or without him. I can't imagine how his severely limited range would sound with the operatic music that Harris was crafting.

[QUOTE]WIth Dickinson though, you know that this is some crap about the various metal cliches. The man IS a metal cliche. He sounds like a cross between a displaced opera star and a Batman villain.

He is only a cliché now because he is one of the ones who helped create that mold that every metal screamer seems to occupy these days. He, Dio, and Halford established that over the top appearance and vocal style, and the only one who successfully emulated this style yet sounded unique was Geoff Tate (and then HE became the subject of copycats). He is the origin of the species, as it were.
You're crazy man! "Phantom" sounds creepy and desperate with Di'Anno at the helm. Dickinson couldn't do that because Dickinson sings everything the same, over the top and ready for the arena.

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:15
Although Dickenson is the better singer technically speaking (range, power etc) I tend to play the earlier Maiden albums more.
Loved Dickenson´s vocals up until Live after death, but then a sort of sameness set in.
So, The better vocalist is Dickenson, even though a prefer listening to Di Anno

Posted By: Ommadawn
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:16
Di Anno!!!

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:16
Come on! This is Bruce the Human Air-raid Siren. Mr. Metal himself! Personally I think he's one hell of a vocalist and one hell of a showman. Paul was fine, and Bruce should leave some of his songs alone. His voice just don't fit to well.

Oh. And Steve's backing vocals (especially live) can be so horribly bad they deserve an honourable mentioning. I love it. Good old Steve.

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Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:19
Yeah. Steve's pretty much my hero.

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:20
Originally posted by LinusW LinusW wrote:

Come on! This is Bruce the Human Air-raid Siren. Mr. Metal himself! Personally I think he's one hell of a vocalist and one hell of a showman.

I dunno, Halford was doing the air raid thing years before

Posted By: 1800iareyay
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:24
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by LinusW LinusW wrote:

Come on! This is Bruce the Human Air-raid Siren. Mr. Metal himself! Personally I think he's one hell of a vocalist and one hell of a showman.

I dunno, Halford was doing the air raid thing years before

The two are wildly different. Halford is an unhinged demon, exercising little to no control when he really lets loose, giving his screams a loud and chaotic nature. Bruce, on the other hand, has a far more controlled and focus scream, making him the more operatic of the two. Bruce also works better in lower ranges. I prefer Halford, but Bruce is by far the more proficient  vocalist (though Tate is still the finest).

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:28
^ I quite agree.. to a point, but we're talking about rock n' roll, not opera or theater.. I think for sheer rock talent, drive, lyrics (as absurd as they sometimes are) and innovation, Halford wins

Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:34
I prefer Dickinson,but have a lot of respect for Di'Anno. I was actually listening to MAIDEN's debut all last week in order to review it. These guys were great before Bruce came along but i still like Dickinson's vocals better.A matter of taste.

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:37
I think you could throw Ronnie James Dio into the mix with Halford and Dickinson when it comes to human sirens.What do you guys think ?

"The wind is slowly tearing her apart"


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:38
Dio's fine but a bit of one trick pony 

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:39
I prefer Bruce, and I think his style fits the direction Maiden was heading in. Di'Anno fit with the semi-punk style of the first two albums, but they moved away from that. If you've heard the newer stuff  "Brave New World" and onward, I can't imagine Di'Anno singing it.
Blaze Bayley I don't think was as bad as a lot of people make him out to be, however I don't think he fit with Maiden's sound.

Posted By: febus
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:44
DI ANNO and Dickinson are great, but DICKINSON IS the voice of Iron maiden like IAN GILLAN is the voice of ''classic''Deep Purple even if entered the band after Rod Evans was sacked. Same scenario!
As long as Blaze doesn't win this poll anyway!!!LOL

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Dio's fine but a bit of one trick pony 
Uh, excuse me? Dio is MERELY fine?!? I DISOWN THEE!
Say twenty "Holy Divers" and thy sins SHALL be forgiven!

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 22:53
I speed at night, alright!

Posted By: Seltzer
Date Posted: February 18 2008 at 23:18
Easily Dickinson. In my mind, he's one of the greatest vocalists ever... one of the few technical skilled clean metal vocalists I like... most of them drive me up the wall (especially power metal vocalists).

Di'Anno is a good vocalist though - more punk styled with a lot of energy.

Posted By: Kapitan_Mrok
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 01:15
I love "hardrock feeling" od Dianno, but I think taht Dickinson is much better.

Terra Tegit Terram

Posted By: Ahmadbarqawi
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 01:59

There are two songs on their latest album; "The Longest Day" & "For the Greater Good of God"

I think these two deserve the award for best vocal performance on their entire catalogue...

{Flashlights shade shrunken views
Of a red demon’s foxtrot in brews
Guns & flowers crown morning news
Panic-stricken guilt now ensues}

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 02:03

Dickinson overal, although for the songs he sang on, Di'Anno suited them perfectly IMO.


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 02:18
Dickinson is *the* perfect Maiden vocalist. I really enjoy the two albums with Di'Anno though.

What do you guys think about Graham Bonnet? Especially on Alcatraz - Disturbing the Peace he sounds awesome ... great range and technique, but also a really raw edge.

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 02:24
the vocals on that first Alcatrazz record are a little much, kindy shrieky, I prefer him with Schenker

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 02:38
AAAAARRGHHHH!!! An Iron Maiden poll in Prog Polls.... *has a fit*LOL
OK, let's be serious now... Dickinson for me, of course! Never really liked Di'Anno's vocals, and poor Bayley was not up to the task.
As regards Graham Bonnet, I'm not familiar with his work with Alcatrazz, while I know his records with both Rainbow and MSG. Never been a big fan of his, for some reason or the other, though the guy undoubtedly can sing. That said, I prefer him on those songs when he doesn't have to hit the high notes too often.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 02:56
^^ Disturbing the Peace was their second album - with Steve Vai instead of Yngwie Malmsteen. It really sounds much different!

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 03:05
yes I recall the Vai one was very different, much less dungeon-like

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 03:54
Now that I remember, in the Early Days DVD main documentary, it's mentioned that Steve Harris once had to do vocals live and sounded pretty appalling apparently. I'm curious as to whether that particular live performance was recorded in some way (though I doubt it).


Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 04:00

Bruce Almighty gets the vote.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 04:15
crud, Paul is getting walloped..  that sucks 

Posted By: Kim Ankara
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 04:37
Nicko McBrain!


"I'm a dinosaur" - Adrian Belew

"I am a camera" - Trevor Horn

"I am yourself" - Keith Emerson

Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 04:49
Dickinson's OK but as far as I'm concerned, he isn't the best Iron Maiden singer (or even the best Samson singer). The first concert I ever went to was Iron Maiden on the Killers tour with Paul Di'Anno so that may cloud my judgement.

"The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 05:05
Regardless of who the best Maiden singer may be, I think this poll should be moved as soon as possible in order to prevent some members from having a fitLOL...

Posted By: JayDee
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 05:25
I like Paul's singing voice better than Dickinson's. But Bruce fits the Iron Maiden sound and image perfectly. So I chose Dickinson. It's amazing at his age, he can still do some flying kicks on stage, without missing a note.


Posted By: Fritha
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 06:22
Ach, there used to be a YouTube clip of Bruce doing Tears of the Dragon acoustically in the mid 90s, on an MTV show I used to watch regularly back then (and I actually remember watching this particular episode, too!) but it seems to be gone, gone, all gone... Shame that, the vocal performance he belted out was unsurpassed.

Bruce all the way. He seems to be doing absolutely great on the current tour! July 18th, come soon.........

I was made to love magic

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 08:11
Not a single vote for Steve...poor guy.

Oh. Not for Blaze either. Couldn't care less.

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Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 08:26
Bruce Dickinson obviously, But the first 2 albums with Di'anno are great! Tongue

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 08:46
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yes I recall the Vai one was very different, much less dungeon-like - Big%20smile

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Posted By: 1800iareyay
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 09:55
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

crud, Paul is getting walloped..  that sucks 

Really? I'm surprised he got more than three votes.

You have to consider how the singers fit in the band. Di'Anno was the perfect choice for those early days, but let's just say he had stayed on forever. There's no way he could nail "Where Eagles Dare" or "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." With Dickinson, the band found a vocalist they could let their sound grow with, to the point that they went from punkish metal to help found power metal, then they broke the mold they helped create with releases like Seventh Son and Brave New World. If Di'Anno had stayed in they would have stagnated and we'd have lost arguably the ONLY power metal band to ever really experiment with things.

Posted By: maups2
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 12:01
dicky, easy

Posted By: borussia
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 12:36
i voted for Di'Anno!!!!
i've no doubt that the first 2 albums are the better ok maidemn's works!!!!

Posted By: Paper Champion
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 14:24
Bruce by far.Clap

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 14:34
if ever I've seen a one horse race....LOL
(currently listening to A Matter Of Life And Death.......Embarrassed)

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 14:45
I actually don't mind Blaze, but I don't like him as much as I like Di'anno

and I don't like Di'Anno as much as I like Bruce.

Brucey gets the vote.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 15:41
Originally posted by 1800iareyay 1800iareyay wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

crud, Paul is getting walloped..  that sucks 

Really? I'm surprised he got more than three votes.

You have to consider how the singers fit in the band. Di'Anno was the perfect choice for those early days, but let's just say he had stayed on forever. There's no way he could nail "Where Eagles Dare" or "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." With Dickinson, the band found a vocalist they could let their sound grow with, to the point that they went from punkish metal to help found power metal, then they broke the mold they helped create with releases like Seventh Son and Brave New World. If Di'Anno had stayed in they would have stagnated and we'd have lost arguably the ONLY power metal band to ever really experiment with things.

I don't "have to consider" anything.. I prefer Paul; he has a much more pleasing, interesting, soulful and less cliched voice  ..sorry

..and if Maiden had stopped at two or three albums that would've been fine

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 15:44
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yes I recall the Vai one was very different, much less dungeon-like - Big%20smile

LOL  well now that was just awful  ..though cool to see Graham is a regular person and not some weird, bleach blond flat-topped freak

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:00
Talking about Graham Bonnet, really love his work with Rainbow, still have to hear the Alcatraz albums, I know the band by name for years now, but only recently discovered Graham was the singer of that (I used to be amazed how such a fairly unknown band could have had two great guitar players in a row, now I know).
back on topic. I prefer Blaze Bailey, for some reason I find Maiden music really matured with his adition to the band, though honestly the raw energy of DiAnno is probably preferable, and Dickinson has theatrical power combined with unbelievable screams, but I'll stick to Blaze, if only to mention that Maiden didn't suffer from his addition.

Posted By: River-peth
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:06
who the hell voted for Blaze?!?! like seriously, come on people, youve got to be kidding whoever you are!

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:12
What did Di'Annio sing on? Was it the debut or the later albums when Dickenson was gone for a bit?

In any case, all I've heard is Bruce and he's excellent.

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:13
 ^ the debut and Killers

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:33
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by 1800iareyay 1800iareyay wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

crud, Paul is getting walloped..  that sucks 

Really? I'm surprised he got more than three votes.

You have to consider how the singers fit in the band. Di'Anno was the perfect choice for those early days, but let's just say he had stayed on forever. There's no way he could nail "Where Eagles Dare" or "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." With Dickinson, the band found a vocalist they could let their sound grow with, to the point that they went from punkish metal to help found power metal, then they broke the mold they helped create with releases like Seventh Son and Brave New World. If Di'Anno had stayed in they would have stagnated and we'd have lost arguably the ONLY power metal band to ever really experiment with things.

I don't "have to consider" anything.. I prefer Paul; he has a much more pleasing, interesting, soulful and less cliched voice  ..sorry

..and if Maiden had stopped at two or three albums that would've been fine

The only way I think his voice might be cliche is that so many people have tried to copy it. Who knows, maybe if Di'Anno had stayed then he might have the countless imitators that Dickinson has.

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:35
Originally posted by River-peth River-peth wrote:

who the hell voted for Blaze?!?! like seriously, come on people, youve got to be kidding whoever you are!

or they could just have a different opinion. you know, it happens sometimes for some reason. plus, the guy above your post is the one that voted for Blaze and I think he gave a fine explanation as to why he prefers him. I personally don't think he's bad, but I think the others suit the Maiden sound better.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 16:41
Originally posted by sean sean wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by 1800iareyay 1800iareyay wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

crud, Paul is getting walloped..  that sucks 

Really? I'm surprised he got more than three votes.

You have to consider how the singers fit in the band. Di'Anno was the perfect choice for those early days, but let's just say he had stayed on forever. There's no way he could nail "Where Eagles Dare" or "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." With Dickinson, the band found a vocalist they could let their sound grow with, to the point that they went from punkish metal to help found power metal, then they broke the mold they helped create with releases like Seventh Son and Brave New World. If Di'Anno had stayed in they would have stagnated and we'd have lost arguably the ONLY power metal band to ever really experiment with things.

I don't "have to consider" anything.. I prefer Paul; he has a much more pleasing, interesting, soulful and less cliched voice  ..sorry

..and if Maiden had stopped at two or three albums that would've been fine

The only way I think his voice might be cliche is that so many people have tried to copy it. Who knows, maybe if Di'Anno had stayed then he might have the countless imitators that Dickinson has.

I doubt there would have been as many Di'Anno impersonators because his voice was fairly unique in metal..  though I would have preferred that to the Dickinson ones

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 20:15

hey Raff... is that guy ..whatever his name is... the one who  got 10 votes.. the same one we saw on the DVD you have?

10 votes?  damn... seems about 10 too many.  LOL He sucked.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 20 2008 at 09:05

I think you're referring to Paul Di'Anno, the one who appears on Maiden's first two albums. In my opinion, he didn't really suck... I'm just not too keen on his voice or singing style, and I find him a very unpleasant character (a woman-beater among other things).

Posted By: reality
Date Posted: February 20 2008 at 10:40
Ok, First of all Whistler should listen to a lot more maiden than two albums each (especially should listen past 84).

Second Bruce has sung almost every Paul and Blaze song live and nails them better than Paul or Blaze did on the record.

Third, Bruce's natural voice is gruff and gritty like on the Fear of the Dark record, the classic voice just shows his range and ability to adapt.

Fourth, to go along with third, Bruce can sing in any style (fast, slow, high, low, Punk, Rock, Jazz, Blues and he even Raps on one of his solo records) meaning that he can speak fast (Heaven can wait) or be mind blowingly operatic (loneliness of a long distance runner). Also, he does not posses the cliche metal sound (listen to Grim Reaper for that or Glam metal) but a well controlled Classical influenced vibrato, with rich tone and a diverse methodology of phrasing. If you guys can not tell the difference you are hopeless.

Fifth, Iron Maiden is a live band first and foremost. Bruce got hired because he could hit it perfect pitch every night. The scary thing is that Bruce is a way better singer now than he has ever been and it shows when he does the old songs. Speaking about live, just listen to Bruce to The Clansman as oppose to Blaze or Phantom of the Opera as opposed to Paul. Now listen to Blaze or Paul to the Maiden classics (Blaze when he was with the band or Paul with his various other bands) it will be easy to see why Bruce is a better singer. With all that said, Bruce is a way better showmen than any of the other singers and it comes out in his vocal delivery.

Bottom line

Bruce is a much more accomplished and talented singer than most in the past 30 years. I think most people draw conclusions on his vocal ability without either ever really listing to him or not investigating the context that he is singing in. Iron Maiden is not, was not, nor ever will be cheesy metal (as opposed to a lot of bands of a separate genre that they got lumped with). Paul = Pub band, Bruce = world tour at 24 years of age and headlining festival tours in front of 200,000 people. Not to mention, international critical acclaim and being voted above Sabbath as best metal band ever. They currently hold the status of classic rock, which is actually a huge deal (Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin etc...). All of this when Bruce came on board. Up the Irons!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: February 20 2008 at 11:53
Originally posted by reality reality wrote:

Ok, First of all Whistler should listen to a lot more maiden than two albums each (especially should listen past 84).

Second Bruce has sung almost every Paul and Blaze song live and nails them better than Paul or Blaze did on the record.

Third, Bruce's natural voice is gruff and gritty like on the Fear of the Dark record, the classic voice just shows his range and ability to adapt.

Fourth, to go along with third, Bruce can sing in any style (fast, slow, high, low, Punk, Rock, Jazz, Blues and he even Raps on one of his solo records) meaning that he can speak fast (Heaven can wait) or be mind blowingly operatic (loneliness of a long distance runner). Also, he does not posses the cliche metal sound (listen to Grim Reaper for that or Glam metal) but a well controlled Classical influenced vibrato, with rich tone and a diverse methodology of phrasing. If you guys can not tell the difference you are hopeless.

Fifth, Iron Maiden is a live band first and foremost. Bruce got hired because he could hit it perfect pitch every night. The scary thing is that Bruce is a way better singer now than he has ever been and it shows when he does the old songs. Speaking about live, just listen to Bruce to The Clansman as oppose to Blaze or Phantom of the Opera as opposed to Paul. Now listen to Blaze or Paul to the Maiden classics (Blaze when he was with the band or Paul with his various other bands) it will be easy to see why Bruce is a better singer. With all that said, Bruce is a way better showmen than any of the other singers and it comes out in his vocal delivery.

Bottom line

Bruce is a much more accomplished and talented singer than most in the past 30 years. I think most people draw conclusions on his vocal ability without either ever really listing to him or not investigating the context that he is singing in. Iron Maiden is not, was not, nor ever will be cheesy metal (as opposed to a lot of bands of a separate genre that they got lumped with). Paul = Pub band, Bruce = world tour at 24 years of age and headlining festival tours in front of 200,000 people. Not to mention, international critical acclaim and being voted above Sabbath as best metal band ever. They currently hold the status of classic rock, which is actually a huge deal (Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin etc...). All of this when Bruce came on board. Up the Irons!!!!!!!!!
All very good but I still prefer Di'Anno.

"The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."

Posted By: Gentlegiantprog
Date Posted: February 20 2008 at 15:13
Bruce is king.

Blaze is underrated, he got a rough deal being on two rubbish albums, If he'd got music of the same quality as Brave New World or Dance of Death he'd get more respect.

Similarly, if Bruce was on X Factor and Virtual whatever they'd still be terrible, they're just poor albums.
That being said, when they do play Blaze songs live with bruce they are much better, not only because Bruce is superior, but more importantly because the band put some effort and energy in. God help me the albums lack so much energy its really unfair to poor old Blaze.

As for Paul,  Personally, I hate His voice on the debut and Love it on Killers, its got a much more Led Zep quality to it on Killers. I Know how good he is but my brain just won't accept him in the same leauge as Brucey or Blaze.

Like anyone in Black Sabbath who isn't Ozzy or Dio, I know they can sing or whatever, but my brain just says 'who care, move on,' and wont allow me to like them, even though by all rights, why shouldn't I ?

Let the maps of war be drawn !

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 21 2008 at 02:10
Originally posted by reality reality wrote:

I think most people draw conclusions on his vocal ability without either ever really listing to him or not investigating the context that he is singing in.

oh really?

Originally posted by reality reality wrote:

Paul = Pub band

you're damn right..  pub bands rock

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: February 21 2008 at 03:08
Originally posted by reality reality wrote:

Bruce is a much more accomplished and talented singer than most in the past 30 years. I think most people draw conclusions on his vocal ability without either ever really listing to him or not investigating the context that he is singing in. Iron Maiden is not, was not, nor ever will be cheesy metal (as opposed to a lot of bands of a separate genre that they got lumped with). Paul = Pub band, Bruce = world tour at 24 years of age and headlining festival tours in front of 200,000 people. Not to mention, international critical acclaim and being voted above Sabbath as best metal band ever. They currently hold the status of classic rock, which is actually a huge deal (Pink Floyd, Rush, Led Zeppelin etc...). All of this when Bruce came on board. Up the Irons!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Dickinson wasn't the main Iron Maiden songwriter ... Steve Harris was, along with the guitarists. And it wasn't like he made Iron Maiden famous ... he just joined the band at an ideal time and happened to have both a better technique and a bigger ego. I like his vocals very much, but when I compare the various Dickinson solo albums to the Iron Maiden albums, it becomes apparent that he only achieves true greatness together with Iron Maiden.

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Posted By: rudderhead
Date Posted: March 04 2008 at 20:43

Difficult choice. I think Bruce Dickenson is a better singer and I cant imagine all those albums been made without him, but Paul Dianno sings in that typical NWOBHM way I like very much. Just think of bands like Tygers of Pan Tang or More(who had the very first Iron Maiden singer in it) all had rough yet melodic vocals like PD. BD singing also sounded much less over the top much rougher in Samson. A bit like a cross between Ian Gillan and James Young of Styx. Blaze Bailey was much better than you think. I agree with another reviewer who states that it was the fault of the bad music on the records he sing with.

Posted By: markosherrera
Date Posted: March 04 2008 at 20:53
Bruce frontman..

Hi progmaniacs of all the world

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