Normally I don't stir drinks in a circular-motion because I'm an agitator who uses the spoon in a jiggling-motion as you would a whisk. The reason for doing it this way is simple - it dissolves the sugar quicker, I've proven this to myself using clear liquids and glass cups to be fairly confident this is true and not some affectation designed to annoy others. Stirring creates a whirlpool that concentrates the undissolved sugars into the quiet-spot in the centre whereas jiggling causes turbulence that keeps the granules in motion.
This morning my dear lady wife was in a fragile state so as not to compound her headache with the noisy rattling of spoon against china I stirred her tea in a circular-motion. ...Only to be chastised for not stirring in a clockwise direction.
So I changed direction to appease her and found that to be no more or no less comfortable or natural for me, yet when I went to stir my own tea I found myself stirring it in an anti-clockwise direction again so it seems I have a natural bias towards that direction.
Since I could see no logical/scientific reason for there to be any rational difference in the direction of the stir I presume here that there was some irrational, superstition-based justification for admonishing an anti-clockwise stirring associated with the devil or somesuch as there is in left-sided things (sinister, gauche, Judas etc.). But it did get me thinking.
I'm not ambidextrous but I'm not wholly right-handed either. While I favour my right hand in most things and do a few things left-handedly (stop giggling at the back!), there are a times where I have no preference at all. [I have no left-right preference when playing darts, but as a friend of mine once remarked - I'm rubbish at throwing arrows with either hand]. I suspect some of that could be related to my dyslexia, though not all dyslexics have problems with left & right and not all people who have difficulty telling left from right are dyslexic, I am a left-right confused dyslexic.
The idea of the poll is pretty straight-forward two-part question to see if there is a correlation between favoured drink-stirring direction and left or right handedness.