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25 bands I like. Choose a least/less liked by you

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Poll Question: Which of these bands did not do it for you or did it the least?
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 12:16
^ Sadly, I haven't made any YouTube playlists for over two years, ever since YouTube deleted three of my six Prog Britannia channels without warning or explanation. Ouch
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 12:12
^ That's why I so often mention and share specific tracks rather than full albums or playlists of full albums. Takes a few minutes to acquaint oneself with something, and maybe expand one's horizons in the process.

Speaking of playlists, I definitely caught the make my own playlists bug back in the 80s with cassette to cassette and record to cassette and sometimes radio to cassette compilations and then more recently thanks to Geo's (Mathman) youtube playlist-making for the Interactive Polls.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 11:45
^ Yes, it's the first three albums by the Swans that I disliked most of all. Life is too short to listen to a full album by Art Zoyd, Mr. Bungle or Univers Zero, so I can't really compare them. 
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 11:35
^ Do you mean dislike more than the first few albums of Swans, or dislike more than, say, The Burning World?

And yes, I don't think you would possibly find as much music to appreciate from those as with Swans. Mr. Bungle is hit and miss with me. I like the album California, and love the track "Pink Cigarette" but I had not liked the first two albums (now I find music to enjoy off all three albums, but it's only quite recently that I finally got into Bungle when re-listening to California).

For me it can be sometimes just about finding the right song or musical moment that opens an artist up, and that may lead to me being able to appreciate more music avenues. We do have very different approaches to discovering, listening to and appreciating music. You might well find some Art Zoyd and Univers Zero to appreciate if you researched and asked for recommendations. This early Art Zoyd is very different from the later music (and Art Zoyd has differences depending on the period):

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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 11:20
^ I have a strong feeling there are other bands on your list that I'd dislike even more than the Swans - such as Art Zoyd, Mr. Bungle & Univers Zero for instance - but I'm not familiar enough with their albums to vote for them. Smile
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 11:06
^ I understood that, but those were for the first three albums, right? And that's a problem with starting in the wrong place per ones tastes. Artists can be diverse and have different periods. The chronological thing worked for me with some bands/artists, but not with others. I would rather start with the album, or even track, that my research indicated that I might like best (due to descriptions of music).
I like to use RYM for the album descriptions and ratings often to decide where to look. If one were just to listen to the first Genesis album, or go in opposite order starting with the last, I don;t think it would give a good overall impression. I quite like the debut, not that it matters (at least The Serpent is great, imo).

And you must remember our our group discussion over Therion where you became dismissive over the early albums and we recommended Theli and Vovin as the more relevant ones (that you might enjoy and fit the topic). Sometimes one is too quick to dismiss bands altogether based on too limited listening. That said, of course one needn't continue with band that doesn't impress you quickly or easily. So much listening to do, so little time. But I think one should be careful and precise when dissing or dismissing bands in the forum if one is not that knowledgeable bout the general discography (or the styles of music).

Edited by Logan - June 02 2024 at 11:22
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 11:00
^ I've only ever given a 1-star rating to around a dozen albums in total over the years and three of those albums were all by the Swans, which goes some way towards explaining why they're at #2 on my "most disliked" list. Smile
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 10:44
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Top 5 likes:-

1. Tangerine Dream
2. Dead Can Dance
3. Amon Duul II
4. Soft Machine
5. Van Der Graaf Generator

Bottom 5 dislikes:-

1. Current 93
2. Swans
3. The Residents
4. Cardiacs
5. Henry Cow

I'm really usin' that as a jumpin'-off point for some soggy bloggy thinkin' and relatin'....

Good to see people, unlike JD, who know and like music from this list even if they know and dislike plenty from the list. I appreciate that response.

I could be surprised that Swans still is so high on your disliked as you have mentioned liking music by Swans, but then as an overall impression of what you have stated you listened to from the early albums it makes perfect sense.

You said you liked The Burning World -- to me "God Damn the Sun" off that album is awesome, but I would think the cover of "Can't Find My Way Home" would be more your thing. And you liked some music I suggested to you from White Light From the Mouth of Infinity. I think you'd like some music off Love of Life. And from the modern era I would think you would like The Warrior (think I brought that up with you before).

I had wondered if those first few albums, which I don't listen to, and your chronological order approach tainted your opinion overmuch. I might hate 90 percent of band's output but still mention a band a s favourite for one release, or even for some songs. I do wonder with people like JD who may hate everything how much they listened to and how considered the response is, or if it's just a knee-jerk negative reaction to a list that is looking for least favourites. Of course I'm happy to see people expressing sincere opinions, and there is no accounting for tastes some say (I disagree, but that's another topic)

Like I said, it's funny that I like Swans so much now because I put so much time listening to the band and getting to know the band better trying to find stuff you might like before. That research can be part of the fun in trying to recommend music, but it usually goes down better when those recommendations are not unsolicited, of course. I can't help myself sometimes.

There always is so much music up one's proverbial alley (sounds kind of rude I know) to discover, and only so much time, that really trying to find one might bve able to appreciate from artists that have not done it for you so far is not the most efficient use of time when trying to discover good-for-you music. Mind you, for me its more efficient to try to find the albums, or even just tracks, i might like from bands/artist rather than just starting at the beginning and working my way through. Charts, reviews, album descriptions at RYM, and posts have been helpful to me.
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 02 2024 at 10:05
Originally posted by RockHound RockHound wrote:

I love nearly all of these bands, and the ones I don't know I obviously should explore.
The only one that leaves me flat is Magma-I just don't find them interesting.

Out of curiosity, have you listened to the debut? While I love lots of Magma, to me it peaked with its double-album debut. I find that album very interesting and quite eclectic with its jazz, folk, rock and classical qualities.   It still sounds fresh, vibrant and exciting to these ears at least.

Edited by Logan - June 02 2024 at 10:07
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 17:23
Not that I would expect it to change minds (especially as I went for more polarising of fairly well know bands I like ones), and much of this have covered elsewhere, but these are various tracks I like and often the ones that really got me into the bands (reflect on my tastes). I went with two tracks per band from two albums per band.

By the way, I really do appreciate the thoughtful and sharing commentary/comments from people, thanks. :) This is an excellent community, and I love how we can come together, discuss together, and support each other despite differences in interests and tastes.
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rushfan4 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 10:15
Many of these bands are near the bottom of my PA likes list.  My vote was for Godspeed.  When I first joined PA, they were "all the rage" so I decided to check them out.  Found them to be about as boring of a band as I have ever heard.  One of my biggest PA disappointments.  

I'd say there are maybe 4 or 5 bands that I like in this list and a number of others to which I am lukewarm.  
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RockHound View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote RockHound Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 10:06
I love nearly all of these bands, and the ones I don't know I obviously should explore.
The only one that leaves me flat is Magma-I just don't find them interesting.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 06:22
Top 5 likes:-

1. Tangerine Dream
2. Dead Can Dance
3. Amon Duul II
4. Soft Machine
5. Van Der Graaf Generator

Bottom 5 dislikes:-

1. Current 93
2. Swans
3. The Residents
4. Cardiacs
5. Henry Cow
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Logan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 05:59
As usual, I care more about the commentary and specifics than just the voting.

When I wrote in the OP:

"And if one is to say, "None of them", or some such sentiment, I would ask to be much more specific, explain your position, and go into details about what you have heard of these."

I should have specified that goes for all of them too. Although I guess I thought that it would so rare that anyone would know all of these enough to go that way that it was not needed.

I suggest you just go for one that you feel that have heard that most music by that still did not do it for you at all and then share your thoughts on the music. Or anything. I appreciate specific impressions best rather than generalities. The poll I only treat as an accessory to discussion and commentary and a way to focus it.

Does one album from any of these that you listened to in full strike you as particularly excruciating, JD?

Edited by Logan - June 01 2024 at 06:07
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JD Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 05:55
Where's the 'All of the above choice?
Thank you for supporting independently produced music
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 01 2024 at 05:31
^ Some truth. The spectrum can be so huge that I rather felt like all (well, not all really) people are on the spectrum at times (or at least spectrum related), and one might argue that all music (well not all) can fall into the prog related spectrum.

Nothing really special about falling into the spectrum at all, so such people should stop with their "non-ableist" gloating and privilege.    Kidding of course, but a lot of people regardless of how they are diagnosed, what conditions they perceive, and how they see themselves want to be treated as somehow special and deserving of special treatment. And everybody wants to rule the world I have heard too.
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A recent video by drummer Andy Edwards on yt suggested that all prog fans are 'on the spectrum'. It was obviously a tongue in cheek comment but there may be a small grain of truth in it.Smile
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progaardvark View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote progaardvark Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 31 2024 at 13:21
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

Greg, by all means don't leave. I have always found your posts engaging and entertaining, plus a way for me to discover more music. There are quite a few bands you and I both like. I don't always contribute to your posts mostly because of time commitments that don't allow me enough time to interact at this conversational level. My visits to the forum tend to be often, but usually brief. Maybe in five or so years after I retire, I can spend more time conversing on a larger scale, provided this site is still here.

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

 If I could find try-to-be positive open-minded warm and tolerant people with various similar music interests locally, I would love to meet. Well, I say that, but, while you would not know if you met me, I have bad social anxiety and a part of me dislikes being in the company of others (I can only take being around people in doses as it exhausts this introvert). That said, despite being introverted and non-sociable, I still care about trying to connect with people from an emotional and musical angle, and I find such inquiries have helped with bonding with some even if those perceptions of bonding are ultimately very superficial and just perceptions. Others just seems to have a very different approach and mindset to mine and I think I will never really find a sense of synchronicity with and we will always have to question the intent of each other instead of accepting and enjoying the ride, so to speak.

Something inside me told me I should respond to the above paragraph because we're probably very close on the personality type scale. I, too, have social anxiety. I don't like crowds. I'm only comfortable in small groups where I don't have to interact a lot. Being around people for a long time exhausts me. I always looked forward to the end of the work day where I could be alone and re-center myself. When I have to be in a large group, I like to blend in the background and find escape routes so that I can discretely disappear from the group when it seemed appropriate to do so. I can play along and look outgoing when I need to, but I find the exercise tiring. My group of friends has always been small, but close-knit, and I tended to hang out with more "geeky" people that were intellectually interesting and also introverts. People wouldn't know this when they met me, but I'm awkwardly shy. I have gotten better at not showing it. I also don't "read" people well and don't pick up on subtle signals or whatever you want to call them.

Like you, I'm fortunate to have a wonderful wife and one that understands my introversion. She carries some of my traits in that both of us always look for ways at finding early exits from larger social gatherings. We're together all the time. I feel strongly that we were meant to be together and I consider myself extremely lucky to have her in my life. Prior to our fortunate meeting, I seemed to keep attracting stalkers. Well, maybe not legally stalkers, but obsessive "secret admirer" types. Three different times: one in junior high, one in college, and one after college. The latter one lasted for around 10 years. Being the kind of introvert I am, these were especially difficult for me to deal with. I still don't understand how I attracted these people to me. I believe my wife scared away the last one, even though we were just friends at the time.

I don't have any data to support this, but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest (at least to me) that many people that like the music we all share in common here have a tendency of leaning towards being introverts. Some more than others. I'm not saying that extroverts don't also like prog, just that the tendency seems to lean more to the introvert part of the scale. I could be wrong. Perceptions vary.

Just know that you're not alone. I'm sure there are others here than can relate to this. Also, sorry for the digression away from the main topic.

Wow, thank you so much for sharing, and sorry not having responded sooner. A post like this is very worthy of recognition. That is so eerily similar to me, including the attracting stalkers. I can seem outgoing in a crowd and comfortable in front of an audience. Sometimes when the exhaustion really hits me has been once I'm finally alone, I can breathe, and stop performing / being on / entertaining and listening. My family never really seemed to understand this. And I do register on the autism spectrum when taking tests, although I never have been formally diagnosed with it (one of my children has been). I wish I could read people better and pick up better on signals, and I may overcompensate for that.... Like I'm overanalysing, or being too detail oriented when trying to understand. And I have OCD, which can be lovely actually for passion. I can get really obsessed with an album, a song, a film, at TV show, a novel, and unfortunately some might say, something like a poll series (I loved doing those song playlist ones before because I could fully indulge my obsession with music)

Having been a bartender and a teacher did help me in front of people (and I knock the crowd dead when delivering eulogies).

It's nice to have some nerdy friends to hang out with, but I got to the point of avoiding old friends, which is unfortunate.   

Very lucky with the wife who also has introvert qualities. She used to have a huge number of friends, but she is happier in smaller groups and just with me and the kids.

I really appreciate yours, and others, words. Sharing a piece of yourself like you have I find can be hard depending on the reaction. Like if you bare your soul and it meets with indifference and deflection. Your words are very meaningful to me. One thing for me that has been stressful (moderating and finding that balance between expectations can be very stressful and confusing to me) is feeling like I'm not being understood, that people can be hostile when I mean well (misinterpretation). Despite what I said to Mira, there is stress being here, and stress comes to me with interacting with crowds and not connecting as I would wish too. I desire acceptance, but I can be a jerk at times (people are complex and I exhibit different traits at different times, and I have been called a punk ass bitch by someone here before -lol). I at least hope that none here continue to bear any grudges against me. Sometimes it's just my awkward humour and not mean like people assume (I'm used to kidding around with friends and family) and sometimes I have had bad days, or just been busy, and being a little less thoughtful than people.

As we find ourselves in forum spaces, a lot of are on the introverted side, maybe socially awkward, and it's comforting to realise that many of those struggles I deal with (like having dealt with anxiety and depression) are shared by others. It gets worse for me when I have multiple sleepless nights. While being stand-offish sometimes, I do have deep desire to understand and connect with people more. and a little warmth goes a long way with me.

By the way, I have had too much time on my hands one might say, so my forum participation can seem obsessive. My work from home and lack of getting out did give me a lot more space.

I can understand the exhaustion hitting you once being alone. I sometimes needed a day just for myself. This was usually on Sundays when I was single. I used to immerse myself in headphones for hours on that day. That changed after I got married, because I like being with my wife. Just the two of us, and the dog. I never took any tests to see if I was on any other kinds of scales. I'm pretty sure I took the Briggs-Myers thing a long, long time ago, but I think I already knew the result before I got it. I can focus on one thing for a long time, so I might have some form of OCD, but my mind does wander around a bit. So, not really sure about that one.

I know when I was younger, being an introvert always gave me the perception that something was wrong with me. Not sure if this was societal pressures or the misinformed opinions of psychologists or something else. It just seemed like some sort of stereotype. In more recent years, it's been nice to see more people recognize things like neurodiversity. That although we all have different personality types, each of them has their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, working as a team we can use those different advantages to benefit the group. Some are great at public speaking, some would rather work behind the scenes (like me!). I have had to give presentations in the past, mostly because I was the only person that was an expert in the topic. Somehow I can pull these off and receive compliments for how well the presentation went. Inside, I hated doing these things. I will admit that these become easier the more you do them but I'm always exhausted after doing them, more than if I ran for five miles. I'm pretty good at writing up documentation and would prefer to present things in that way, knowing that it's usually a dry read for some.

I agree that it is kind of hard sharing this stuff. It seems over the last couple decades more and more people are opening up about their emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc. There was a lot of pressure decades ago to fit into certain norms and I'm glad those are breaking down. People are starting to open their eyes to realize humans are complicated and diverse. No doubt, it's still met with resistance. I feel more comfortable sharing this now that I'm older and people are more accepting of differences.

As for family, my immediate family seems to be very understanding and that's because I believe both of my parents are introverts, though my Dad has been much more outgoing since he retired. My brother appears to be one too. Having said that, we always enjoyed each others company. After doing some genealogical research on my family, I found some earlier generations had some really large families. Every time I look at that (and we're talking about 8-12 children in a family) I just can't imagine functioning well in such a group. I guess it's just something you have to get used to.

I can understand that desire to connect with people more. Even though we like being by ourselves, we still get lonely. Since I've been married, that desire doesn't happen as much for me like it did when I was single. I had a lot of failures trying to reach out to people back then, which meant my confidence was pretty low. I had confidence in pretty much everything else, except social interactions. I did better in groups. Maybe it was the comfort of not being singled out in groups? I still have some regrets about some of those failures. Not sure why. I'm my own worst critic. 

I also work from home, too. A rare silver lining from the pandemic. I actually thrive in this kind of environment. Even so, it doesn't give me as much time as I thought I'd have. I certainly don't miss the commute.

This has been an enjoyable conversation and I really appreciate you sharing this and taking the time to respond. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 30 2024 at 18:49
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

Greg, by all means don't leave. I have always found your posts engaging and entertaining, plus a way for me to discover more music. There are quite a few bands you and I both like. I don't always contribute to your posts mostly because of time commitments that don't allow me enough time to interact at this conversational level. My visits to the forum tend to be often, but usually brief. Maybe in five or so years after I retire, I can spend more time conversing on a larger scale, provided this site is still here.

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

 If I could find try-to-be positive open-minded warm and tolerant people with various similar music interests locally, I would love to meet. Well, I say that, but, while you would not know if you met me, I have bad social anxiety and a part of me dislikes being in the company of others (I can only take being around people in doses as it exhausts this introvert). That said, despite being introverted and non-sociable, I still care about trying to connect with people from an emotional and musical angle, and I find such inquiries have helped with bonding with some even if those perceptions of bonding are ultimately very superficial and just perceptions. Others just seems to have a very different approach and mindset to mine and I think I will never really find a sense of synchronicity with and we will always have to question the intent of each other instead of accepting and enjoying the ride, so to speak.

Something inside me told me I should respond to the above paragraph because we're probably very close on the personality type scale. I, too, have social anxiety. I don't like crowds. I'm only comfortable in small groups where I don't have to interact a lot. Being around people for a long time exhausts me. I always looked forward to the end of the work day where I could be alone and re-center myself. When I have to be in a large group, I like to blend in the background and find escape routes so that I can discretely disappear from the group when it seemed appropriate to do so. I can play along and look outgoing when I need to, but I find the exercise tiring. My group of friends has always been small, but close-knit, and I tended to hang out with more "geeky" people that were intellectually interesting and also introverts. People wouldn't know this when they met me, but I'm awkwardly shy. I have gotten better at not showing it. I also don't "read" people well and don't pick up on subtle signals or whatever you want to call them.

Like you, I'm fortunate to have a wonderful wife and one that understands my introversion. She carries some of my traits in that both of us always look for ways at finding early exits from larger social gatherings. We're together all the time. I feel strongly that we were meant to be together and I consider myself extremely lucky to have her in my life. Prior to our fortunate meeting, I seemed to keep attracting stalkers. Well, maybe not legally stalkers, but obsessive "secret admirer" types. Three different times: one in junior high, one in college, and one after college. The latter one lasted for around 10 years. Being the kind of introvert I am, these were especially difficult for me to deal with. I still don't understand how I attracted these people to me. I believe my wife scared away the last one, even though we were just friends at the time.

I don't have any data to support this, but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest (at least to me) that many people that like the music we all share in common here have a tendency of leaning towards being introverts. Some more than others. I'm not saying that extroverts don't also like prog, just that the tendency seems to lean more to the introvert part of the scale. I could be wrong. Perceptions vary.

Just know that you're not alone. I'm sure there are others here than can relate to this. Also, sorry for the digression away from the main topic.

Wow, thank you so much for sharing, and sorry not having responded sooner. A post like this is very worthy of recognition. That is so eerily similar to me, including the attracting stalkers. I can seem outgoing in a crowd and comfortable in front of an audience. Sometimes when the exhaustion really hits me has been once I'm finally alone, I can breathe, and stop performing / being on / entertaining and listening. My family never really seemed to understand this. And I do register on the autism spectrum when taking tests, although I never have been formally diagnosed with it (one of my children has been). I wish I could read people better and pick up better on signals, and I may overcompensate for that.... Like I'm overanalysing, or being too detail oriented when trying to understand. And I have OCD, which can be lovely actually for passion. I can get really obsessed with an album, a song, a film, at TV show, a novel, and unfortunately some might say, something like a poll series (I loved doing those song playlist ones before because I could fully indulge my obsession with music)

Having been a bartender and a teacher did help me in front of people (and I knock the crowd dead when delivering eulogies).

It's nice to have some nerdy friends to hang out with, but I got to the point of avoiding old friends, which is unfortunate.   

Very lucky with the wife who also has introvert qualities. She used to have a huge number of friends, but she is happier in smaller groups and just with me and the kids.

I really appreciate yours, and others, words. Sharing a piece of yourself like you have I find can be hard depending on the reaction. Like if you bare your soul and it meets with indifference and deflection. Your words are very meaningful to me. One thing for me that has been stressful (moderating and finding that balance between expectations can be very stressful and confusing to me) is feeling like I'm not being understood, that people can be hostile when I mean well (misinterpretation). Despite what I said to Mira, there is stress being here, and stress comes to me with interacting with crowds and not connecting as I would wish too. I desire acceptance, but I can be a jerk at times (people are complex and I exhibit different traits at different times, and I have been called a punk ass bitch by someone here before -lol). I at least hope that none here continue to bear any grudges against me. Sometimes it's just my awkward humour and not mean like people assume (I'm used to kidding around with friends and family) and sometimes I have had bad days, or just been busy, and being a little less thoughtful than people.

As we find ourselves in forum spaces, a lot of are on the introverted side, maybe socially awkward, and it's comforting to realise that many of those struggles I deal with (like having dealt with anxiety and depression) are shared by others. It gets worse for me when I have multiple sleepless nights. While being stand-offish sometimes, I do have deep desire to understand and connect with people more. and a little warmth goes a long way with me.

By the way, I have had too much time on my hands one might say, so my forum participation can seem obsessive. My work from home and lack of getting out did give me a lot more space.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Grumpyprogfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 30 2024 at 17:44
A lot of these bands are less liked by me, but Magma is my choice
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