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Turkish teenager says hi

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome newbies!
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us what prog music you listen to
Printed Date: March 02 2025 at 01:07
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Topic: Turkish teenager says hi
Posted By: WrytXander
Subject: Turkish teenager says hi
Date Posted: September 15 2014 at 14:11

I'm a 16 year old Turk (we're not dark-skinned nor do we ride camels), and I joined this website about 3-4 days ago.

Prog artists that I'm very familiar with:

King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Rush, Jethro Tull, Camel (speaking of!), Yes, Van der Graaf Generator, ELP, Gentle Giant, Caravan, Dream Theatre (Taken from my signature)

Prog artists I'm in the process of getting into:

Mike Oldfield, Frank Zappa (and the Mothers of Invention), Supertramp, Transatlantic, Porcupine Tree

Prog artists I hope to get into in the future:

Focus, Beardfish, PFM, Alan Parsons Project, Renaissance, Harmonium, Tool, Kansas, Riverside, Can

I'm not really liking Porcupine Tree, though. I've listened to most of Deadwing and the famous "Trains" from In Absentia, but really, nothing I listened to was "great"; "Arriving Somewhere..." also didn't leave much of an impression on me... HELP!

Also, should I get into Magma? I know they have a grotesque language that they invented in their songs; will their vocals be... Bad?

Same with Opeth: should I get into them and why?

Thanks for reading!

20+ prog bands discovered and explored in 3 years, still going strong...

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: September 16 2014 at 06:02
Hi there! I like a lot of those bands you listed. RE Magma, I personally like 'em a lot but they took some time to grow on me (the vocals especially, those of which I think are great now too). Anyway, it can't hurt to give them a try. Opeth I'm no expert on but if guttural growls and really heavy music isn't an obstacle for you then it's probably not a bad idea to give them a go, they've got some softer albums also. So yeah, welcome and enjoy. Smile

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 16 2014 at 06:09
Hi and welcome to PA

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: September 16 2014 at 06:31
For Renaissance, go for" rel="nofollow - SCHEHERAZADE AND OTHER STORIES or" rel="nofollow - ASHES ARE BURNING .

For Kansas, pick of their first five albums.  If by chance the first track turns you off, don't be turned off- stick around.  Seriously, the foot-stomping country rocker of "Down the Road," for example, would seem like it has no business coming before the anthemic "Song for America."  Also," rel="nofollow - Somewhere To Elsewhere is marvelous.

And I'm no Magma expert, but if you want a "safe" introduction, I strongly recommend" rel="nofollow - Félicité Thösz .  Likewise with Opeth, if you want a safe introduction, grab" rel="nofollow - Damnation .

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