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Custom ads on PA that missed their mark

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Topic: Custom ads on PA that missed their mark
Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Subject: Custom ads on PA that missed their mark
Date Posted: June 30 2014 at 07:36
This one is a political ad for a candidate in the U.S. state of Minnesota.  I don't know how GoogleAds linked me to this one:
- I live in Pennsylvania and am not using a proxy server;
- I don't live in Minnesota, never have, and have never been registed to vote there;
- I'm not a member of the DFL party, never have been, don't know anyone who is.
Given the global reach of the site I figure other people also see ads that just flat miss.  Please share yours Smile

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 30 2014 at 08:13" rel="nofollow - Buy this album from PA partners

Wow! That one missed by a country mile.



Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: June 30 2014 at 10:09

In Japan that's not come in front of me!


Anyway, I'm a practitioner so GoogleAdSense shows me something like a promo of a medical website.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: June 30 2014 at 10:16
Last election season I kept getting an ad for a guy running for office in Ohio.  Ohio is much closer to Michigan than Minnesota is to Pennsylvania, but I still couldn't vote for him.


Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: June 30 2014 at 16:02
I had adverts for weeks on end for a mature dating site. One photo was especially tempting, I have to say!LOL

Needless to say, as a happily married man, I have never visited such sites. Good try, though.

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Posted By: The Stygian Heresy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 06:58
About a year ago, i regularly saw ads for cremation services, but have not lately reported anyone having died.  

I guess they were being hopeful.

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:42
I'm currently getting ads for a chain of golf stores in the US featuring an in-store only promotion to trade in your old clubs.  I'm on the wrong side of the Atlantic and I haven't picked up a golf club since my last go on Arnold Palmer Crazy Golf when I was approximately twelve.

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

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