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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Salander
Posted By: Svetonio
Subject: Salander
Date Posted: June 24 2014 at 21:10" rel="nofollow -

Stendec the album review from "New Prog Releases"

Quote Hyle Troy. Copenhagen. June 23, 2014 at 11:42 PM

I reviewed SALANDER last album in February. In there I made a statement " These guys have given us something really special for a debut album. Can't wait for the next " And so only four months later comes STENDEC.. Let me say, I was very impressed with "Crash Course for Des...sert", But this one?
In STENDEC without doubt, the guys have surpassed themselves !
Whereas this is not a concept album like the last.This collection of songs still bring a very strong narrative in the lyrics. Dave C 's writing has depth and maturity, but with a sneaky sense of humour. Did I see some references to the Cassablanca movie?
Musically, I figure Salanders' style is to start a piece relaxed and build to some form of climax to the end, but often changing from light to shade. Listen to "Zeitgeist" and see what I mean. This album carries a stronger style and production value with it. The textures are rich, flowing, multi layered affairs. Check out the STENDEC section of "Controlled Flight Into Terrain"... Bowed Guitar ! Impressing !
And for the softer moments I am drawn to "Ever After" and its emotive vocal with strident guitar solo to finish.
The songs are a complex melange of styles and sounds, layer and layer of keyboards and guitar, sewn together with a strong pinning of bass guitar. the result is effortless listening.
Without hesitation, dear reader Buy it ! Do not hesitate. I promise no disappointment. These guys deserve to be heard. And heard many times over.
My Favourites? " Zeitgeist" "Ever After" and "Controlled Flight"" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow - Salander's bio and discography at PA

Posted By: salander
Date Posted: June 25 2014 at 14:43
thanks for your continued support man. would live to see a proper review by you.

Posted By: O666
Date Posted: July 24 2014 at 08:31
I listened to this album yesterday. Good album and like this but They use Pink Floyd touch too much.For example in "Book of Lies" You can see PF influences clearly. I think they shift to "COPY" music cleverly. Maybe you disagree with me. They take many musical elements from bands and mix them with PF touch to "Create" their own. I know some of Crossover bands have original sound and music and they use this format but Salander's music isn't original specially in electric guitar Sound. 
I have 2 albums : " Crash Course For Dessert " and "STENDE". I enjoy their music but I think they are closest to "Clone Band" than "Creative Band" (IMO).

Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: July 24 2014 at 13:18
Originally posted by O666 O666 wrote:

I listened to this album yesterday. Good album and like this but They use Pink Floyd touch too much.For example in "Book of Lies" You can see PF influences clearly. I think they shift to "COPY" music cleverly. Maybe you disagree with me. They take many musical elements from bands and mix them with PF touch to "Create" their own. I know some of Crossover bands have original sound and music and they use this format but Salander's music isn't original specially in electric guitar Sound. 
I have 2 albums : " Crash Course For Dessert " and "STENDE". I enjoy their music but I think they are closest to "Clone Band" than "Creative Band" (IMO).

I like these nicely presented influences from the past.
Btw, we will see whether the new Pink Floyd's album will sound as good as Salander's magnificent debut.

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