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Nick Mason’s Book

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Topic: Nick Mason’s Book
Posted By: sonic wizard
Subject: Nick Mason’s Book
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 18:58
Anyone read Inside Out/A Personal History of Pink Floyd? Discuss.

Arguing on the internet is a lot like the special olympics - even if you win, you're still retarded.

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 19:01

Well it manages to be both hard-going and entertaining.

Just like proper prog.

Posted By: transend
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 20:03
Its a very interesting read, has some wonderful photos too, well worth the $$$!!

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 20:28
I quite enjoyed the book.. I love what Nick wrote in my book for me... and I found out some interesting connections between ELP and Pink Floyd that I didn't know before... and some I did and was happy reading about again...


Posted By: Damen
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 21:00
I'll have to pick up a copy of that, seems like an interesting read.

"It's amazing that we've been able to put up with each other for 35 years. Most marriages don't last that long these days."

-Chris Squire

Posted By: DarioIndjic
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 23:17
I read it at the music/books shop in progressive section,there is a lot of great stuff,writing from their debut till the end,worth owning,i think i'll buy it.

Ars longa , vita brevis

Posted By: Gatot
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 23:22

YES. I love it very much. With colorful photos, it's really worth the money. I bought the hard cover version. Too heavy but it's really nice. It helps me appreciate Syd Barett era of PF.


Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 04:12
It's actually an excellent read. With plenty of self-deprecating humour on Mason's part.

Typical example of his humour, when discussing the advent of the Drum Machine in the early 80's, Mason at first felt very depressed that a computer could play better than him. He then states that his job in the band was considered safe, as no computer could replace the drummer's role in ANY rock n' roll band, that is: to drink to excess, crash out unconscious on the couch and then get sick on the carpet...

Wait a few months before buying Inside Out though. It will be re-issued on paperback soon, with a bonus chapter on the Live 8 performance/reunion.

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: sigod
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 12:41
I'm very happy with this book and full power to NM for being informative, funny and tactful in equal measures. When you remember anyone in the band (or even near the band) could have stepped and said no, I think it's a minor miracle this book ever made it to the shelves.

I love the photos too (especially the early shots of the band) as it gave me a much better insight about some aspects of the Syd period, which I knew precious little about.

I must remind the right honourable gentleman that a monologue is not a decision.
- Clement Atlee, on Winston Churchill

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 22:32

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

Wait a few months before buying Inside Out though. It will be re-issued on paperback soon, with a bonus chapter on the Live 8 performance/reunion.

Its already out in paperback.... has been since April


Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 09:52
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

Wait a few months before buying Inside Out though. It will be re-issued on paperback soon, with a bonus chapter on the Live 8 performance/reunion.

Its already out in paperback.... has been since April

But in april did it talk about Live 8? I think not...


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 07:54
Originally posted by GPFR GPFR wrote:

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by Cluster One Cluster One wrote:

Wait a few months before buying Inside Out though. It will be re-issued on paperback soon, with a bonus chapter on the Live 8 performance/reunion.

Its already out in paperback.... has been since April

But in april did it talk about Live 8? I think not...

Doesn't matter... if you're waiting for an updated reissue... you'll be waiting for more than a few months....


Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: April 04 2006 at 07:57

I'm reading this book now. It's excellent. Nick Mason is cynical about things and doesn't take himself too seriously. A great read. The issue I've got is paperback with photos of Live 8 in it.

One thing that really surprised me in the book was the photo of Syd Barrett at the Wish You Were Here recordings. He was bald with no eyebrows and had put on a lot of weight. He looked nothing like what he looked like on the Piper album.


Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 04 2006 at 08:10


its been reviewedin the book and misc forum section in case you care

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: oliverstoned
Date Posted: April 04 2006 at 08:49
Rare pics and interesing stories.

Posted By: YYZed
Date Posted: April 04 2006 at 21:44
Borrowed it from a friend. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I just have to give it back...


Posted By: progaeopteryx
Date Posted: April 04 2006 at 21:47
It's worth having for the photographs alone. Besides that, Mason is an entertaining writer.

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