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1971 vs 1972

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
Forum Description: Discuss and create polls about all types of music
Printed Date: March 05 2025 at 11:37
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Topic: 1971 vs 1972
Posted By: Stool Man
Subject: 1971 vs 1972
Date Posted: January 27 2014 at 03:40
I'm going to do a series of polls like this, each featuring two consecutive years.  The aim is to see how our opinion of music over the years rises and falls according to our personal tastes.  This being a prog forum, I expect the early 70s will be more popular than the mid-60s, for example.  But let's do this in lots of small polls, rather than putting 25 years into a 1964-1988 poll and another 25 years into a 1989-2013 poll.  That way we'd each only get to vote for two years out of fifty.  Plus of course you can't really compare  1964 with 1977 or 1988.  This way we get  to compare like with like.
So which year do you think had the best music? 1971 or 1972?

rotten hound of the burnie crew

Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: January 27 2014 at 03:52

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