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Abel Adames Designer of PA Header

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Topic: Abel Adames Designer of PA Header
Posted By: darksideof
Subject: Abel Adames Designer of PA Header
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 01:06
Hi, fellas  I am back!
Hi fellas it has been years since the  last time I visited the webpage. It is good to be back and I am hoping you guys remember me, since  I first started publishing my prog and rock collages here @ PA before any other place back in 2008. Last time I remembered visiting the page my collages were creating too much negative criticism and don't get me wrong, I don't mind criticism, however it was getting out hand, it was discording me to continue making them, which still is  something I am not planning to do as I knew many will like them thought years. I guess many people got tired of them and though they were getting stale and pretty much boring. The problem is that is my style . 
I had found tons of websites and blogs that uses them as their wallpapers and even provide links to download them. 
Anyway I am back basically because this was the very first website that I used to post my collages and many really really really enjoy them and sometimes even love them.  
Since them I had made about 10 more collages if I am not mistaken. I am  exhibiting 2  of the most recent ones here and hopefully I will still get a thump up! 
Like I said earlier I don't mind criticism is hateful comments that I dislike. It is fine if you dislike them. I had survived all these years later.

These collages are made as tribute and I still don't get pay to make them. Also I had never got into any lawsuit from any bands however I had got an ok from a few bands to f**k with their artworks and even make few bucks as one I did few years back to the great Gentle Giant which is sold on a t.shirt at their official website.

It is pleasure to be back! 
Att: Abel Adames (Darksideof )

Collage dedicated to the awesome Tangerine Dream specially concentrating to thier 70's and 80's albums.


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 01:27
I couldn't post the other collage. The link above is for my blog. Visit it when you have a chance. You can view all the collages there. 
Have a great night as it is2:38 am ere at Newark NJ Tongue


Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 09:37
Nice TD collage...........if you did some of the others on PA , I think those are cool also.
not sure what controversy you are referring to.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 09:42
Certain members dislike(d) the front page banner that he created as well as some of his other collages and were quite "vocal" about it, causing much head bumping and grief for Abel.

Nice to see you back Abel.  I had wondered a while back if you were still making your collages or not. 


Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 10:00
Welcome back!


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 11:43
For the record I always liked your work. Big smile  Glad to see you back.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 12:53
Welcome back Abel.

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 13:07
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Certain members dislike(d) the front page banner that he created as well as some of his other collages and were quite "vocal" about it, causing much head bumping and grief for Abel.
Actually Scott, that not exactly true: a few of us simply said that we didn't like it, a few said it was too busy, a couple of people didn't like the bright saturated colours, and I believe someone said it looked too dated. We were not "vocal" and we didn't give Abel a hard time over it. Max, and then Abel, asked for opinions, if they only wanted praise then they should not have asked at all. If he took it badly I can only apologise for expressing my honest opinion, most of us actually went out of our way to say it was just our opinion and not a criticism of Abel's skill. 

But for the record, I don't like this TD collage either, but that's because I think only Edgar Froese should do Edgar Froese artwork and not because Abel did a bad job with Froese's material.


Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 13:15
Hi, and welcome back.
I think they are nice, no harm done to the originals.

But why is this in a Poll section ??  

Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 17:09
Big fan of the PA front page banner here!

Welcome back!


Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 17:48
Welcome back Abel, busy or not, the PA header is like a trademark now, I personally find it "inviting" and full of colour

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 18:27
Not really a fan of collages no matter who makes them, but you clearly enjoyed making these and that's the important thing I guess.

why is this in polls?

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 18:33
I vote yes.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:10
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Nice TD collage...........if you did some of the others on PA , I think those are cool also.
not sure what controversy you are referring to.
yes I did those as well. Thanks. 


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:19
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Certain members dislike(d) the front page banner that he created as well as some of his other collages and were quite "vocal" about it, causing much head bumping and grief for Abel.

Nice to see you back Abel.  I had wondered a while back if you were still making your collages or not. 
Hi rushfan4  thAnk you and I am glad you are still here.  It was not the banner collage that cause me as that head bumping and grief as you putted. It was if I am not mistaken my few recent collages back them. I just felt they were not welcome Any more and enjoy as I was getting  too much hateful comments. However that was on the past and I misses posting the others later on as I clearly remember how some member waited eagerly to what I was creating next.Tongue

I missed the forum.Unhappy


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:22
Originally posted by someone_else someone_else wrote:

Welcome back!
Thanks a lot


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:23
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

For the record I always liked your work. Big smile  Glad to see you back.
Thanks brother it was for prog fan as yourself that I still make them.


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:31
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Certain members dislike(d) the front page banner that he created as well as some of his other collages and were quite "vocal" about it, causing much head bumping and grief for Abel.
Actually Scott, that not exactly true: a few of us simply said that we didn't like it, a few said it was too busy, a couple of people didn't like the bright saturated colours, and I believe someone said it looked too dated. We were not "vocal" and we didn't give Abel a hard time over it. Max, and then Abel, asked for opinions, if they only wanted praise then they should not have asked at all. If he took it badly I can only apologise for expressing my honest opinion, most of us actually went out of our way to say it was just our opinion and not a criticism of Abel's skill. 

But for the record, I don't like this TD collage either, but that's because I think only Edgar Froese should do Edgar Froese artwork and not because Abel did a bad job with Froese's material.
that is correct dean. You are absolutely right. It was not the header.  I apricoated your sencire opinions and I never token wrongly no need for apology from you Wink
I understand what you are saying about this collage,  but as you probably don't see is that most of images of this collage and the main ones are not even his, but my own. I just incorporated TD within them. LOL


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:31
Originally posted by tamijo tamijo wrote:

Hi, and welcome back.
I think they are nice, no harm done to the originals.

But why is this in a Poll section ??  


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:33
Originally posted by The Bearded Bard The Bearded Bard wrote:

Big fan of the PA front page banner here!

Welcome back!
 Thanks a lot the bearded bard. Wink


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:38
Originally posted by aapatsos aapatsos wrote:

Welcome back Abel, busy or not, the PA header is like a trademark now, I personally find it "inviting" and full of colour
Ufff man! I am so f**king glad to know that. I also noticed that all these years it was not removed or replace. Thank you max and the team. I am assuming that the bands and artist never asked you guys to remove these images are copyrightedClap soon f**king glad! Weepa!


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:43
Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Not really a fan of collages no matter who makes them, but you clearly enjoyed making these and that's the important thing I guess.

why is this in polls?
True but any artist around the globe like positive comments and cheerful reactions to their works. However , There are always someone out there that will and that is encouraging. Regardless if  you don't expect it. It is something that always welcome.UnhappyCoolApprove


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: January 15 2014 at 23:44
Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

I vote yes.


Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: January 17 2014 at 21:14
I prefer universities over collages.

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...

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