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Wind and Wuthering Release Year Correction

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Topic: Wind and Wuthering Release Year Correction
Posted By: The.Crimson.King
Subject: Wind and Wuthering Release Year Correction
Date Posted: September 19 2013 at 23:45
Hi all,

I was just running a poll on 1977 prog albums and someone pointed out that Wind and Wuthering was actually released in some countries in December 1976.  I did some online research and confirmed this.

Is this something that should be corrected in the PA database as it lists W&W as a 1977 release?

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Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: September 20 2013 at 00:50
Without doing a search at this early hour, I think you will find that this has been discussed on more than one occasion in the past.

I think it will also be found that 1977 is the correct year.

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Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: September 20 2013 at 01:43
Originally posted by The.Crimson.King The.Crimson.King wrote:

someone pointed out that Wind and Wuthering was actually released in some countries in December 1976.  

Ah, so it differed per country.
That's explains this little riddle.
My (Dutch) rock encyclopedia said 1977, and later I was surprised about hearing it was actually 1976.
I thought a release date was a release date, period.
It seems to be a little more complex than that.
But if I understand Lazland well he says that it hasn't been released anywhere before 1977.
Then the mystery is on again Smile

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: September 20 2013 at 04:02
I just checked the Wikipedia entry in all languages for what it's worth.
Most gave 27 December 1976 as the release date, some said the 23rd.
The English entry says 23 December for the UK and 27 December for the US. The German entry says 27 December for the UK and 7 January 1977 worldwide; this is the only one mentioning 1977.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 20 2013 at 04:46
Bartek fixed this at 1976 back in 2009, some self-appointed-expert numpty has evidently changed it back to 1977.
I have now changed it back back to 1976.
If there is any doubt about which release date (or album cover or track listing) to chose whenever there are multiple options, the guideline is: "country of origin" first, then "chronologically".


Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: September 20 2013 at 10:50
I think I should point out I am not the self appointed expert NumptyLOL

Happy to be proven wrong, thoughBig smile

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Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: September 27 2013 at 15:00
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

If there is any doubt about which release date (or album cover or track listing) to chose whenever there are multiple options, the guideline is: "country of origin" first, then "chronologically".

Well, that seems like the best guideline to me.

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