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Topic: Clockwork Angels bookPosted By: WanderingLogician
Subject: Clockwork Angels book
Date Posted: October 02 2012 at 16:32
Has anyone read it? Is it worth getting?
It has *okay* reviews on amazon but a lot of them seem to be "I like Rush so this book is awesome!". It was harder to tell if it can stand on its own.
Replies: Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 02 2012 at 16:39
I bought the book at the concert a couple of weeks back, but I've not started to read it yet so I am not of any help.
Posted By: BlindGuard
Date Posted: October 06 2012 at 10:46
I haven't read the book yet. but a friend of mine who did told me it's a nice companion to the album, not so great and not bad either.
Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: October 06 2012 at 19:23
I have heard the same......Its not a bad read and does compliment the album well. My friend also said he could see it morph into some kind of sci-fi movie, but not really about the album but just a base.
Posted By: WanderingLogician
Date Posted: October 10 2012 at 22:57
Well, I might go for it if I get some extra cash, and post a review or something.
Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: October 11 2012 at 02:32
I read the first chapter somewhere. From what I can tell, it'll be massively cheesy (especially the romance), but I'm reading it all the same when I get the chance.
-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.
Posted By: Ambient Hurricanes
Date Posted: October 11 2012 at 23:54
I'll probably read this eventually, though not right away. I'm looking forward to seeing how good Mr. Anderson explains how we get from the protagonist being framed from a terrorist attack to his failed relationship with an acrobat (a gap which Neil Peart conveniently never explains).
I mean, being framed for a terrorist attack is pretty serious. "Sometimes the angels punish us by answering our prayers"? Not very poignant if nothing actually happens to him. This is a huge gap in the story. I know the album is somewhat episodic but come on, at least we get explanations of what happens after the shipwreck and stuff like that.
------------- I love dogs, I've always loved dogs
Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: October 12 2012 at 14:34
Ambient Hurricanes wrote:
I mean, being framed for a terrorist attack is pretty serious. "Sometimes the angels punish us by answering our prayers"? Not very poignant if nothing actually happens to him. This is a huge gap in the story. I know the album is somewhat episodic but come on, at least we get explanations of what happens after the shipwreck and stuff like that.
Forgot about that. I've just been pretending the songs were in the wrong order.
-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.
Posted By: tupan
Date Posted: October 22 2012 at 11:34
Ambient Hurricanes wrote:
I'll probably read this eventually, though not right away. I'm looking forward to seeing how good Mr. Anderson explains how we get from the protagonist being framed from a terrorist attack to his failed relationship with an acrobat (a gap which Neil Peart conveniently never explains).
I mean, being framed for a terrorist attack is pretty serious. "Sometimes the angels punish us by answering our prayers"? Not very poignant if nothing actually happens to him. This is a huge gap in the story. I know the album is somewhat episodic but come on, at least we get explanations of what happens after the shipwreck and stuff like that.
The guy not escaped after being framed by the terrorist attack?
Listening to the album, I think he fled, and after began to remember their failed romance with the acrobat.
------------- "Prog is Not Dead and never has been." (Will Sergeant, from Echo And The Bunnymen)
Posted By: sinclair67
Date Posted: December 07 2012 at 00:31
or shemay
even seeitmorphstraight
type of sci-fi video,
------------- Once the gateway is about spamway
Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: December 09 2012 at 16:38
sinclair67 wrote:
or shemay
even seeitmorphstraight
type of sci-fi video,
You're not sure what gender your pal is?
I'm not sure if I'll pick this up or not. I love sci-fi, but it could be a whole lot of cheese. Not really sure how I feel yet about the overall story of Clockwork Angels either. I'll have to give it a few more listens and pay attention to the lyrics.
------------- I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
Posted By: Ambient Hurricanes
Date Posted: December 09 2012 at 17:35
So has anyone read it yet? I'm thinking about reading it but I don't want to go out and buy it if it's going to be a load of crap.
------------- I love dogs, I've always loved dogs
Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: December 19 2012 at 17:06
Ambient Hurricanes wrote:
So has anyone read it yet? I'm thinking about reading it but I don't want to go out and buy it if it's going to be a load of crap.
I'm about three chapters in. It's nothing special, really, but it's not terrible. I recommend borrowing it from your public library if that's at all feasible.
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 11:05
I finished reading it last night. It was a pretty quick read for me. I think it really is a good companion piece to the album. It really helped to fill in a lot of the holes in the story presented by the lyrics. It was an enjoyable read, but nothing really mindblowing. To be honest, I was kind of left with the same disappointment that I had with the end of the album. It just kind of ended. I suppose in that sense though, it kind of made it more realistic.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: January 18 2013 at 02:20
I am going to read it this year but have to borrow it first.
Posted By: Metalmarsh89
Date Posted: January 19 2013 at 02:58
rushfan4 wrote:
I finished reading it last night. It was a pretty quick read for me. I think it really is a good companion piece to the album. It really helped to fill in a lot of the holes in the story presented by the lyrics. It was an enjoyable read, but nothing really mindblowing. To be honest, I was kind of left with the same disappointment that I had with the end of the album. It just kind of ended. I suppose in that sense though, it kind of made it more realistic.
Kind of like how life just ends, or something like that.
The book was alright. It was a very speedy read, and did answer questions. I could see how some of the parts were somewhat cheezy, but I enjoyed the overall idea/message behind the story.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: January 19 2013 at 02:59
Whats so cheesy about it?
Posted By: Acherontia lachesis
Date Posted: February 22 2013 at 13:05
I enjoyed the book.
Usually fantasy books that lean too purely in the moralizing/philosophizing vein are not my cup of tea, and this one was very direct and very simple. Sugary in some places. You could tell that the primary purpose of the story was to convey a philosophical point.
I kept feeling as I was reading that this was a book I shouldn't enjoy (don't get me wrong, I approve of books that have a message, and a strong one, I just like them better when they're more hidden, less blunt, usually), yet they pulled it off.
I should add I'm not a die hard Rush fan. I don't dislike them, I like their music, their philosophical approach, I just like other groups better.
Posted By: JyDavise
Date Posted: March 09 2013 at 05:40
I have read this book too and I like it .
I offer to read this book , it's very interesting and have a lot of useful ideas .
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: March 09 2013 at 06:09
I am about half way through. It's a bit of a chore. Cheesy most definitely, but I'll try to finish it. Fortunately I didn't buy it; just checked it out from the library.
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: March 09 2013 at 22:20
AtomicCrimsonRush wrote:
Whats so cheesy about it?
It's like an omelet filled with cheese and a grilled cheese sandwich .
------------- “War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart
Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: April 01 2013 at 15:44
I'm about half way through it myself, I went the library route as well.
I agree with what a lot of others have said, it's a decent book, not fantastic but an easy read. The Rush nuggets scattered throughout the book are kind of fun. I think I'm more amused that it even exists than by the actual quality of the literature.
------------- -------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------
I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: April 01 2013 at 22:03
I gave up half way through. The quotes of Rush lyrics from other albums seems beyond corny...
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: April 18 2013 at 22:12
Heres the book with all the pictures shown - a clip I made yesterday
music on this is from Gnomonaut too.
Posted By: sonali
Date Posted: May 09 2013 at 01:49
I have read this book too and I like it .Thanks for sharing.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Spam Hostel In Lucknow
Posted By: progbethyname
Date Posted: May 09 2013 at 21:18
Gotta love STEAMPUNK!! Such gothic, sci fi mastery. :)