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Promotion Ideas?

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
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Topic: Promotion Ideas?
Posted By: elektrykbestia
Subject: Promotion Ideas?
Date Posted: September 16 2012 at 17:15
We are a band located in USA. We just finished our newest music video and were just curious if anybody on this site has any tips on other ways to promote such a video? Thank you to anyone that may have any ideas at all. 

Best Regards
Elektryk Bestia  Wink


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 18 2012 at 11:40
You mention "other ways" without mentioning in this topic the ways you have already tried, or do you mean alternative to the norm ways?

Well, embedding said video in this topic after posting it on youtube would have helped to promote it.  Also, a hyperlink to it in your sig would help. 

Incidentally, regarding your signature, myspace isn't as popular as it once was, so I would look to linking to, say, bandcamp and other sites as well, and more people will check if the link is clickable rather than having to copy/paste.  (add url tags in your profile to the site address).

Youtube is a great way to promote yourself, and your videos, of course." rel="nofollow -

And of course you want to promote in lots of places in a  non-spammy way.  See this:" rel="nofollow -

I'm not in the music "biz", and I'm sure you will have googled strategies, but best of luck.

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