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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
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Topic: Cailyn LLoyd: Sub-genre?...Discuss!Posted By: yam yam
Subject: Cailyn LLoyd: Sub-genre?...Discuss!
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 07:40
I can find no reference in the forum anywhere for this very talented lady other than the question: Have you ever heard about this chick?" rel="nofollow - Cailyn , posted by Alexandre (desistindo) here:" rel="nofollow - about a month ago.
She is currently under evaluation in Crossover, but looks to be heading for the exits, which will be a crying shame, 'cos this is quite some lady:" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow - -> New
Now I don't know which albums the team are basing their evaluation on - 'cos Cailyn has actually made three so far...of quite differing styles too, which won't help at all in allocating her to a sub genre, but I really feel she needs to be listened to by those who frequent this site - members and non-members alike, so I'm going to take the liberty of 'suggesting' her here, even though she has already been added 'behind the scenes' to Crossover's taskload - probably as a direct consequence of desistindo's post in 'Just For Fun' forum (see above).
Bio from her myspace page:" rel="nofollow - (where you will find the nine tracks which made up her second release from May 2009, 'True Lies and Other Fairy Tales', which featured Dani Daly on vocals and Cailyn playing all instruments, and comprised four original songs and five covers of well-known rock classics).
"Cailyn Lloyd began playing the piano at age 6 and the violin at age 8. She picked up a guitar in her teens, playing in the progressive-rock scene in London, England, including a gig at the famed Marquee Club. After returning to the United States, Cailyn continued to study and perform on guitar, learned to play bass and drums, and then took time to raise a family.
Six years ago, Cailyn returned to music full time, touring first with the Alimony Blues Band as guitarist and then with noted power-rock band IX Lives on guitar, bass, and keyboards. Cailyn has since devoted most of her time to studio and session work but still performs regularly with the band Enigma. Cailyn is also studying music theory and composition with award-winning composer, Daniel Leo Simpson.
Cailyn owns a boutique recording studio where she produced her first release in 2008, a blues-classical crossover EP. The following year, Cailyn recorded and produced a proggy classic rock CD with Dani Daly, an award-winning Wisconsin rock vocalist. That release, True Lies and Other Fairy Tales received many rave reviews–most notably in Vintage Guitar Magazine. Her current release, Four Pieces, is a fusion of progressive rock and classical music, featuring three standards from the classical repertoire and one original composition, all performed on modern instruments."
Here is her personal website:" rel="nofollow -
Cailyn Lloyd: guitars, bass, piano, synths, drums. Recorded at Land of Oz Music. Recorded and produced by Cailyn Lloyd. Mixed at Rax Trax Recording, Chicago, IL by Rick Barnes and Cailyn Lloyd. Mastered at Gravity Mastering by Doug MacBride.
New World in Blue II (EP) Release Date July 30, 2009 New drum tracks, new vocals, remixed and remastered.
Track Listing: Little Wing Clouds New World in Blue For Elise
Cailyn Lloyd: guitars, bass, keyboards, drums, programming. Dani Daly: vocals on Little Wing and Cloud Additional recording and mixing at Land of Oz Music Remastered Melenium Mastering by Frank LoCicero, Cleveland, OH.
True Lies and Other Fairy Tales (CD) Release Date May 22, 2009
Track Listing: Heartland Still...You Turn Me On Lady Kicks Ax Portrait (He Knew) Heading West Dream On Wind Cries Mary Can't Find My Way Road Not Taken For Elise
Cailyn Lloyd: guitars, bass, keyboards, drums, programming. Dani Daly: vocals. Recorded and produced by Cailyn Lloyd at Land of Oz Music, Fond du Lac, WI Mastered by The SoundLab, Pennsauken, NJ
New World in Blue I (EP) Release Date April 30, 2008 Track Listing: Little Wing Clouds New World in Blue For Elise
Cailyn Lloyd: guitars, bass, keyboards, programming. Ric Prida: vocals on Little Wing. Kelly Rose: vocals on Clouds
Now her early material is probably of little interest to this site from a prog perspective (it is purely Hard/Classic Rock after all..but there are well-performed variations of some famous and much loved songs on these releases, and they are certainly something that many on here will enjoy listening to).
Her latest release 'Four Pieces' is a little different however:
This instrumental album contains - as the title suggests - four symphonic
pieces which include Ralph Vaughn William's "Fantasia", the second movement of
Antonín Dvorák's "New World Symphony" (better known as "Largo"), Samuel Barber's
"Adagio For Strings", and Cailyn's original composition "Nocturne".
This project was something she first dreamed up back in 2007, when she composed a blues variation of "Largo" for
her first CD "New World In Blue". But the technical aspects of producing a
sprawling multi-layered symphonic work ala Mike Oldfield proved a daunting task,
so she temporarily shelved the project, opting for the collaboration with Dani
Daly instead.
In 2010 she re-focused her attention to the symphonic project - determined to
see it through. And finally in 2012 after years of writing, recording, tweaking
and noodling, "Four Pieces" came to fruition, and the end result was well worth the effort imho, and something that Iván might well want to check out.
Listen to all three of Cailyn's releases in their entirety here:" rel="nofollow -
...and ENJOY!!!
Edit: Here's a sample of the lady's guitar playing to whet your appetite (a track from New World in Blue II):
Go get 'em, Tiger!!
Replies: Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 08:36
We were given a link to Lies And Other Fairy Tales.
While I found her covers of prog songs to be passable, but not spectacular, it was her original material that caused me to vote no.
------------- Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 08:39
If she's rejected from crossover, she has .0001% chance of passing in symphonic. If they are rejected, I'll tell the symph boys, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a swift rejection.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 08:43
Her third album 'Four Pieces' is the one that needs evaluating really:" rel="nofollow - - the others generally had little to do with prog really, but this latest release may fall under Symphonic's umbrella. I've pm'd Iván anyway to see what his thoughts are - he will probably respond here after he's listened to the album.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 09:12
yam yam wrote:
Her third album 'Four Pieces' is the one that needs evaluating really:" rel="nofollow - - the others generally had little to do with prog really, but this latest release may fall under Symphonic's umbrella. I've pm'd Iván anyway to see what his thoughts are - he will probably respond here after he's listened to the album.
Just heard the album, and yes, has A FEW Symphonic elements, but the use of distorted guitar with some "a la Gilmour" moments points them towards a genre that mixes styles and sounds like ECLECTIC or CROSSOVER.
Being that their music has a lot of mainstream Rock elements, the only possible place for her is CROSSOVER,. but I agree with the members of this team, her music is good, her covers are pretty decent, but ot Prog.
The only chance you have IMHO is Prog Related
Agree with them.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 09:27
As a note apart, her work on four pieces reminds me of WENDY CARLOS who played Clasical music with Moog (When She/he and Emerson got their first Moogs), but not Prog at all.
This is some sort of Blues/Rock adaptation to classical like Wendy or Vanessa Mae have done, only that basically with heavy guitar.
Please, not every adaptation of a classical piece is Symphonic, if you don't believe, remember Walter Murphy and his "A Beethoven Fifth" in Disco Music style.
Great work, Cailyn is an excellent guitarist, but not Prog, Sounds like Mark Knopfler playing Classical pieces
.....Again, maybe Prog Related.
Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: September 15 2012 at 10:13
A pretty fair assessment Iván - thanks!
I hope she manages to get recognised in Prog-Related, 'cos I can't see either Crossover or Eclectic accepting her really, and her work has some considerable merit despite the fairly limited prog aspects of the majority of it. Let's hope the rest of your team agree that it's worth making a case for her to the admins.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 17 2012 at 10:36
yam yam wrote:
A pretty fair assessment Iván - thanks!
I hope she manages to get recognised in Prog-Related, 'cos I can't see either Crossover or Eclectic accepting her really, and her work has some considerable merit despite the fairly limited prog aspects of the majority of it. Let's hope the rest of your team agree that it's worth making a case for her to the admins.
Sorry Yam Yam, another member of the Symphonic Team has voted (via PM, as we work), and his opinion is "Not Prog at all", I tend to agree with him....With two votes against, there's no chance Cailyn will be accepted in Symphonic.
I even doubt will be accepted in Prog Related, being that Chertarca was rejected.
Posted By: yam yam
Date Posted: September 20 2012 at 20:07
Never mind guys. Thanks for hearing her out. She's managed to find her way onto" rel="nofollow - , so at least I'm not the only person in the world that thinks this stuff has a just a hint of prog in it!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 09:47
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 10:33
Ian, you could always punt it across to eclectic for an eval. I for one would have no objection. Other than that, the only recourse is the friendly admin prog related route.
------------- Enhance your life. Get down to
Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: October 25 2012 at 18:45
Snow Dog wrote:
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
SD...Prog of some kind = Symphonic?
Two members of the Xover team have rejected her (not moved), please don't like to see the Symphonic team always as the bad guys rejecting an artist that should be here.
She has some Prog elements, but IMO and the opinion of the team (and apparently 2 Xover members), very few.
Posted By: docall27
Date Posted: January 02 2013 at 23:39
I am happy to respect the opinions of others when they backed with an explanation. Your reference - and I repeat "facile" comparison to Walter Murphy made no sense. It implied that this woman had somehow dumbed down these classical pieces and to my ears, that is not the case. That is an informed opinion. I can read music - these are fairly faithful rock renditions of the classical works. Walter Murphy did a cheesy rendition of Beethoven in disco style..
I see no explanation of why this isn't prog. It sounds like an edict from on high and rather skeptical of edits from on high. I mean no personal offense but simply declaring something isn't prog without an explanation smacks of elitism, ie we KNOW, accept it and shut up!
Aren't forums supposed to be about discussion of the details?
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 00:00
docall27 wrote:
I am happy to respect the opinions of others when they backed with an explanation. Your reference - and I repeat "facile" comparison to Walter Murphy made no sense. It implied that this woman had somehow dumbed down these classical pieces and to my ears, that is not the case. That is an informed opinion. I can read music - these are fairly faithful rock renditions of the classical works. Walter Murphy did a cheesy rendition of Beethoven in disco style..
1.- Most of us can read music, and played in bands, in my case in Pub and amateur bands, but studied piano for years with an aunt who also taught in the conservatory.
2.-Wendy or Walter Carlos is not Walter Murphy, I compared Cailyn with Carlos never with Murphy.If you don't understand what is a comparison and what is not, better learn before saying another person's opinion is sh*te, Wendy or Walter Carlos was a pioneer of Classical played with Moog, and one of the two persons that Robert Moog gave free instruiments to promote his invention, AND I COMPARED Lloyd WITH WENDY CARLOS
As a note apart, her work on four pieces reminds me of WENDY CARLOS who played Clasical music with Moog (When She/he and Emerson got their first Moogs), but not Prog at all
3.- I only mentioned Walter Murphy as an extreme case of a non Prog artist who played Pop with classical references, but never compared Walter Murphy with Cailyn, as a fact I left very clear he was a Disco artist.
Please, not every adaptation of a classical piece is Symphonic, if you don't believe, remember Walter Murphy and his "A Beethoven Fifth" in Disco Music style
If you don't understand the context of a phrase, then restrain until your reading comprehension is better
3.- As a fact I ended my post making complementary comments about her
Great work, Cailyn is an excellent guitarist, but not Prog, Sounds like Mark Knopfler playing Classical pieces,
docall27 wrote:
I see no explanation of why this isn't prog. It sounds like an edict from on high and rather skeptical of edits from on high. I mean no personal offense but simply declaring something isn't prog without an explanation smacks of elitism, ie we KNOW, accept it and shut up!
She plays Classical Music in Rock style, and covers don't make anybody a Prog musician, mainly because we focus in the composition rather than uin performance, there are millions of talented musicians who play great music, but don't fit in a Prog site
docall27 wrote:
Aren't forums supposed to be about discussion of the details?
Before criticizing read first and then discuss
I compared Cailyn's style with Wendy Carlos
I compared her guitar sound with Mark Knopfler
Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 01:46
I have removed some posts.
Can we please keep discussions respectful. You can disagree with a decision without behaving like a spoilt two year old. Docall27, I haven't seen a single cogent argument from you as to why this artist should be included that doesn't involve some kind of puerile name calling.
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 03:50
Ah but we've never seen anyone try the abuse and name calling approach to get an artist added before. Maybe it will work! This guy obviously knows far better than those who have been supporting the site for years. Surely we should change our whole attitude to the site in order to accommodate him.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 04:58
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
SD...Prog of some kind = Symphonic?
Two members of the Xover team have rejected her (not moved), please don't like to see the Symphonic team always as the bad guys rejecting an artist that should be here.
I haven't said any of this. You really must put your Paranoia under control ivan.
Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 08:31
Snow Dog wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
SD...Prog of some kind = Symphonic?
Two members of the Xover team have rejected her (not moved), please don't like to see the Symphonic team always as the bad guys rejecting an artist that should be here.
I haven't said any of this. You really must put your Paranoia under control ivan.
I agree with SD, Ivan. He is merely expressing his opinion, he did not suggest any of the things you allude to.
Everyone should be respectful of each others opinions in these kind of debates and not assume the intellectual high ground. Whilst the Genre Teams get the final say, they can be wrong and as long as it is done respectfully, dissent is perfectly natural. Ivan, merely questioning a decision is not disrespect, in fact you should actively encourage a "devil's advocate" position. Nobody has all the answers.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 09:07
Snow Dog wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
SD...Prog of some kind = Symphonic?
Two members of the Xover team have rejected her (not moved), please don't like to see the Symphonic team always as the bad guys rejecting an artist that should be here.
I haven't said any of this. You really must put your Paranoia under control ivan.
1.- I said this on October 25, almost three months ago...AND WE COME BACK HERE?
2.- I only said that Prog of some Kind is not necessarily Symphonic USING EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS YOU USED IN THIS POST:
3.- You know whY I said that; 3 months ago, you had participated in several threads criticizing us for rejecting SOME bands
Snow Dog wrote:
I also agree that she is prog of some kind. I thought symphonic but anywhere would be good.
I'm not insulting you, I'm not paranoid
You already knew in that moment that Crossover had rejected them as not Prog, and as usual you sent us the ball again
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 09:33
I have no idea what you are talking about. This is amazing. You are shouting and getting on your high horse about nothing. I have no agenda. i wasn't even addressing you. I don't care if she is Symphonic or not or what you and yor team does. It's too laughable your reaction here.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 09:56
Snow Dog wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about. This is amazing. You are shouting and getting on your high horse about nothing. I have no agenda. i wasn't even addressing you. I don't care if she is Symphonic or not or what you and yor team does. It's too laughable your reaction here.
Seriously, drop it.
Snow Dog
My post is three months old.
I have dropped it three months ago
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 10:46
It is precisely this kind of "argument" that led me (alongside a distinct lack of time) to step down as a collaborator, and the new artist thread is the best example of this.
As I said to the very understanding admin to whom I tendered my resignation, this kind of utterly needless arguing, shouting, and pedantry really was completely removing all enjoyment I had of the music and the site as a whole.
However (!) just for the record, it was not, from what I can see, Ian who resurrected this particular music lecture, it was a relatively new forum member. I wholeheartedly agree with Ian. Why do certain individuals always have to have the last word? Why do we need to carry on like this? Wouldn't a simple PM to the person posting his "dissent" been far better?
I was going to write a lot more. However, Can't Be Arsed comes to mind
------------- Enhance your life. Get down to
Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!
Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 10:51
I posted here my reason for my no vote. If someone wants to recommend her for Prog-Related, I have no objection. But unless her original work becomes more prog, my vote stands.
------------- Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 11:02
Evolver wrote:
I posted here my reason for my no vote. If someone wants to recommend her for Prog-Related, I have no objection. But unless her original work becomes more prog, my vote stands.
Yep, and perfectly reasonable reasons for your rejection were posted, in a very clear and polite fashion. In fact, I did later in the thread suggest that the poster went for prog related, given the feelings of teams on this artist. I never had a problem with the rejections, as such, although there is, of course, a valid argument that covers of prog songs can be a cogent reason for inclusion, given the plethora of prog covers albums we are seeing being released and included on the site.
Your post was not the problem, it is this constant bickering and, in my eyes, exceptionally unreasonable posts which have a large degree of SHOUTING in bold type.
Cue another complaint against me, I suppose, in a place I can't even view. Actually, I barely care anymore. It is my clear and unambiguous opinion that this behaviour is utterly unacceptable, and is a very great downside of an otherwise great site.
------------- Enhance your life. Get down to
Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 12:50
As I said. I am not trying to upset Ivan or his precious Symph team. I had heard Cailyn's new album and wanted to find out some info here. I was dismayed to find she wasn't on PA so I started this thread.
Not knowing she had already been suggested. A bad error but evidence that rthis has nothing to do with trying to nettle Ivan. I have clearly stated I didn't care which genre she went to.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 15:24
Snow Dog wrote:
As I said. I am not trying to upset Ivan or his precious Symph team. I had heard Cailyn's new album and wanted to find out some info here. I was dismayed to find she wasn't on PA so I started this thread.
Not knowing she had already been suggested. A bad error but evidence that rthis has nothing to do with trying to nettle Ivan. I have clearly stated I didn't care which genre she went to.
I can see the post was written almost three months ago, so would be puerile to protest now.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 16:19
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
As I said. I am not trying to upset Ivan or his precious Symph team. I had heard Cailyn's new album and wanted to find out some info here. I was dismayed to find she wasn't on PA so I started this thread.
Not knowing she had already been suggested. A bad error but evidence that rthis has nothing to do with trying to nettle Ivan. I have clearly stated I didn't care which genre she went to.
I can see the post was written almost three months ago, so would be puerile to protest now.
I don't understand your point. My thread was more than a month after this one.
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 18:22
Snow Dog wrote:
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
As I said. I am not trying to upset Ivan or his precious Symph team. I had heard Cailyn's new album and wanted to find out some info here. I was dismayed to find she wasn't on PA so I started this thread.
Not knowing she had already been suggested. A bad error but evidence that rthis has nothing to do with trying to nettle Ivan. I have clearly stated I didn't care which genre she went to.
I can see the post was written almost three months ago, so would be puerile to protest now.
I don't understand your point. My thread was more than a month after this one.
I think you need some clarification, because you are particularly confused today:
1.- My post you protested about is this one
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
SD...Prog of some kind = Symphonic?
Two members of the Xover team have rejected her (not moved), please don't like to see the Symphonic team always as the bad guys rejecting an artist that should be here.
She has some Prog elements, but IMO and the opinion of the team (and apparently 2 Xover members), very few.
I believe you never saw the date
2.- You wrote today
Snow Dog wrote:
As I said. I am not trying to upset Ivan or his precious Symph team. I had heard Cailyn's new album and wanted to find out some info here. I was dismayed to find she wasn't on PA so I started this thread.
Not knowing she had already been suggested. A bad error but evidence that rthis has nothing to do with trying to nettle Ivan. I have clearly stated I didn't care which genre she went to.
I hope you follow me
3.- On this post
Ivan wrote:
I can see the post was written almost three months ago, so would be puerile to protest now.
I don't know why you started all this problem protesting about a post I wrote 3 months ago.
Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 18:30
Ok, now you guys are arguing about the dates of when you are arguing? Come on.
First it was comments on the eval process, then it was backwards constructive argument, now this is just futile. Let's move on.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 18:35
Andy Webb wrote:
Ok, now you guys are arguing about the dates of when you are arguing? Come on.
First it was comments on the eval process, then it was backwards constructive argument, now this is just futile. Let's move on.
Andy I think Snow Dog saw today a post written by me three months ago and thought I wrote it today.
That's why all this nonsense started, and a third person that doesn't have any business here (Lazland) came to make it worst.
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 18:53
Enough. Move on.
------------- What?
Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 18:53
Dean wrote:
Enough. Move on.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Smurph
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 19:03
Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 19:05
I wudltn'midn a delicous chickenifyou kwnowath im ena :P
Posted By: docall27
Date Posted: January 03 2013 at 23:45
Okay, I'm the person who caused most of the trouble apologies. My approach was not helpful.
Let's try this: Some in the above thread suggested this artist might be listed as "Prog related". Can I request that she be considered in this light?
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 04 2013 at 04:19
Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:
Andy Webb wrote:
Ok, now you guys are arguing about the dates of when you are arguing? Come on.
First it was comments on the eval process, then it was backwards constructive argument, now this is just futile. Let's move on.
Andy I think Snow Dog saw today a post written by me three months ago and thought I wrote it today.
That's why all this nonsense started, and a third person that doesn't have any business here (Lazland) came to make it worst.
Last word.
Ivan I don't care about the date. I didn't see it before but does that mean I am not allowed to answer your base accusations to me? If I find something posted 2 years ago that I need to defend I will. So stick that in your pipe.
(BTW I didn't notice the date but it is completely irrelevent)