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Band in York PA

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Welcome artists
Forum Description: Introduce yourself and tell us about you and your music
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 13:09
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Topic: Band in York PA
Posted By: RoughDraftCentral
Subject: Band in York PA
Date Posted: May 24 2012 at 17:40
Hi we are a group of guys in York PA (ages between 16-23)  We have a punk/alt./pop style band.  We will be looking for exposure/gigs in the future.  Please check us out and let us know your thoughts.  Some of our instrumentals are original and some are re-created instrumentals of other popular bands (like Third Eye Blind, Incubus, etc..)  We are not selling any music so were not intending to violate any copyright laws or anything of the nature, just looking to get our work out there and when we have the neccessary funding/elements to progress, we will be doing 100% original work and copyrighting it.  For now you get what you see, just a band from York PA with a lot of talent and potential hoping to put it all together in the coming months.  We dont even have a name yet, so as you can tell this is all still in the baby step stages.  Please let us know your thoughts, all feedback is welcome, thnks!!" rel="nofollow -
we are also in need of a lead guitarist so if you're near the York PA area, and have the neccessary skill and drive please contact us ASAP. Thanks again!!

Posted By: RoughDraftCentral
Date Posted: May 28 2012 at 16:39
Song "Take a Hint" has risen to #17 in the soundclick charts today.  Please check it oout and give us a good rating to keep it on the rise." rel="nofollow -
Thnx for the support!!!

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