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Anathema top songs

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Topic: Anathema top songs
Posted By: PyramidMeetsTheEye
Subject: Anathema top songs
Date Posted: May 22 2012 at 12:59

1.Lost Control
6.Lightning song
7.A simple mistake
8.Forgotten Hope

What are your top 10 songs from anathema

Anyone else listen to them on a stormy day or on a sad one? And why


Posted By: snowsnow
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 07:31
I've only got 3 of their albums - but enough to make a decent top 10 of this talented band:
1) Thin air
2) Everything
3) Barriers
4) Lightning song
5) Release
6) Untouchable (1&2)
7) Get off get out
8) Universal
9) The storm before the calm
10) Pressure

Posted By: JS19
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 12:29
1) Internal Landscapes
2) Dreaming Light
3) Hindsight
4) Temporary Peace
5) Thin Air
6) Closer
7) A Fine Day To Exit
8) One Last Goodbye
9) Sunlight
10) Fragile Dreams

This.... was tough to do. I love them so much


Posted By: Hnrz
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 07:55
1) Thin Air
2) Universal
3) Lost Control
4) A Natural Disaster
5) Pressure
6) Pulled under at 2000 meters a second
7) Flying
8) Forgotten Hopes
9) The Beginning and the end
10) Eternity part 1 (For some reason)

Posted By: Hnrz
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 08:48
Am I the only one who thinks A Natural Disaster is by far the best of  Anathema's albums? or that prefers that era ( A Fine Day to Exit, A Natural Disaster, and Hindsight) to the present output?

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 10:25
Don't care for anything from them after 96 all early stuff here.

And I Lust
Memento Mori
We, The Gods
Restless Oblivion
Shroud of Frost
Cerulean Twilight
The Silent Enigma
A Dying Wish
Far Away

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 10:45
Sensational, Sleeper, I was just about to butt in with a `I hope the early doomy metal days of the band are not overlooked and dismissed here'!

Beautiful, sad and darkly romantic music with thoughtful and vivid lyrics.

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 14:59
^I think that covers The Silent Enigma brilliantly, I love that album, one of the best of the 90's.

Sadly I've never been able to get into Alternative 4 at all, and though Judgement isn't bad, I don't actually remember anything specifically about it. After that they dropped the metal side of their music and I lost all interest.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 15:16
I hate to repeat myself but nothing after 2000 was ever the same (Andy knows I am a bit more lenient....)

let's see

Restless Oblivion
The Silent Enigma
A Dying Wish
Sentient (you said songs but hey)
Eternity Part I
Inner Silence
Forgotten Hopes

Posted By: The Bearded Bard
Date Posted: September 29 2013 at 16:56
Originally posted by Hnrz Hnrz wrote:

Am I the only one who thinks A Natural Disaster is by far the best of  Anathema's albums? or that prefers that era ( A Fine Day to Exit, A Natural Disaster, and Hindsight) to the present output?
A Natural Disaster's my favourite album of theirs! A Fine Day to Exit's nice too. Haven't heard Hindsight.


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 30 2013 at 01:29
I'm still relatively new to Anathema and have the last 5 albums and the recent DVD 'Universal' which I played a couple of times over the weekend. So my selection is heavily influenced by that.

A Natural Disaster
The Storm Before The Calm
Fragile Dreams
Untouchable Part 2
Emotional Winter/Wings Of God

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 01 2013 at 01:51
This thread inspired me to listen to Judgement and A Natural Disaster last night. Both are great. Judgement is I assume the end of the old style Anathema , sort of commercial style metal . Really tight album and excellent songs. A Natural Disaster is much more interesting and so diverse. Could be their best album as mentioned earlier in the thread.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 03 2013 at 01:59
Didn't realise until I checked that Judgement was recorded as far back as 1999 and that there was a 6 year gap between A Natural Disaster (2004) and Were Here Because Were Here (2010). I guess must have been for personal reasons/becoming disullusioned perhaps?. Glad they came back 'reborn' as it were. Great band. Hope this thread can keep going. Were are the fans? This is a great band believe me.

Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: October 03 2013 at 02:24
^I'd have called Alternative 4 and Judgement (maybe even Eternity) their transitional albums, changing from being pioneers of the death/doom metal genre to what they've been since 2000.

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 04 2013 at 01:09
I wonder where they go from here. Weather Systems seems like the end of a journey or will they continue further along this path.

Posted By: LakeGlade12
Date Posted: February 01 2014 at 09:12
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

I wonder where they go from here. Weather Systems seems like the end of a journey or will they continue further along this path.

Yeah there has been a natural progression that started with Eternity and finished with Weather Systems. Not only has the music changed from Doom Metal to a more beautiful and ethereal sound, but the mind-set of the band have also radically altered. Just compare something like Shroud of Frost with Dreaming Light or Internal Landscapes . They have gone from suicidal to spiritual.

Where do they go next? Well they might follow Alcest and become even happier and life-affirming. Or they may stop progressing and stay in the same zone as their last 2 albums (with maybe a bit of a natural disaster for the sake of variation). I doubt they will regress back to the dark old days.

Oh, and here are my top 10 songs:

1. A Simple Mistake
2. One Last Goodbye
3. Temporary Peace (the first 6 min)
4. The Lost Child
5. Dreaming Light
6. Hindsight
7. Re-Connect
8. Inner Silence
9. A Natural Disaster
10.Are You There?

A good mix from all of their albums post Eternity.

Posted By: Soben
Date Posted: February 16 2014 at 16:22
Was a very hard job to rank all these great songs of my favorite band. But here's the top 20 list:
  1. Regret   [Alternative 4]
  2. The Lost Child   [Weather Systems]
  3. Lost Control   [Alternative 4]
  4. Shroud of False   [Alternative 4]
  5. Anyone, Anywhere   [Judgement]
  6. The Storm Before The Calm (second part)   [Weather Systems]
  7. Alternative 4   [Alternative 4]
  8. The Begining and the End   [Weather Systems]
  9. Santient   [Eternity]
  10. Eternity Part II   [Eternity]
  11. Suicide Veil   [Eternity]
  12. Universal   [We're Here Because We're Here]
  13. A Simple Mistake   [We're Here Because We're Here]
  14. Angelica  [Eternity]
  15. Fragile Dreams   [Alternative 4]
  16. Flying   [A Natural Disaster]
  17. Panic   [A Fine Day To Exit]
  18. Pressure   [A Fine Day to Exit]
  19. One Last Goodbye   [Judgement]
  20. Emotional Winter   [Judgement]

"Alternative 4" is by far their best album IMO.

Posted By: Raccoon
Date Posted: June 02 2014 at 02:27
I'm surprised Universal isn't in more Top 10's. Has the best orchestral build-up and BEST piano section (thank you, Daniel Cavanagh!). I've yet to hear Distant Satellites, but I'm mucho excited... When I first tried Anathema, I started with Weather Systems, which was a huge mistake. I found the sound 'prissy' (believe it or not), and the whole sound was too soft for my liking. After starting in Alternative 4 and followed their progression of sound, I admired them. Now they remain as one of my favorite current bands (right under Devin Townsend and Steven Wilson)!

1. Universal (We're Here Because We're Here)
2. The Storm Before the Calm (Weather Systems) (LOVE that chorus "It's getting colder, I'm getting colder!" 
3. Wings of God (Judgement) 
4. Don't Look Too Far (Judgement) 
5. The Lost Child (Weather Systems) 
6. Hindsight (We're Here Because We're Here)
7. J'ai Fait (Falling Deeper) 
8. A Simple Mistake (We're Here Because We're Here) 
9. 2000 & Gone (Judgement) 
10. Pressure (A Fine Day to Exit) 

Posted By: Juan K
Date Posted: November 04 2017 at 12:35
I am a fan since a friend gave me a copy of A Natural Disaster, think it was in 2001, and I have been following them since.

My list goes like this (some songs could go up or down depending on atmospheric pressure, hehe):

1. Flying
2. Untouchable parts I & II (for me it's the same song, or the second part is the coda of 1st)
3. A Natural Disaster
4. The Lightning Song
5. A Simple Mistake
6. Ariel
7. Thin Air
8. Dreaming Light
9. Release
10. Pressure

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: November 04 2017 at 22:25
I'm going to buck the trend here: When I returned to prog music awareness in 2008 I purchased a few of Anathema's early albums (based on PA recommendations) but was mainly unimpressed. It wasn't until the new more orchestral, synth-backed stylings came forward did I fall in love with them. Even still, I went back (and still do several times a year) to listen to the old stuff. Same reaction. The stuff from the teens is by far my favorite (many of you have probably seen my high, high rating and review of Falling Deeper, an album of pure genius, in my humble opinion.)

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1. "Sunset of Age" - 2011

2. "Endless Ways" - 2017

3. "J’ai fait une promesse" - 2011

4. "We, The Gods" - 2011

5. "Thin Air" - 2010

6. "Release" - 2001

7. "Internal Landscapes" - 2012

8. "Flying" - 2003

9. "Everything" - 2010

10. "The Gathering of Clouds" - 2012

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: November 09 2017 at 13:47
Dreaming Light - I never tire of hearing it - the build-up and climax is superb. There are many of great songs after that, but none touch it for me.

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

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