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New weird Denmark

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Category: Other music related lounges
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Topic: New weird Denmark
Posted By: Paravion
Subject: New weird Denmark
Date Posted: May 14 2012 at 10:26
Some very interesting experimental lo-fi/diy recordings from Denmark. Free and legal.

Quote The new weird denmark blog is a continuation of the old Plane crash in boxes label, hence the name. It is a growing archive for a growing kind of music. Pcib does not showcase any specific 'scene', nor is the intention to create one, or to pretend, there is one at all. The focus is not on particularly 'Danish' music, but rather on music in Denmark. More specifically, the music is by the given writer believed to be of somewhat avangardistic nature, or at least casting new light on contemporary musical tendencies. This statement might change (slightly).

I'm particularily fascinated by Shiggajon. You shoud try out "strenge" (strings) og "fire sange i gul og rød"  (four songs in yellow and red)

Plenty of great sounds to explore - if you take the time to do so, please share your thoughts.

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