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Brazilian prog rock

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
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Topic: Brazilian prog rock
Posted By: claudss
Subject: Brazilian prog rock
Date Posted: July 13 2005 at 22:35

For those who want to listen some good prog rock songs from Brasil, mostly instrumental, i recommend strongly:

As Quatro Estações de Vega - 14 Bis (Album: A Idade da Luz)

Espelho das Águas - 14 Bis (Album: Espelho das Águas)

14 Bis (Instrumental I e II) - 14 Bis (Album: 14 Bis II)

Blue - 14 Bis (Abum: 14 Bis I)

and, more:

All the songs of Bacamarte´s "Depois do Fim" album.

You will discover too a lot of beautiful prog songs of "O Terço" and "Sagrado Coração da Terra" albums.

Listen and be happy

Posted By: progreviews
Date Posted: July 13 2005 at 23:43
Just one recommendation from me:

Quaterna Requiem - Velha Gravura

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful violin-led symphonic prog from the early 90s. First track is very Camel-esque, but then it gets its own flavor. "Madrugada" is one of the most purely gorgeous songs I've heard out of South America.


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