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Djamra in Nakatsu Vi-Code 29.01.2012

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Topic: Djamra in Nakatsu Vi-Code 29.01.2012
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Subject: Djamra in Nakatsu Vi-Code 29.01.2012
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 01:43
January 29, 2011 ... just in cold winter. After my Sunday duty, I hurried into Shinkansen Express for Osaka. DJAMRA announced that they would appear on stage in Nakatsu Vi-Code about 8:30PM ... I was afraid I could get to Vi-Code ahead of the time or not, but no problem actually. (Arrived one hour before LOL. :P)

Upon 8:40PM, DJAMRA an Osakan cool progressive rock project, landed upon stage ... for them, that was the first (official) gig since they got to be a quintet (without a guitarist) and I was afraid they would feel nervous for this issue and, simultaneously for playing their newest song, but no problem too. They could play with feeling relaxed and smiling sweetly.

The combination of Sayaka and Shinji has got to be a very familiar sight now ...

Sayaka KAWADA (trumpet) and Shinji KITAMURA (alto saxophone)

His funny, funky talk has already been familiar of course.

Masaharu NAKAKITA (bass) ... talking optimistically.

Oh pretty intriguing play!

Their strict, aggressive play can be based upon the rhythm section, by Akihiro and Masaharu.

Akihiro ENOMOTO (drums, percussion)

And I’ve found that this cool man showed the most hearty appearance on the stage, especially on "Sayaka’s trumpet solo" (really).

Takehiro FUKUDA (keyboards)

They launched firstly 3 pieces as follows;
1. Komurakaeri
2. Kamihitoe
3. Club / Crab
Let me say the third song ... Masaharu played sensually (like a barmaid in loose tights), followed by loud / aggressive plays like a great fuss in a cabaret, and all of them shot scrap noises / sounds as if lots of crabs walk upon a seashore.

At last their mysterious new song titled "Own Goal" had taken a veil off!

Please imagine watching a football game ... attacking with each other, and just when the ball is shot off toward a defender, he fails in clearing the ball ... that is squeezed into the goal of his team ... he gets shocked into death ...

He (Shinji) gets shocked into death in front of Takehiro playing tragically.

I’ve felt much humour in this song ... oh, beautiful self-sacrifice, always appreciated in Japan (However, Takehiro was smiling during this song somewhat hahhaha).

In the latter part, they played this song and 2 more.

4. Own Goal
5. Dictator
6. Zetsuen Doon

Quite an incredibly fascinating gig by DJAMRA, with a new song about SELF-SACRIFICE.

Thank you for reading my report about DJAMRA in Nakatsu Vi-Code. ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

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Posted By: Rivertree
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 11:13
amazing experience, I guess Headbanger

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Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 17:07
Yeah thanks Uwe. A conversation with them (and a bottoms-up) is also enjoyable. Beer

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