Prog albums you hate
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Topic: Prog albums you hate
Posted By: geneyesontle
Subject: Prog albums you hate
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 19:33
Is there any prog rock albums that you hate. And, instead of listening them for the second time, you want to get them off of your music library.
Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 19:48
-------------" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 19:49
Interesting question, none. Even if they don't click with me on first listen I still stay open to the possibility that they might for me work someday.
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 20:08
Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 20:31
Anything made after 1980.
Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 20:38
Like Slartibartfast, I will normally say that I will always be open to hearing something again that I did not like on first listen, but there are a few that I disliked so much on that first listen that I have virtually no incentive to listen to them again: We're Only in it for the Money by FZ and the Mothers: I have posted a review on this so my views are there for all to see. Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart: My views on this are similar to the above. Both of these are highly regarded by many people. My reaction is purely my own, based on my own biases and tastes, and are in no way a reflection on the quality of the artists concerned. In fact, I respect both Uncle Frank and the Captain as musicians a great deal and have some Zappa I really enjoy. These albums just rub me the wrong way. Also, lest you think I generally despise their genre, note that I really like The Residents, who are in some ways even further out there.
------------- The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 20:43
Moved into "Just For Fun".
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Posted By: PabstRibbon
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 20:45
I bought Traumhaus self titled album at a very low price and after the first song I just stopped my cd player. It's been 4 years since that day and I don't want to return to it haha. So I think that the answer of your question is Yes but it's the only one I remember
Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 21:17
Padraic wrote:
Anything made after 1980. |
PA must be purged of the post-89 hacks.
Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 21:49
Posted By: MillsLayne
Date Posted: January 16 2012 at 21:49
Slartibartfast wrote:
Interesting question, none. Even if they don't click with me on first listen I still stay open to the possibility that they might for me work someday.
Exactly the same for me. Although, Osada Vida's first album in particular stands out as one that I don't understand how it got a lot of the high praise that it got. Not terrible, but not very good IMO.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 08:01
Padraic wrote:
Anything made after 1980. |
Say no to post-1979 hack?
Alas, the Good Ol' Days with Walter could never recreated.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 08:06
I just hate all prog. Give me British Punk of the late seventies any day.
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Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 09:10
Close to the Edge

Posted By: geneyesontle
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 16:50
I actually started listening to the residents. I have Duck Stab on my music library and that's a weird album. I don't say that I hate this album but that's not for casual listeners.
------------- Poseidon wants to Acquire the Taste of the Fragile Lamb
- Derek Adrian Gabriel Anderson, singer of the band Geneyesontle
Posted By: Failcore
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 16:52
Anything past the 1790s. Prog went down hill after Mozart died.
Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 17:09
Mozart? Real music aficionados know that good music died with Bach.
*ahem* ignore my sig XD
Posted By: JS19
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 17:14
TheGazzardian wrote:
Mozart? Real music aficionados know that good music died with Bach.
*ahem* ignore my sig XD |
I just hate all music. Why do I even visit this website?
Posted By: progprogprog
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 17:14
Deathrabbit wrote:
Anything past the 1790s. Prog went down hill after Mozart died.
Posted By: progprogprog
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 17:28
I'm very careful with adding albums to my prog collection, I really research about every album.I don't say I have no prog craps, yes there are. To be honest when I hear a prog album for the first time and not liking it, mostly I tend to blame myself than the band.May be it comes from my experience with VDGG, at first I didn't like them but now they are on my top can't predict yourself.
Posted By: KingCrInuYasha
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 20:04
Padraic wrote:
Anything made after 1980. |
What about the stuff King Crimson and Rush did during the first half of the 1980s?
Oh wait, this is stuff we don't like. I'm not too fond of Magician's Birthday by Uriah Heep. A step down from the previous two albums, with the title track being on the cheesiest pieces ever to emerge from the genre.
------------- He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!
Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: January 17 2012 at 22:02
yeah, sometimes,you can't predict yourself Decades ago, when i first heard Triumvirat's two last "pop drivel stinker" albums A La Carte and Russian Roulette, i never thought i would ever bother with them ever again, but in the last couple of years, on returning to them recently, i have developed an affinity for them, and actually do like both albums.
Posted By: Planet Gong!?!?!
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 00:11
There are quite a few I dislike However, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I do very much enjoy Close to the Edge and Fragile though.
------------- He turned into a hoover!
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 00:27
Grace Under Pressure, and Catfish Rising annoys me
Posted By: cannon
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 00:51
Seven - Magenta and The Visitor - Arena.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 01:33
cannon wrote:
Seven - Magenta and The Visitor - Arena. |
I think I hate you
Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 01:51
------------- There be dragons
Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 04:21
^This is an opinion I can share.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 04:28
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog!
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 04:34
richardh wrote:
cannon wrote:
Seven - Magenta and The Visitor - Arena. |
I think I hate you |
I concur
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: progprogprog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 07:42
richardh wrote:
cannon wrote:
Seven - Magenta and The Visitor - Arena. |
I think I hate you |
Hate me too! 
Posted By: HarbouringTheSoul
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 10:18
Dream Theater is just about the only prog band I really hate. It's probably because they have the resources to make excellent music, but then proceed to do everything they can to make me hate their songwriting.
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 12:28
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog! |
I think it is a magnificent album.
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Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:13
Deathrabbit wrote:
Anything past the 1790s. Prog went down hill after Mozart died. |
Thanks ... I love that ... but you do know that history is not exactly a strong point here, right?
The answer to the above question is NO, btw ... the only music that I have never loved yet, is the music I have not heard yet! The only music I don't like? ... the one you haven't played yet!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:22
...yes......very deep......profound that is.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:24
HarbouringTheSoul wrote:
Dream Theater is just about the only prog band I really hate. It's probably because they have the resources to make excellent music, but then proceed to do everything they can to make me hate their songwriting.
If you can sit through a few minutes of their album with that huge orchestra, you will find that .. if anything ... there is some serious musicianship here ... and while it might not be the best prog, or could be over rated ... it takes a very special musician to do that and have the courage to do a lot more than just a very simple rock music ... and as such it deserves the accolade as serious music -- or at least in my book ... very progressive, since most rock bands are just an idea.
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:26
Snow Dog wrote:
...yes......very deep......profound that is. |
Can't get no respect! ... and he was born with the same birthday as I, too!
Btw ... I noticed Sheet Music listed in your list ... and that is one of my all time favorite albums ... but don't forget to play ... ohhh donna ... from the previous album next to it! ... and if you want to have fun play Neil Sedaka, and Hotlegs and then Ramases ... because you already know who the musicians are!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:30
moshkito wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
...yes......very deep......profound that is. |
Can't get no respect! ... and he was born with the same birthday as I, too! |
Who was?
Posted By: HarbouringTheSoul
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 13:44
moshkito wrote:
HarbouringTheSoul wrote:
Dream Theater is just about the only prog band I really hate. It's probably because they have the resources to make excellent music, but then proceed to do everything they can to make me hate their songwriting.
If you can sit through a few minutes of their album with that huge orchestra, you will find that .. if anything ... there is some serious musicianship here ... and while it might not be the best prog, or could be over rated ... it takes a very special musician to do that and have the courage to do a lot more than just a very simple rock music ... and as such it deserves the accolade as serious music -- or at least in my book ... very progressive, since most rock bands are just an idea. |
Oh, they have musicianship all right. Lots of it. And I acknowledge that they are progressive and serious. I just can't stand most of their songs is all.
Posted By: AlexDOM
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 15:18
I hate Dark Side of The Moon! Noooooooooooooooo.. totally kidding, I love that masterpiece..
Posted By: progprogprog
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 16:14
But not agree with the whole thread topic. I think with this topic we're not gonna make good and helpful debates here.just saying
Peace OP 
Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 18:20
I wouldn't say hate but peacefully dislike a lot of it. Genesis and Yes I can't relate to. Bands like King Crimson I can no longer listen to except for once a year. Enjoy Univers Zero, Art Zoyd, U Totem, the island period of Jade Warrior. Always liked the underground prog scene in Europe from the 70's through the 80's. Anything from National Health and Hatfield and the North to Edhels in the 80's. Solaris, Pulsar, and Halloween were okay. I still like Frank Zappa and dislike U.K, Starcastle, Kansas. I hated that period. I disliked it and had no interest in it. I thought it was cheap when compared to what came before although now I dislike that as well.
Posted By: centum
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 18:36
Tool makes some of the most boring music in the world
Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 18:37
is moshy trippin'?
centum wrote:
Tool makes some of the most boring music in the world
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 20:10
Triceratopsoil wrote:
is moshy trippin'?
centum wrote:
Tool makes some of the most boring music in the world
-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp
Posted By: MillsLayne
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 20:59
centum wrote:
Tool makes some of the most boring music in the world
I could honestly say the same thing about King Crimson, now that I think about it.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: dreadpirateroberts
Date Posted: January 18 2012 at 23:22
Tapfret wrote:
Triceratopsoil wrote:
is moshy trippin'?
centum wrote:
Tool makes some of the most boring music in the world
I concur.
------------- We are men of action. Lies do not become us." rel="nofollow - JazzMusicArchives.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 00:31
I certainly wouldn't call Tool boring, repetitive sometimes but not boring
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 01:06
I know this is the JFF section but why get whole bands in here? I don't hate any band but there are plenty of albums I wouldn't want to listen to ever again. Timeline, Big Generator and not prog (as if..) but Born Again too.
Posted By: BarryGlibb
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 01:37
Atavachron wrote:
Grace Under Pressure, and Catfish Rising annoys me
Catfish Rising is an average 90s rock/blues-ish tinged album. I wouldn't deem it prog, other than Tull being slotted in the prog genre.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 01:58
rogerthat wrote:
I know this is the JFF section but why get whole bands in here? I don't hate any band but there are plenty of albums I wouldn't want to listen to ever again. Timeline, Big Generator and not prog (as if..) but Born Again too.
I find Prog in Big Generator...what is it if not? (Please don't give the tired answer "pop")
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: MortalScum
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 02:00
I've tried to listened to Dream Theater's "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" on a few occasions. I can't make it through the first disc.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 02:03
^If you don't like disc 1 you should try disc 2. It is totally different.
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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 02:53
BarryGlibb wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
Grace Under Pressure, and Catfish Rising
annoys me | Catfish Rising is an average 90s rock/blues-ish tinged
album. I wouldn't deem it prog, other than Tull being slotted in the
prog genre. | yeah well maybe that's why it kinda stinks
Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 03:24
A few i dislike enough to not listen again, a lot i dont actualy like, but no need to mention.
------------- Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours
Posted By: dreadpirateroberts
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 03:37
Atavachron wrote:
I certainly wouldn't call Tool boring, repetitive sometimes but not boring
I have to say I find them very dull a lot of the time, though they have some killer songs across their total output and Lateralus I reckon had a great first three-quarters before it trails off for me. 'Repetitive' is a good description too - which is probably what I find boring about them.
------------- We are men of action. Lies do not become us." rel="nofollow - JazzMusicArchives.
Posted By: Planet Gong!?!?!
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 03:47
lazland wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog! |
I think it is a magnificent album. |
Too electronic for my tastes.
Another one I would have to mention would be Jeff Beck's flash. Really disappointing for me. I've loved everything else he has done. (especially the new album)
------------- He turned into a hoover!
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 04:14
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
lazland wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog! |
I think it is a magnificent album. |
Too electronic for my tastes.
It isn't electronic at all!! 
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: JS19
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 04:48
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
lazland wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog! |
I think it is a magnificent album. |
Too electronic for my tastes.
It isn't electronic at all!!  |
When will you learn? People here don't actually know what they're talking about.... 
Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 07:53
Snow Dog wrote:
rogerthat wrote:
I know this is the JFF section but why get whole bands in here? I don't hate any band but there are plenty of albums I wouldn't want to listen to ever again. Timeline, Big Generator and not prog (as if..) but Born Again too. |
I find Prog in Big Generator...what is it if not? (Please don't give the tired answer "pop") |
I don't believe it is totally "Pop" with it's odd time signatures. I remember when it was released and some folks had the reaction of "well, this guy Trevor Rabin is replacing Steve Howe" and then it was just downhill from there. The younger generation of YES fans heard Big Generator before The Yes Album and tried telling everyone around them how great it was while the YES fans from the 70's thought "Yeah, and my mother is a werewolf". It's the seperation of generations again. Like at the Genesis concerts when the band begins to play their 80's material. The 70's crowd take a walk outside of the concert hall to smoke cigars. It's all retarded and many times debates over albums like this stem from that.
Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 15:12
It's hard to think of albums I hate, because I usually go to my iPod to trigger my memory, and if I hate it, it probably ain't in there.
------------- My other avatar is a Porsche
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.
-Kehlog Albran
Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 15:16
I'm with Moshkito in this thread.
And I'm not joking.
Posted By: Planet Gong!?!?!
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 18:07
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
lazland wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Planet Gong!?!?! wrote:
There are quite a few I dislikeHowever, there is one that takes the cake. I'm talking about Yes - 90125  Horrible, bad 80s music in my opinion.
I love 90125. But least you admit it's prog! |
I think it is a magnificent album. |
Too electronic for my tastes.
It isn't electronic at all!!  |
I guess electronic isn't the best word for what i'm trying to say. I just don't enjoy the tone of the instruments. Drums are too boxy, guitars too cheesy (there's the word!) and all the songs seems like they are supposed to be singles. Just my opinion, it's not that it's a horribly made album. I just can't enjoy music that sounds like 80s pop.
------------- He turned into a hoover!
Posted By: prog4evr
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 23:46
TORMATO! Can't believe that album came after the great Yes album, Going For The One...
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 19 2012 at 23:52
Tormato's a pretty good pop record
Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 01:39
Atavachron wrote:
Tormato's a pretty good pop record
Yes, I think so too. Nice pop songs.
Posted By: SpaceMonkey
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 06:15
I don't want to say that I hate any particular album. If anything, I'm not ready for it yet.
Posted By: The_Jester
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 16:37
Tarkus except when Greg Lake sings. There's a lot more I don't enjoy but it's the first one that comes to my head.
------------- La victoire est éphémère mais la gloire est éternelle!
- Napoléon Bonaparte
Posted By: Starhammer
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 16:48
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 16:57
^ good call
..and Tarkus ? For shame.
Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 17:22
For me it has to be anything by Frank Zappa, not that I 100% consider what he does prog. I have tried.......I only own Ship Arriving...blah, blah. And yes ONLY because of "Valley Girl"......although I can play both sides of that album and not feel like laughing.
Posted By: The_Jester
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 19:55
I don't like Dream Theater in general too.
------------- La victoire est éphémère mais la gloire est éternelle!
- Napoléon Bonaparte
Posted By: geneyesontle
Date Posted: January 21 2012 at 13:47
Me too. I think it's not the way that they should write songs. But I disagree with tarkus. I think that the title track is amazing. But I agree that they're some songs on this record that are not good
Posted By: FlemmingV
Date Posted: January 23 2012 at 05:45
Hm.. I woudn't say i directly hate them, but I *really* don't get VDGG. Like with many other prog bands I read a lot of reviews here on PA and decided to hear VDGG. I borrowed Pawn Hearts, a highly ranked album, but I really don't like it, even after having listened to it many times. Then I borrowed Godbluff, another high ranked album, but I found it it was only slightly better. I won't purchace any VDGG album, I guess. Maybe it's PH's voice, the organ, the american-psychedelic sound Regards FlemmingV
Posted By: The_Jester
Date Posted: January 23 2012 at 19:31
I don't like most of modern prog too. I think Grace for the Drowning is really dull and repetitive but there's some good parts in it.
------------- La victoire est éphémère mais la gloire est éternelle!
- Napoléon Bonaparte
Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: January 23 2012 at 21:32
There were two such instances in my life.
First was Pain of Salvation's Scarsick. I was a huge fan of the band at the time this atrocity was released, so I anticipated it in excitement and bought it on the day it came out. Since I love the band I actually gave it 5 or 6 listens, then threw it in the recycling bin and stopped caring about their future releases.
The second was Beware of Darkness by Spock's Beard. I was all excited when I found a brand-new shrinkwrapped copy in a thrift store. Big mistake. On the bright side, it's the only album I ever made a profit on (Bought for a dollar, sold for 3. Good riddance.)
-------------" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: aphelorah
Date Posted: January 27 2012 at 12:02
There is probably a lot of progressive music that I wouldn't like, but I find that I am most disappointed when bands that I like release albums I can't stand (and I buy them without listening first). So, in that regard, two of my least favorite albums would be Dream Theater's Train of Thought and Evergrey's Inner Circle.
Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: January 29 2012 at 04:26
An album that really made me vomit was Transatlantic's The Whirlwind. Possibly the most masturbatory album of all time.
Posted By: frippism
Date Posted: January 29 2012 at 07:01
Textbook wrote:
An album that really made me vomit was Transatlantic's The Whirlwind. Possibly the most masturbatory album of all time. |
thank youuuuuuuuuuuu someone understands!!
------------- There be dragons
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 29 2012 at 07:22
What compelled any of you guys to try an album that made you sick? 
On an unrelated note:
"Fluffy was a rabbit One ear up and one ear down The other rabbits laughed at him whenever he came around They said his ear looked funny And when he came to play They wouldn't play with fluffy They made him stay away"
Bruce Hampton, possibly
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 29 2012 at 07:31
frippism wrote:
Textbook wrote:
An album that really made me vomit was Transatlantic's The Whirlwind. Possibly the most masturbatory album of all time. |
thank youuuuuuuuuuuu someone understands!!
I really don't think it is.
If it really made you vomit go and see a doctor. You have a problem.
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: AlexDOM
Date Posted: January 29 2012 at 13:43
The Whirlwind is my favorite song. Don't understand how it can make anyone puke it's not The Black Eyed Peas. It's not often that the Transatlantic Mothership lands down on planet earth...
Posted By: Riyaverma
Date Posted: February 02 2012 at 05:12
I have not any thing to hate anyone that you want. Life is not for hate my friend.
------------- Sorry but I'm a spam from Delhi.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: February 02 2012 at 09:03
Life is for Living!
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 08 2012 at 18:41
I have friends that looooooooooooooove Fantomas like they are the second coming. Everybody in that group plays in projects that I like. But I can only stand about 10 seconds of their first album. Its literally painful.
-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: February 18 2012 at 06:34
St Anger - to state the obvious, and its not prog but still on the site